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Thanks for your patience

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I just wanted to thank everyone for being so patient explaining things on this forum, as a whole (and for remaining patient trying to understand answers too).

As someone learning this work, some of the thoughts and concepts we try to convery can seem pretty counterintuitive, and at times, outright crazy. Now that I have personally experienced awakening on some level, and I find myself trying to explain these phenomenon to others, I'm realizing just how difficult it can be! The ego is very resilient, but many of you remain so steadfast with each and every one of your responses. I guess I just didn't fully appreciate this until recently. All of the explanations about it being difficult to explain these concepts given our restrictions in language etc. are all so true. It came off to me as preachy and handwavy at first, but you all do the best you can, so thanks for being an awesome community!

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It is not even about ego , you can not understand something that you do not understand. 

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