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Tancrede Pouyat

I Change People To Better The World

58 posts in this topic

Visioning : Laziness

I'm lazy. Super Lazy. You know who else is lazy ? Other Warriors. We warriors believe that as long as we want something, have support to get it, then it will be easy for us to overcome the resistance, and to develop mastery. Put these four components together and you've got real laziness. We believe that willingness allows us to get detached from outcome. We believe that support helps us combine multiple people's "willingnesses" into one giant shared willingness. We believe that this provides leverage, so much leverage, which is the most powerful power we harvest. We believe that, over time, as mastery develops, our subconscious mind is able to undertake really complex tasks, which one more time, accounts for laziness. We believe that resistance allows even more detachment to the outcome, which creates even more laziness. That laziness is what allows us to thrive in the world, it enables us to achieve any goal that we want, it makes us dream up fantasies and make them our reality. It allows us to see truth, to see the world clearly, as it is. It is easy for us to see a better, more beautiful, tomorrow, and to create movements that pursue our pipe dreams. Because Yes ! Those Are Pipe Dreams ! Those Are Unrealistic ! But Yes ! They're Attainable ! We want to change the world, and we're too lazy about it for anyone to interfere, sorry. We're too patient. We're too willing. We're too supportive. No one can stop us, sorry. You need to embrace the change, it's much closer than you might think. I love the world, I always have, I love yesterday's world, and I'll love tomorrow's world. All of us warriors have this love as well, we're happy, that's all we have to say. We're gonna go smell the roses now, see you tomorrow.

Tiny Success : Visioning

I was really great at visioning tonight. I was able to detach my vision from what I read. A lot of people struggle to keep their creativity alive, they ask themselves "How do I keep my own voice ?". To those people I'd like to say, Do Visioning. You can vision about what you read, but do it also about what's on your mind, do it also when you haven't read anything. What you can do is you can combine what you read with your voice, this will create beautiful things. While we're on the subject of visioning, I feel like I have been much more authentic and inclined to create rituals in my life ever since I took up visioning, that's awesome ! (let me go apply it in my course).

Tiny Failure : Physiology

When I spend extended periods of time in the kitchen, my mind goes into hungry mode. It's been happening a lot recently. I wonder if I have to eat more. I can't afford to eat more... There's that, but there's also the whole being tired thing reoccurring. My physiology just doesn't sit right with me, I need to take action to solve this problem. From now on, I will deliberately say no when I tell myself that I'm hungry when in the kitchen. I am going to walk a lot more, so that energy flows in my body, and I can use this time to think great thoughts. I am going to sit right at school, even though the chairs are uncomfortable, I need to be present.


Meditation : I didn't sit right. I didn't care though.

Visualisation : People can't visualise, or use any kind of 'positive psychology' technique in reaction to anxiety. I tried to visualise myself spending time with my family and feeling happy and loving them. I couldn't. It's impossible. Why ? Because I was reacting to pain. You can't use pleasure to go against pain, you can only use pleasure to go for pleasure. Period. Don't be reacting to things. You will not live life happily.

Dinner : Tonight was about being. Not doing. Not talking. Just being. I told my little brother that when I look at what they say and what they do, all I see is "How to Fail at Life ?"

