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Tony 845

Does enlightenment completely eliminate anxiety & depression?

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Or is it a case by case thing? Like I heard shinzen young after enlightenment still had procrastination issues. In my case I deal with a crazy case of OCD or pure O where I have crazy thoughts that freak me out, since my kundalini has awakened they don't freak me out as bad, after all who's the "I" thats having the thoughts, I'm the observer of them (thanks Leo)  but it's taken a year & 1/2 to get to this point, I'm hoping Enlightenment one day will eliminate this issue for me...I guess I'll find out one day..

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For me, being on this path of introspection and self realization has reduced a lot of my mind-body neuroses including anxiety, mild ocd and add. I’m much relaxed overall and when symptoms arise, I’m much better at calming my self down.

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Depends on how you define enlightenment. There are different degrees to such a thing. Most people when they meditate should be experiencing enlightenment to a very small degree I think. I think that raising your consciousness will invariably eliminate suffering. The main key is to let your deep meditative states and enlightenment experiences permeate your 24/7 experience. It's what I'm trying to do. Addressing any addictions you have is key to emotional mastery and its where I need to do a shit ton of work because addiction is the number 1 obstacle to emotional mastery and mindfullness.


All of reality is just raw experience/consciousness. The entirety of reality in the present moment has no cause. Now is forever, and you are always in the present moment. At any point during your existence as a conscious being, you exist in a situation which has no cause. The existence of a cause requires a past but the past doesn't exist in your present moment existence. There are all these thoughts, sounds, sights, bodily pressures in your consciousness which are in this uncaused, completely spontaneous present moment. 

Reality is in a situation which you literally did nothing to achieve. This is true for all waking moments of your life, and the higher the degree to which your awareness "can see this truth" the higher the degree to which life feels effortless. I believe that this truth I am pointing is formulated within the concept of "Wu Wei", as I understand that particular concept. 

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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The irony is, Total Enlightenment probably won't happen unless and until we work through our most rigid psychological sticking points.

That's why intellectual, psychological, emotional understanding and mastery is required to a degree.

Yeah there are cases of sudden Enlightenment one in a million. But even then, those people are basically crippled for the next 2-5 years because their body-mind needs to go into complete hermit mode in order to make sense of and adjust according to this new mode of Being (Example: Ramana Maharshi, Eckhart Tolle etc)

In other words, you can't bypass legit psychological and emotional work. You either work through them before Enlightenment and the ride from there will be comparatively smoother. Or you get hit by Enlightenment outta nowhere(almost no chance of happening) with all your neuroses still intact. In that case, you'd be working through that and you'd probably have no control over the body-mind. Thus most of these sudden Enlightenment stories shows dramatic and unbelievable circumstances afterwards like going in total seclusion or going homeless for 2-5 years..until you start making sense of things.

Edited by Preetom

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@Serotoninluv same here, like there not gone but they don't have the same strong hold on us?

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@Preetom that's why I think it's a bit funny Echart teaches, he did self inquiry to become enlightened & he didn't even know what he was doing, luckily he became enlightened basically by dumb luck. He really has no teaching method besides stay in the present moment, in all honestly he should be preaching self inquiry that's what got him hey what the hell do "I" know I'm not enlightened lol..? Funny you mentioned the hermit thing as well, I currently going through a medium case of kundalini, my body apparently is prepping itself naturally for enlightenment "they say" also won't be as much as shock factor after when it does happen to me, (cause the kundalini stuff is showing me what the body can do) hopefully I'll still make it work when it does happen lol

Edited by Tony 845

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33 minutes ago, Tony 845 said:

@Preetom that's why I think it's a bit funny Echart teaches, he did self inquiry to become enlightened & he didn't even know what he was doing, luckily he became enlightened basically by dumb luck. He really ha no teaxhijg method besides stay in the present moment, in all honestly he should be preaching self inquiry that's what got him hey what the hell do "I" know I'm not enlightened lol..?

haha yes. Same thing happened with Ramana Maharshi. They got enlightenment on their very first trial at self inquiry.

