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Tony 845

Does enlightenment completely eliminate anxiety & depression?

45 posts in this topic

Not sure if my experience will help you or not, but I will offer it up and let you decide. I have studied spirituality for 16 years. from years 10 - 15 I went through a very deep and dark depression that I believe resulted from my spiritual work. I feel it was Ego's way of fighting back. I am not Enlightened at this point, but that is the goal, even so the depression is gone now. In my opinion Enlightenment will eliminate all suffering once it is realized, but the process of chipping away at Ego over time in order to get there is the cause of a lot of suffering along the way.

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15 hours ago, Tony 845 said:

trying to get liberated over here!

For sure, that’s why I asked. It seems you’re maintaining a separation that it would be beneficial to be aware of, in terms of the very realization you are wanting. As in there is “work” time or “work” you, and there is “spirituality or practices” time, or “spirituality or practices you”. By not answering that one question (% of day stomach breathing), this became clear, and in terms of identity, it’s a path blockage.  Is there concern, what would happen to the path if you pursued a,b,c, through work - or the opposite - what would happen to work / finances if I did a,b,c, on the path?  I might be way off. 



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3 hours ago, Bauer1977 said:

Not sure if my experience will help you or not, but I will offer it up and let you decide. I have studied spirituality for 16 years. from years 10 - 15 I went through a very deep and dark depression that I believe resulted from my spiritual work. I feel it was Ego's way of fighting back. I am not Enlightened at this point, but that is the goal, even so the depression is gone now. In my opinion Enlightenment will eliminate all suffering once it is realized, but the process of chipping away at Ego over time in order to get there is the cause of a lot of suffering along the way.

Fosho. As the cultivation of conflict/time inherently can not lead to freedom. 

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