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Visioning : Death

Are you ready to die ? I'm not. I won't ever be. All I do, all we do, is being scared of death. Life is beautiful, we need more of it. We want to appreciate the sunlight, the colour of the sky, the amazing natural foods that we eat, the path that we're on, the tomorrow we dream up. And we need to stop making petty shit important, it's really not. We've only got one life, we don't restart at the beginning of the level when we die. We're just dead. And death could happen right now, a plane could come crashing in the building, as I'm writing these words. Imagine if everybody in the world was conscious of their death. We wouldn't ever be complaining that people around us are miserable. We would all join our forces together to create the most beautiful life this world's ever seen. I don't think any other species on the planet is able to have this level of consciousness, it's a pre-frontal cortex thing. When things go bad, go contemplate your death, it'll make you grounded again. It'll make you realise things. When you're unhappy with yourself, practice self-acceptance by contemplating your death, you'll start to love yourself again. Adversity doesn't exist. All paths lead to the same place, and that's death. Better choose something different than the path of least resistance, better enjoy the ride, go on a hilly ride, climb mountains, dive deep seas, go visit the East, and then the West, go North, than South. Remember that no matter where you go, or not go, you will always end up in the same place. If you move really far from where you are right now, you will discover Spiritual Enlightenment, and you will accept death. You won't fear it any more. You will start practising self acceptance, not by contemplating your death, but by showering all aspects of your personality with love. All of them, your criticizing self, your loving self, your over-eating self, your penis-driven self, your smart self, your contributing self, your visioning self. Life is beautiful, you are beautiful, death is inevitable, you need to do something about it. You, and only you, can grow yourself, and make your contribution. Don't piss your life away.

Tiny Success : Researching

A few days ago, I found my pace of reading. I am now embracing it. I find that I can read much faster now, and not just faster, but also smarter. I can read a book, get the main idea, integrate in my vision, and apply it in my life really easily. I've found my authenticity in reading, which in turn affected my self in researching. I am able to watch videos and listen to audio books in a way that is most effective to me. This is cool.

Tiny Failure : Negativity

I use up so much of my energy criticizing other people, it's incredible, I'm making myself tired. What are the best ways to overcome that obstacle ? I can read taming your gremlin, by Rick Carson, and apply this advice. I can practice love of the world and of myself. I can contemplate my own death. I can try to break the pattern, by pinching myself where it hurts when I'm doing it. I can practice Being Cognition, by seeing things done wrong and keep staring at them, not thinking any thoughts on them. I can occasionally do longer meditation sessions, say on the weekends.


Meditation : I wanted to poop at the end, it was hard not to move, but I didn't move, so that happened.

Visualisation : I need to reground myself, I need to go back to the times where I really felt what was going on. I need to focus more on how I feel than on what's happening. The other day when I felt I was on the top of my game, that's what was happening. And that's what will be happening.

Dinner : I cooked. It takes me 30 minutes to prepare and eat a meal. I now know that when I'll be lifting weights and eating 5 meals a day, it's going to take me 2h30 a day, that's a lot ! I'll figure out some way to save time. Not by meal prep though, you lose micro-nutrients.

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Visioning : Investors

What do we do ? We look at the value of things. If we consider that they can get us a return high enough, we will put an initial investment that's going to pay us back much more in the long term. We invest our money, our time, our attention, our trust, our willpower, our ideas, our egos, our selves. It's simple, go through the hard part, then get compounded growth. Quit your bad habits, install powerful habits, keep investing resources on that, live an extraordinary life. The cycle of debt is simple, spend more now and spend less later. The cycle of saving is simple, spend less now, invest that money, to spend much, much more later. When we look at our lives, that's all we do, we keep saving and investing to get compounded growth. We invest in learning resources, in habits, in businesses, in relationships, in becoming more than we are. Look at your life and ask yourself, "Is the value of this higher than its price ?". Is smoking high-value-low-price ? Don't think so. Is a great book hvlp ? Definitely. We're investors, we own assets that bring us big returns, we go out of our way to get rid of liabilities. Investors who pay careful attention as to where they put their limited resources.

Tiny Success : Work !

I made so much progress today ! I need to get my family's feedback on my article for Medium, but I can't give it to them in english, they wouldn't want to read it, so I translated it in french. And it was a great opportunity because it allowed me to make some adjustments to it. Translating is an art, you look at basically the same material, but from a different perspective, which helps you make changes that you wouldn't have seen otherwise.

Tiny Failure : Reading

After I was done translating, it probably would have been a good time for me to read, and then vision about what I read, which I usually do. But I went on YouTube and watched videos about money. I just forgot to read. When I have my business going fully, I will read one book every day. And I will brainstorm and vision about what I read, every day. For now, I just read as much as I can, and process the information as well as I can.


