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Tony 845

Does enlightenment completely eliminate anxiety & depression?

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@Tony 845 Have you read The Power of Now yet? That would answer your question in depth. *Audio book on youtube if your interested.

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4 minutes ago, Tony 845 said:

@Jack River "I" lol will be free one day, I know a lot of you guys laugh at kundalini shit, but mine is on fire, the best part about Kindalini is, I now no enlightenment is REAL! 

For me to laugh at you is antagonistic and is a divided action. 

But the “I” will be free one day...why do we do that? Why do we push freedom away as a future moment to be actualized? That’s for you to explore brah. No one can help you.  For you to ask for help is also depending on time(a future moment) to find freedom.  

Edited by Jack River

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Gradual progression=resistance/attachment. 

What we depend on to gradually progress towards freedom (thought) is what enslaves. 

The self doesn’t like to hear this. :o

Edited by Jack River

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9 minutes ago, Tony 845 said:

@cetus56 of course, just wanted ti know if it's a case by case thing. 

@Tony 845 If I could ask Did you find it usefull? I was thinking about giving the book to someone who suffers from depression. That's why I'm asking. 

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54 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@Tony 845 What percentage of the day would say you are breathing from your stomach? 

Nice. . . Sometimes I ask my students: what percentage of the day are you immersed in stories of past and future? And what percentage is spent present with what is actually happening in the present moment? Then, I ask them to decide what percentages they would like their life to be like. So, if they say 90% past/future and 10% present moment - perhaps consider what life would be like if it was 50% past/future and 50% present. 

Always "being in the now" just doesn't resonate with them. It's some abstract idea that is impractical and unattainable. Yet, going from 10% in the Now to 50% in the Now is attractive to them. It's a start. . . 

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Can you be truly Enlightened, if everyone is not Enlightened?

Any thoughts?

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1 hour ago, Tony 845 said:

@cetus56 life changing, he's what led me to Leo & every other teacher/ Guru

@Tony 845 Thanks!  And that's pretty cool how it all happened. And a door opened for you.

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@cetus56 I thought I was about to loose everything when my anxiety went into over drive, my wife, the kids, my businesses, house Ect etc, the meds weren't working, I looked up mediation or how to mediate & Leo popped up, if I need never saw that video Im convinced I would be locked in a padded room today. 

Edited by Tony 845

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@cetus56 other problem is the person must be VERY opened minded, most people that you talk to about enlightenment you can give them the whole speal it wouldn't matter, to ignorant of the deepest truth of all mankind, there is no "I" & unless you speak very well almost like Leo perhaps you aren't going to strike a cord with this person, but hey if you care for them give it a shot...can't hurt 

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@cetus56 it is cool how it all worked out for me, "I" know I'll be enlightened within the next decade, I do self inquiry basically all day long & Sds sits whenever I can, longest I've sat is 2 hours & 10 minutes..

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@Nahm i mediate / self inquiry/ sds sit from/re search  1-3 hours a day. My kundalini is awakened, I've only been in this path a year & a 1/2. But I've put in probably 6 years worth of mediation in lol in that year & a 1/2, trying to get liberated over here! 

Edited by Tony 845

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@purerogue I think about that sometimes, like everyone's else ego can slow down our development 

Edited by Tony 845

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10 hours ago, Tony 845 said:

@Preetom hey here's a great question, can enlightenment happen gradually or does it always hit you like a fucking freight train???? 

That's a paradox.

The moment you take the stance as awareness, you're basically Enlightened(which you can 'do'/be right now)

But our habitual mental-emotional reactions won't let us stay there for long and we're back to identifying with some thought form or object.

When nothing takes you away ever again, that's permanent Enlightenment. But the funny thing is, when you really take the position of Awareness right now, there is no question of time or being Enlightened 2-3 years down the road. If you cling to such thoughts and believe them, that means you still haven't taken the position of Awareness.

So in this sense, it is both instantaneous(it can only happen now) and gradual(You need to stabilize as awareness while the residual mental-emotional patterns fade away) 

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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Everything is primordially enlightened. Anxiety & depression are like fog blocking the sun's rays. But fog is far from being solid and constant. The sun will eventually shine through and its warmth will dissolve the fog.

Please do not pay attention to my empty words if you are following Leo's teaching !!
Sometimes my empty words may appear too negative, too rational, too irrational, egoistical or even like trolling because my path is a non-path and is nothing but deviation and incompatible with all teachings known.

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Depends on how you define enlightenment.

Also depends how you define "anxiety" and "depression." ;)

Let me define them very carefully here:

Anxiety and Depression as in DSM-IV (i.e. actual full blown disorders)?

Not in full enlightenment where shadows and projections have been withdrawn and there's no repression of negative emotion.

Normal negative emotions of sadness, fear, anger that arise and depart? Yes.

Anxiety and Depression disorders only exist because of repressed content.


Edited by Haumea2018

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