
Why are you doing this?

23 posts in this topic


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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The only answer is because you desire to. That's it. You can come up with whatever justifications you want but it dissolves into desire. 

You can pursue enlightenment for whatever purpose but as you go forward that purpose evolves and changes for something bigger. So to me it doesn't matter what your initial reasoning is because it will undoubtedly not be the same by the end of it. 

In this kind of work there's plenty of warnings of what's to come. But they do fall on deaf ears because you don't truly know the implications until you experience it. 

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@karkaore Always no problem! You can try watching satsangs as would you watch TV shows. I'd recommend Mooji as his satsangs are very fun to watch actually.

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