Meditation : When my chest is against the wall, I feel my heart beating, but not in a comfortable way. I don't like that.

Visualisation : I'm slowly getting back on my feet in terms of Visualising performance, but I'm doing well. In today's visualisation I had a moment where I really emphasized on emotion, not action, got a real sense of what kind of fear I would feel, 20 years from now, when I host my own seminars.

Dinner : We talked about interest rates and the economy. I came to an epiphany after dinner, negative interest rates are a form of tax. It's money out of your pocket, and into the biggest debt holders', aka. the government.

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Visioning : Macro and Micro

Change can only happen when we're able to chunk up and down. When I see the big picture of the change happening in my life, as well as what the changes in my day-to-day habits, I am able to change my life. When I think about the big picture, I like to go big, I like to see massive change, I like to see myself visioning the hell out, I like to see things that the people around me would call me ridiculous for thinking that this could actually happen. Imagine what it would be like if you went to see a group of people every day, and you guys spent a good hour just thinking about how great your life will be, later in the future. What kind of emotions you would feel, what kind of thoughts you would have, how connected you would feel to those people. And all of this of course motivates you to do great things right now, to take action right now. And you realise "Oh I have to do this right now ! And I have to plan for that other thing over there ! Right Now !". We would actually go through an emotional experience that changes us, helps us grow, transforms our selves, our lives. We'd be much, much more effective. We'd be like this iceberg, going down the Hudson river, it's clear where we're going, nobody can stop us. Join us ! It's a fun ride ! And think about Speed of Implementation, how amazing would it be if you could be quick at applying important things, right now ! It's like you have this idea and you just run to your lab to go do the work that you need to do now, because you figured it out !

Tiny Success : Social Intelligence

Tonight, I said it out loud. I told my family "You can not talk.". It went into this whole emotional experience and my dad told me that I didn't talk. And it made me realise something. I don't talk because the stuff they talk about is bullshit. I can only talk about stuff that's important. I actually considered them not important at all. Social Intelligence is about making people feel important. Tomorrow, I'll give them my draft of the Great People Manifesto, and ask them their opinion on it. It'll make them feel important, and I'll initiate the conversation about living an extraordinary, and we'll grow together, because I'm not as high as I thought I was.

Tiny Failure : Work

I didn't work much today. During the afternoon, I had a period where I was like, "Dude ! Get to work !". And I didn't. Although tonight I did make some progress, I just started writing more about The Lazy High Achiever course, started to think about the presentation video for Udemy. I must work for school during the times where I don't want to work for my life purpose. I have two exams next week, didn't work on them today. I'll work on them tomorrow. There's not much work, just review the exercises, make sure I know how to solve them, and I'm all set. I need to start thinking about how I'm going to use my willpower muscle if I'm going to be working full time on my life purpose. Maybe I can meditate more, or read more. And definitely put in a habit of really focusing on my work, doing Deep Work.


Meditation : I think I fully put in place the micro-habit of checking my sitting position before stopping to move. That's great !

Visualisation : I've been really beating myself up over my performance in visualisation. I'm doing better than I give myself credit for. Congratulations to myself !

Dinner : The people around me finally had the guts to tell me what was wrong with me. I pretty much knew what the problem was and how to fix it. But I guess I needed someone to tell me that the problem was actually there, and that I needed to do something about it. See, they always expect stuff from the universe, and when I'm around them, I do the exact same thing. And tonight, the universe finally hit myself in the head and told me to take responsibility !

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Visioning : Complete Transparency

Imagine what it would be like, if you and your close circles spent time regularly to talk to each other about what you want, why you want it, how you think you can accomplish it. Imagine how much more effective your work environment would be if you knew your own and your co-workers' values, strengths, life purposes, and goals. Imagine how great your relationships would be if you told people around you how you feel about them, and why you feel that way. Imagine asking them how they feel about you, and why they feel that way. Imagine what kind of conversation you would have. Today, I decided to do visioning about this, because I feel that this is the only way we can build lasting rapport to each other, not through mirroring our body language. So, tell me, what do you want ? Why do you want it ? How will you accomplish it ? Do you want my help ? I can see myself sitting in a circle with other people, and we would have serendipity going, we'd move each other, like a wheel that drives a car toward its ultimate destination. Imagine what it would be like if you actually knew and understood your friends' motives. Imagine if you clearly knew why you do what you do (go read some Tony Robbins' book on that if you need help, btw). The entirety of our relationships would be completely transformed if everybody engaged in those activities.

