
Too much adrenaline to sleep?!

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Since I’ve started doing this work. Particularly LP I get adrenaline really early in the morning so can’t get my full night sleep. 

I had it in the beginning of setting up new business majorly when I was developing lots of new ideas.

But, I’ve chilled out a lot now and purposely slowed it all down as it was getting too much and causing stress in other areas of my life.

It’s happening again though. I’m bursting with energy and the same time as being exhausted from not sleeping properly. You guys often talk about nootropics for energy. In my mind, that is what it feels like I’m on !!

I feel really excited but with no reason for it. A bit like anxiety but more positive.

And particularly the mornings from 5am, I feel like I’m on about to drop off a rollercoaster, so clearly not possible to fall asleep in that state, which is annoying as I know I’ll crash later.

i do meditate everyday and Run 3 times a week... :-)

anyone share this or am I alone? ?



Edited by Seed

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I experience excitement too. It feels like a zest for life that I think comes from doing the work. I think this is a good thing.  I no longer experience the sleeplessness though. I trained myself to sleep which is one of the best things I've ever done. I think you are on the right track with meditation and exercise to try and mellow you out but it sounds like you need to train yourself to sleep too.

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I made a commitment to lie in bed for 8 hours every night no matter what. I also found deep breathing very helpful.

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@Seed Very normal. Just set a fixed bedtime and wake up time (which I assume you should have already) if it becomes an issue. This will solve it.

”Unaccompanied by positive action, rest may only depress you.” -- George Leonard

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