
Why do people become heavily annoyed with me?

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This is recurring pattern and it's becoming awkward. 

People are literally becoming angry or frustrated with me because I question everything. 

For instance...

Them. "Hey Charlotte, have you heard the latest news?"

Me."Oh what's that?"

"Scientists have discovered that ______ (fill in the gaps with what you wish)

Me. "Oh right, how do you know that?"

Them."Because this article says so!"

Me. "Okay... I don't believe it until I see it."

Them angrily. "Why do you have to question everything! Why can't you just agree with what I've said!!"

Me. ?‍♀️

Or something like... 

"So and so did xyz you know!?" 

Me. "Did you see them do it?"

Them. "They did ALRIGHT!"

People are just constantly becoming angry with me. Is it because they think I'm questioning their knowledge? They are taking it personal? Like I'm attacking them? I'm not by the way.

Shall I in future just politely agree and keep the questioning to myself?

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If you wear a lab coat people will believe everything that comes out of your mouth. You can paint your face black and change your name to charcoal. And people will believe that you're black. People only look at the surface of things. 

Black is white. Down is up. Bad is good. -Eric Tarpall

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There's no techneque how to get algong with people. Either you're all inclusive highly conscious and compassionate or not. 

Having techneques in your pocket for every different situation won't work

""""Why do people become heavily annoyed with me?""""

This what you're basicly asking. How to be in harmony with other people.

A highly conscious being would know how to be around anybody in total harmony and impact them and direct them towards the truth without any conflict.

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@Salvijus actually there is a technique for that it's called body language. look up mark bowden. However it's probably better to be your natural self than trying to be somebody else. 

Edited by BjarkeT

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@Charlotte also i'd like to add something. If you're trying to come to an answer how to be in harmony with others. It won't happen through intelectual thinking. You need to raise your consciousness, expand or obliterate your individuality, become more inclusive.

"All the good qualities of a human being will manifest naturally in one who's immersed in his true place." Mooji.

There's no techneques for being loving expect actually being loving.

Same with every other high quality.

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@Charlotte The Last Brownie!

Most people don’t by default distinguish the difference between awareness, awareness of a tv in awareness, awareness of a thought (about what’s on tv) in their awareness. For most, if it’s on the tv, it’s real and it’s happening, same as what’s in direct experience. You’re experiencing the big flip, from brains produce consciousness, to all is arising in you, consciousness. For those who have yet to even consider or contemplate this, it is just easier to not make distinctions and worry, and keep watching tv. 

Enjoy the brownie. It’ll go full circle.



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@Salvijus  let me explain a little further. 

The issue this is having is not with me but there relationship to me. 

They instantly shut down in a huff after becoming angry and walk away, or they start to huff and puff. 

Now I myself understand they probably feel like I'm questioning them, I understand that. They are probably taking it as a direct attack so to them, their reaction is valid and to others it looks valid also. 

The thing is a lot of the people around me aren't actually open to an open minded person so the friction is on their part not mine. 

What I was asking is there anything I can do to prevent any friction on their side?

@Nahm hahahahaha! Love that Nahm thank you

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@Charlotte ?? ....uh, you might be suffering from not suffering and forgetting folks are still in egotown, actually suffering. Such an easily provoked ego is probably a sign of suppressed suffering. 



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@Charlotte :D

Lol. As far as I understand they have a problem with your behavior, isn't it?

So if you want to move in life without friction. Without causing disturbence to anybody. Then the only thing you need to focus on is yourself. How to make yourself into such a being that even trees or ants or even rocks like you. That you're not creating disturbence but joy around you.

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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46 minutes ago, Charlotte said:

 Is it because they think I'm questioning their knowledge? They are taking it personal? Like I'm attacking them? 

Yes, yes, yes.

To normal consciousness people, questioning their beliefs = attacking them.
You need to realize that and become compassionate enough to stop doing it.

Just say that you didn't know or aren't interested in it, or make a joke about it, but there is no need to go beyond that.
If you go beyond that, you (inconsciously) wants them to suffer.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@Charlotte Here's something that you are going to hate hearing but it's true.

You're 100% responsable for that disturbence in your relationships ?

If you see that, you're free, if you fail to see that you'll suffer :D


Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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You example doesn't seem like a normal conversation to me.

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You'll have to differentiate between those who can take the questioning and open mindedness and those who can't.

A bit like with humour. Some can take it, some can't. And there's a lot to play with in between.

If you disagree, just redirect the conversation. That way you arn't offending them. Possibly?

People are hard though. Totally get that.... sometimes people arn't going to like you and are going to get offended. And your own and their own feelings are both your responsibilities. Not one or the other. We are all connected, therefor we all have to take some responsibility. 

I would practice meeting people in the middle. Work out ways to communicate and connect on a level in between yours and your own. Relate to them first and then they will naturally become more open minded as their barriers come down.

And the more your consciousness raises. Just by the process of being around you means that they will become conscious, by the law of attraction. 

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@Charlotte People that feel the need to always disagree are unpleasant to others. Relationships are always about how you make others feel. 

You could tell a 8 year old that their drawings suck compared to real artists but why would you?

Telling the truth when necessary out of love and for their benefit is a lot different than telling the truth to prove you are right. Usually the latter is coming from a weak ego to make itself feel better about itself. Investigate carefully what you get out of telling the "truth" and you will see for yourself.

Edited by Matt8800

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Wow so many great answers. Lots of different juicy perspectives, I appreciate them all. Thank you all so much for replying. ?❤️ Lots to contemplate about. 

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3 hours ago, Nahm said:

@Charlotte ?? ....uh, you might be suffering from not suffering and forgetting folks are still in egotown, actually suffering. Such an easily provoked ego is a probably sign of suppressed suffering. 

@Charlotte  I don't know what are your friends like, but... you probably need to be more flexible, if you don't want them to be angry... A normal person wants to talk with you to get approval, compliments, fun - questioning their knowledge doesn't give them any of that. I remember when I was in that stage and my developed friend would question everything I said and it really annoyed me, but in the end, I learnt a lot from him doing that, because I had to start thinking about what am I actually saying much more... That's not the usual case though! :) 

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Because it is obnoxious. There is a place and time for everything and the time to question other people is when they 1. ask for your opinion 2. or perhaps when they challenge you. Imagine if you walked up to me and tried to talk to me about your day.

You: Hey you know the craziest thing happened today...

Me: Can anything really happen ? What is the you, you are referring to ? What is today is there really any other time than now? 

If you are not interested or knowledgeable in the subject either listen and learn something new, subtly change the subject or just say that you don't really want to talk about that subject.

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@Charlotte I noticed something, even when I engage in conversations here in the forum or any conversations anywhere--did you notice that it's not easy to improve or convince someone in whatever you're trying to say to them? When you present a new idea or a new fact, the other person may think it's 'bs.' It takes time to fully convince the other person because it takes time for the other person to fully convince themselves. You got to prove to yourself that it is true. That takes time. To do that, it takes life experience and an open mind.

However, whatever it is that you're trying to express, you could express it in your life purpose, step-by-step, and in a very tactful manner. If anything triggers a debate, it doesn't really help. It doesn't change the other person.

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