Tiny Success : My Next Big Project

So I am on track with creating my course, it's pretty much done at this point, in terms of thrashing I mean. I still need to be doing the final designs and the shooting of it. But it will be done quickly, momentum is built up, that's all I need. And so I decided to start doing the research for my next big project in my business : Dealing With People. It makes sense, most of my goals are mostly about relationships, and dealing with people. So I will definitely benefit from that. I remember a few months ago I didn't know which project I would be doing after the Creating Success one, turns out I had no issues. So this is great, I've got a whole 15-book list, and those are pretty lengthy so I'm going to have fun doing this.

Tiny Failure : Conservatism

I want to make things better with my family, and I decided that I would get their help with my Great People Manifesto. I thought I would bring this up at lunch. I didn't. Tomorrow morning, my dad will drive me to school, I'll bring it up then, in the car. Today at lunch, however, I did talk more than before, but it was mostly conservative, I didn't get out of my comfort zone. Tomorrow, in the car, I will. It'll be scary, but it'll be worth it. I've been extremely conservative, I must get out of my comfort zone more often than not.


Meditation : When I put my head against the wall, it gets hard for me to breathe. When I don't my neck and upper back hurt. I have to figure out a good way to sit.

Visualisation : I did great today ! I visualised about getting and processing feedback on my work. But I was really in the moment, very few talking, mostly being in the scene, perceiving things. I was really great.

Dinner : My sister is so dysfunctional. She's constantly making noise because she feels empty inside, she needs to feel important. Although tonight I truly practised Being-Cognition. She was there, being dysfunctional, and I didn't feel the need for my close circles to be doing Self-Actualization work. Some progress is being made here.

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Visioning : Awareness

Presence is human. Presence is all that is needed to achieve anything ever. The here and now is the world we live in. We don't live in the somewhere else and now, not in the here yesterday, only the here and now. The here and now is a beautiful place, it's where dreams come true, it's where dreams are created, it's where our subconscious mind is at work, it's where we feel our emotions. It's where we're happy, it's where we realise we've been angry, it's where enlightenment happens, it's where consciousness lies, and it's where awareness is more powerful than multiple supernovae combined. Awareness creates moments like "Ah-ha ! I kinda knew it yet I couldn't put it into words !". Oh and by the way, you had put it in words, you just weren't aware of it. Awareness inspires action, "This change is happening. Let me embrace it !". Awareness breaks bad habits, awareness allows anticipation, awareness allows emotional intelligence, the most valuable kind of intelligence. Awareness is true health of the mind. Awareness is power. Noticing, Being Present, Being Centred, those are critical tools that build up awareness, without them, you're not aware. Notice that awareness is not mere knowledge, knowledge isn't power, awareness is. Awareness is when you feel the knowledge, not just think it. Most of the times, "knowledge" is used for reassurance. Whereas awareness is used to achieve great things. What kind of things ? How about breaking all of your neuroses, ever. How about changing the world, in its entirety. For thousands of years, humanity has been on a quest to gain more and more awareness. Awareness is sight, we're all blind. We're really unaware of everything. Awareness is the difference between knowing about enlightenment, and what the true self really is, and actually being enlightened. Awareness is the difference between knowing a lot about relationships, and actually having amazing relationships. Awareness is the difference between knowing a lot about how to get your financial freedom in life, and actually having financial freedom in life. Awareness is the difference between watching a seminar filmed on tape, and actually going to the seminar and being changed by it. Awareness moves mountains. When I think about the great books that I read, and that someday I'm actually going to write, I know that it's about simply noticing something and pointing it out to people. 

