
Doubting huge surgery because of awakening

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I have a very big surgery in the near future. It's a double jaw surgery where they cut both jaws and pull them forward a bit.

I'm going through a huge shift of consciousness lately, and because of that I'm doubting if I should go through with this surgery. Before my awakening I was pretty insecure about my looks, but I also had some functional problems like a small breathing problems and blocked ears. Now I don't care about my looks, so that takes that out of the equation. I have to decide if I should go through with this process on the basis of my functional problems, or if I should not. I'm pretty long in to the process though, so it's pretty hard to stop it now. The thing is that I'm a little scared that the surgery will ruin my spiritual process, i'm in the stage of The Dark Night of The Soul and I do not want to stay in this stage for that much longer. What do you guys think of getting such a big surgery done, while in the process of awakening? 

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@traveler Just go through with it and continue your path.

”Unaccompanied by positive action, rest may only depress you.” -- George Leonard

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There'll be no impact on your spiritual path.

Fixing your breathing problems could benefit your sense of wellbeing a lot. Breath is basicly the most important thing for your psychological health. 

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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