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When my monkey mind started calming down, I noticed so much tension in my head

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Hello everyone. Today, during my meditation session, many times my monkey mind started to calm down a bit. Something that didn't happen much before. What I noticed was eye-opening: there is so much tension in my head. Does anyone know why that is? I started to flow, literally like water, and had a strange feeling in my body for so long. I still have a bit of it. 

I meditate everyday for 30 mins for the last 2 months. I started off with 20 mins and made my way to 30. If anyone knows how to release all that tension please leave it down below. 

Take care.

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Of course there is tension in your head if you've never been able to experience peace.
Your head is a battlefield right now, even if there is no more soldiers battling, the tension in the air will remain until the war is over for years.

The water flowing I don't know what that is, but I would guess it's your body purging the inner bs you becomes conscious off.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Because you use rational thinking way to much , it strains your brain. 

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It might take some time, maybe a long time, but you'll learn to understand it over time. Overly rational can indeed be a good way to describe it. Feelings like being overly critical, looking down on people, righteous, pessimistic and jealous reside in the head from my experience.

Edited by YaNanNallari

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