Tiny Success : Willingness

I want to say that I got aware of the fact that my visioning really doesn't work, and that I decided to figure it out, but I don't know, it just doesn't feel like a success, so let me ask myself, "What did I do today that, if repeated consistently over a long period of time, will bring me towards ultimate success in fulfilling my life purpose ?". I was willing to not criticize too much. I was willing to read. And I took a baby step toward the accomplishment of my next Big Project. I just tire myself out when I criticize, so I stop pretty quickly. I am taking on this reading habit really well, and I'm starting to mix in different things for one project, I am reading a book about emotional mastery to learn how to deal with people. I asked my mum to spend some time with her on Thursday so we can work on my article, hopefully this will lead to bigger, better things.

Tiny Failure : Selling Myself Short

I didn't bring up the article to my dad this morning. I didn't bring up the article to my mum when I came home tonight. I didn't bring up the article to my family when I was at the dinner table tonight. I keep procrastinating and being fearful, I keep making excuses. My lizard brain doesn't want me to do this. I'm scared. I'm hiding. It feels good to hide. On Thursday, my mum is going to come see me, I'll work with her. Right now, I make the 100% Commitment that I will spread the subject at the dinner table on Thursday night. No excuses. And I will tell mum that I will bring it up at the dinner table, and if I don't, she has too, this is more important than me. (notice the "than me", not "to me").


Meditation : I don't know what I'm trying to keep track of here. Although now that I think about it, while I was reading "Taming Your Gremlin" by Rick Carson, I realised that I could do some Mindfulness Meditation someday. I do like the strong determination sitting combined with the Do Nothing technique, they work really well for me.

Visualisation : I'm really good at visualising in general. I'm not beating myself up any more. And I am just good at visualising in general. I like that.

Dinner : I'm criticizing less. I'm not just being frustrated about things all the time. And I am making baby steps toward making these relationships work, which is great. I can make that even better by not being too attached to whether or not they're doing personal development, also I can simply tell them that, even though I am terrible at showing it, they're really important to me, I "need" them.

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Visioning : The Authentic Self

That Self that lives a great life, that self that is aware of so much about life, and the world around him. That Self that can achieve anything that it sets out to do. That Self that is great at all kinds of relationships, family, friends, sexual partners, loving partners. That Self that has an amazing career that he’s really passionate about, where he really helps to improve Life, and of course, pays himself well for it. That Self that has high consciousness, and that knows the true nature of Life, God, the Self. That Self that takes responsibility for his life, that claims his agenda, that is able to work well with others, who have similar agendas. That Self that is constantly looking to grow more and more, for ever. That Self that is always trying to make this world a better place, through his Life’s Purpose, the work he was born to do. That Self that has really high Self-Esteem and Confidence, that loves himself, and the world, even with all of his imperfections. That Self that can do anything materially, he can travel the world, discover new cultures, see amazing sights, or learn great things at seminars that cost multiple thousands of dollars, for example. That Self that just feels amazing every day of his life, that has Great Emotions, that feels Happy, Brave, Proud, and also Tranquil, and has so much Peace of Mind. That Self that keeps giving more and more, that is so generous other people might be like “How can he give so much without running out ?”, because he has so much he just feels that he needs to give all of it away. That Self that is connected to others, that understands others on a deep level, and that is able to help them in the best way possible, in their particular situation. That Self that has amazing health, that is vibrant, and has huge amounts of vitality, and that uses that energy to fuel his work, his relationships, his emotions, his feelings, his powerful habits, his travels, his readings, his meals, his exercise routine, literally everything he does in his life. And those are just some example, that come to mind right now, I could go on, more and more. But most importantly, this is about doing, not talking. Being the most efficient at doing, and the most efficient at motivating others to be doers.