But I also think, many people misunderstand Tolle. Living in the present moment is really not an exercise one can 'do'. In his case, he was already enlightened and nowhere to go but in the present moment lol.

I recently reread the power of now and A new Earth. He continuously instructs to dis-identify from all thoughts and form identities and remain as the pure witnessing presence. Really, that's the essence of self-inquiry. 

But people seem to misunderstand because there are also many new age notions and speculations all glued together to answer intellectual questions and complete a 'book'. The diamond eventually seems to get lost in the pile of hay and then people complain about the hay, not seeing the diamond clearly..

Edited by Preetom

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12 minutes ago, Tony 845 said:

@Preetom lucky bastards ????

We listen to gurus at their ripe, matured form and fantasize what heaven they must be living.

but they had to go through tremendous shift on all levels after that event. Pretty much lost all their family, old identity forever.

Would anyone knowingly choose such a fate beforehand? It's almost like forcibly taking you to death-row and you don't get to have a say in it.

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@Tony 845

Are you conscious? And are you conscious, that you are conscious? (Consciousness knows consciousness)


Are you aware? And are you aware, that you are aware? (Awareness knows awareness)


How many “Self Aware’s”, are there? 


In direct experience, has there ever been two?

Of course not.

This is known so simply, obviously, and deeply - that you are missing that you are it (consciousness, awareness)


And so you keep thinking. 

But you should know a couple things:

1. There is no absolute word. The definition of every word is more words. 

2. There is no absolute thought. The meaning of every thought is more thoughts.


It is a ‘three cups and a peanut” situation, until you realize there’s no peanut. Just the three cups game. An illusion, entirely. A game. 



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@Nahm I know all about this stuff, but it hasn't hit my core yet, there has been only a little shift in conciousness, not the whole shabang. 

How can one thought be who you are? 

You would need the be that thought every second of you're entire life.

the only thing that I have been my whole life is awareness.

problem is I was taught this, so it didn't hit my core & enlighten me like it did to Echart. 

It harder to become enlightened once you spend many of you're waking hours learning about it. ?

Edited by Tony 845

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@Preetom hey here's a great question, can enlightenment happen gradually or does it always hit you like a fucking freight train???? 

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5 minutes ago, Tony 845 said:

It harder to become enlightened once you spend many of you're waking hours learning about it. ?

Yep. The becoming is the issue. This accumulation of enlightenment/nondual teachings seems to add to/sustain the ego/self. 

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4 minutes ago, Tony 845 said:

@Preetom hey here's a great question, can enlightenment happen gradually or does it always hit you like a fucking freight train???? 

The ego loves nothing more than a gradual progression of understanding/SEEING/FREEDOM. 

This is seen when the self is observed without conditions/limitations distorting observation. 

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@Jack River I feel like for 2 weeks straight I am free then for a week the ego gets re-charged again, what a rollercoaster....

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7 minutes ago, Tony 845 said:

@Jack River I feel like for 2 weeks straight I am free then for a week the ego gets re-charged again, what a rollercoaster....

I feel ya brah. I saw that happen as well. Usually that will happen when we subtly conform to an idea/concept/theory that gives us a sense of psychological security/feeling of permanence. But in that is a divided action of self. This is a temporary deal just like you said. 

The awsome thing is you are aware of that and are not ignoring it by clinching harder onto that specific idea/concept/notion. Keep it real dude?. You are being attentive to inattention. That’s important in self understanding. Keep learning about self limitation dude, which is understanding the experiencer and the experience as one unit in movement. The only teacher needed.?

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Being enlightened, the mental constructs that uphold psychological trauma/disease gradually fall away.

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@Jack River "I" lol will be free one day, I know a lot of you guys laugh at kundalini shit, but mine is on fire, the best part about Kindalini is, I now no enlightenment is REAL! 

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