Tiny Success : Work that Matters

I matter. A lot. I had planned to work with my mum on the Manifesto on Thursday, but I finished school at noon, so we worked today. Most of her objections were actually rejecting the change, not the article, or myself. It’s funny because Seth’s Blog post of today was about rejection, I guess that’s what you would call a coincidence. I can make this even better if I ask my dad tomorrow morning, in the car, the following question : “If they had the Olympics for the World’s Greatest Son, who do you think would win ? (conceptually, of course)”. This will help him do visioning, and it’ll help me know what I need to do.

Tiny Failure : Rejection

My mum rejected the change ! Originally, I didn’t want to write about this because it’s a Lag Measure, not a Lead Measure (Google that). And you know what, I’m not. Let me think about a good Lead Measure to counter-attack this. Oh I got it ! It’s about Awareness. In the moment that it was happening, I wasn’t aware of it happening. I need to go talk to her about this stuff. I need to tell her that she’s rejecting the change. Or, I need more awareness of my feelings toward this relationship. I’d like to have a coach for this. Books won’t help. I’m going to write more about this, perhaps in the Habits section. Yeah, definitely in the Habits section, it just works well over there. Feelings re-surface whenever interactions happen, that’s in the morning, when my brother makes noises in the bathroom and I’m meditating right next to it in my bedroom, at the dinner table, when I come home from school, and of course, any time I think about them.


Meditation : I found the perfect way to sit. It’s hard to describe with words.

Visualisation : I was mostly distracted today, but I was able to feel things in my visualisation. And I contrasted my old Life Purpose statement with my new one, showing that it’s still the same, just better-worded.

Dinner : I tried to practice the whole “I am not to blame for their thoughts, emotions, and behaviours” thing, but it’s kind of my job as a Leader. There’s the biggest challenge any Leader must face : Taking Responsibility — not Controlling — of other People. Especially people who are close to you, who you have feelings for. Now I’m asking you, and me, “What do I need to do to deal with this ?”. Patience would work. They’re not ready to change. You can’t change people who are unwilling.

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Visioning : Limited Resources

Time, Money, Energy, Attention, Willpower. Scarce resources, Valuable resources. What if everybody in the world understood the best way to use them ? We're investors, we're Value-Investors. We put in a little bit of effort at first, and we get compounded growth in return. Put in a little bit of time, a little bit of money, a little bit of willpower, and get maximum results. It is our responsibility to maximize those, quit bad habits, they drain them. Eat healthy, exercise, and sleep well, this will help you with energy. Meditate, it will increase your Willpower and your Attention-directing skills. What's more ? Don't over-promise and under-deliver. Don't do ten thousand different things at once. I can see myself be a one-to-one physical mentor to someone. I'd work with them, help them grow, and we would create something amazing together. We could use both of our resources, mine and theirs. Which brings me to support. Imagine if we had all the resources of a hundred people, a thousand people, 10 million people, 7 billion people. That is a lot of resources. I can see someone enrolling himself in a community of people willing to help out each other, and then this guy gets his whole life figured out. He starts to take action, he starts to grow, and that growth compounds, and then he helps new beginners, like he was helped when he started. Correctly allocating resources for the things that matter can bring you 10 times. 100 times, 10'000 times as much as the initial investment. Spend a little resources on learning how to dream up the most amazing dreams you can ever dream of, and your life will transform. Your willpower will be maximized, you won't quit until your dreams get realised, you'll have passion, you'll be excited about life, you'll be working toward your goals, and eventually having your biggest dreams realised, and be happy for the rest of your life.

Tiny Success : Willpower

I can sense homeostasis. After doing visualising tonight, I was thinking about doing journalling and I kinda felt like I didn't want to do it. Of course, I'm writing this and you're reading it so obviously I did do it, but still. In my Lazy High Achiever Course, I'll be more ready to talk about homeostasis, because I've actually experienced it. Also, I can see that I am in fact doing the things that matter, otherwise no resistance would be there, so that's great. I can also see that I really am managing myself really well. And that I could not be doing any other habit. Btw, the next habit I'm going to put in place is to be doing 30 minutes of actual work, whether it's writing an article or designing a course, I will be doing it.

Tiny Failure : Laziness

At some point today I could have been reading, or working on my course, or on my article. But I didn't, I just watched some videos by Tai Lopez on YouTube, oh and also I watched porn. I was lazy. In my ultimate vision of what a typical day would look like I'd probably be answering email, or texting my girlfriend, or even just listening to some music, or watching pictures of nature on Flickr, or talk to my friends or something. I know I have limited willpower, and the world has limited willpower, so it's gonna take time to get there, but it'll work well.


Meditation : I feel completely detached from my thoughts today. When I'm meditating, I'm more in sync with my true self, this is cool. Also I believe that my Self-Regulation signature strengths is deeply built up by this meditation habit, so that's great.

Visualisation : I was bad at it today, got distracted. My ultimate vision of visualising is more about being really happy about doing it, I can sense the 'happy' emotion that I would feel, I'm going to be more focused on doing that in the future.

Dinner : One of my dad's colleagues died of a heart attack today. He's contemplating death for real now, this is big, this is a turning point for him. At the dinner table, he acknowledged that Life is precious, do not waste it. Don't judge people, get help from people. And also, and mostly, all you've got, you created it, you are responsible. He actually acknowledged that, maybe he'll be taking on Self-Actualization.

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Visioning : Buddies

Today, I'm going to tell a story.

20 people had enrolled in the course. One of them went through it completely, and did it fully. She loved it. She actually loved my way of teaching, she realised that I truly wanted to make a change happen in him. And she wanted to make a change in herself as well. She emailed me. I remember that email like I received it yesterday. I just felt so amazing about it. So much joy came from that. I wrote her back. She loved my email. We started writing each other actual, physical, mail. We started mailing each other books. We started talking on Whatsapp. Our relationship flourished, we were Extraordinary-Becoming Buddies. Synergy was amazing. We were eager to tell each other about our visions, our successes, our failures, our projects, our habits, the kind of change we were making in ourselves. This helped me grow myself, the relationships I had with the people around, and my business, my life got Extraordinary. I moved to the US, we met, physically. And we took our relationship to the next level, we added sex, romance, and eventually love. We got married after two years, we had two children, a boy and a girl. Our buddies circle immediately grew to welcome them both, we synergized with them, our life grew to more Extraordinary.

Being buddies with yourself, with your best friend, with your lover, with your children, all of those are different, and have different value. The question is, who are you buddies with ? Maybe you're not even buddies with yourself, maybe you don't have a best friend. Sometimes, we're just not there yet.

Tiny Success : Work

My work habit is getting deeply engrained inside of me. I feel that today's work ethic was perfectly in sync with my vision of what a typical day of work would be like. Things got done. Research was done. Excellent work was valued. Generosity was there as well, I interacted a bit in the actualized forum, people who needed help got help.

This reminds me that the Manifesto's ship date is awfully close, 2 days from now. I am getting ready, however. I used some of the tools offered by Medium to outline some of the important parts. I do, in fact, value Excellence. I'm becoming successful :)

Tiny Failure : Morning

My vision of a great day doesn't start with me lazying out on the bed for a while, then eating breakfast with two eggs and two fruit. Nor does it continue with a long hot shower, and then doing some school work. Instead, I wake up at 7, sharp. I go eat a 6-egg omelette with some nice herbs on it, a big salad and some green juice, some nuts as well. Then a cold shower, something that hits you in the head real hard. Then right away the work that matters, for an hour. Then meditation and visioning, for 2 hours. Then eat lunch. Then read for 2 hours, then answer email and just do shallow work for a while. Then exercise, and eat dinner. A little fiction book, or something else, whatever. Then journal and sleep for 8 hours.


Meditation : Meditation is really giving me the results that I envisioned. It's helping me change habits. It's helping me be aware, and present. And it's helping my brain to function well.

Visualisation : I think it's important I do it early in the day before I'm too distracted. Although tonight I was able to really focus in the end, even though the beginning was a little unfocused.

Dinner : My dad never decided he would be healthy. Ever. He's eating shitty foods all the time. He's making himself fat, giving himself cancer. Even though he said himself that life is precious, and that one of these days it'd be his time. (I just got aware of the fact that I keep focusing on them, not on me, this brings frustration, I'll see you tomorrow).

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Visioning : Shipping

I would decide on a Project. I would decide to get one expensive learning resource, five books, and two audio-books. I’d go through them as quickly as possible. I’d create a vision for the Project. And then I would decide on something to create with what I learned. I’d actually sit down a really brainstorm creative, new, weird, authentic (running out of words for basically absurd) ideas. And I would decide on a ship date. I’d actually mark my calendar — my physical, expensive, calendar — with it, and review it daily. And then I’d start designing, creating, doing. I’d go thrashing first. I’d go see close circles to get feedback, to modify the basic structures, to play with it (’cause that’s what it’s all about, right ?). And then I would pay close attention to detail, I’d value Excellence. I’d review it over and over again, even if the ship date is coming and some people don’t like changing things at the last minute because they fear they will decide to push the ship date to later. I don’t, because I made up my mind a long time ago for when I would ship. I would always make sure I’d understand what the product is for. This is why I do visioning by the way.

Real Artists Ship ! This is all a game for us. We like to play with the world, we like to say “This status quo doesn’t work” ! It’s like poker, we don’t know which cards the others have, and it might not work. But who cares. It’s a game. The question is : “If I lose, do I still have enough chips to play ? If I win, how many chips will I gain ?”. It might not work, but if it did, that would be awesome, and if it didn’t, it wouldn’t be so bad.

But most importantly, the thrill, the excitement, the stress, the Resistance, the Passion, the Curiosity, the Vision, those are the coolest things

Tiny Success : I can’t believe I’m doing this !

I’m doing this ! I’m actually doing this ! This is it ! This is actually happening ! It’s getting out there in the real world ! Tonight ! On May 7th, 2016, at 12:00 A.M. ! Anyway, I scheduled the ship time for my article today. What impressed me as well was how Self-Regulated today. I just decided I could not be doing shitty stuff, aka. watching videos on youtube. I’ve found a hidden quality of Journalling, it makes us want to do great things during the day because we just have this vision of regretting it if we don’t when we journal that night. And in the end that’s what Self-Actualization is about, trying not to have any regrets when we’re on our death bed.

Tiny Failure : Expecting things from the Universe.

My family, who I have dinner with every night, doesn’t take responsibility. And of course that behaviour detains on me. I am aware of it. I simply notice it (btw, this comes from Taming Your Gremlin, by Rick Carson, which I am currently reading). In my ideal day, my relationships go much smoother because neither them nor I would expect things from each other, we wouldn’t try to get, we would try to give. Give. More and more. I think this behaviour is going to be reduced because the whole point of Taming Your Gremlin is about doing this, a simple method to reduce this kind of behaviour, bring more Peace of Mind (one of my Top Values). This reminds me I need to set a ship date for my “Complete Transparency” series.


Meditation : I want to do more of it. I really do. I just make time for Great Work.

Visualisation : Went well. I might end up reading a book about how to do visualisations, but you know what it’s going well. Even though I’m running out of ideas for what to visualise about because I’ve been doing this for 120 days, and cycles supposedly only last 90 days. It’s fine. I’ll figure it all out.

Dinner : I was really aware of the fact that I still “need” them to change if I want to have a smooth relationship. I was reaaaaally aware of it. It was there, I sensed it in my body. This will dissolve soon. Thanks to Taming Your Gremlin. Also I’m going to read more books about Emotional Mastery, like Loving What Is by Byron Katie.

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Visioning : Growth

It starts with an idea. It starts with a goal. It starts in the Mind. It starts as talking. And then you sit. You think about it. You start thinking about why you want to do it. You start pondering what it’s for. From that emanates the ways this idea could be realised. You started with a what. Then you gave yourself a why, and a how.

What’s interesting is that most people will focus on the what. They think that a good what is what they need. But, as Simon Sinek points out in his brilliant book, you have to start with why, and then the how, and finally with the what. (little counter-intuitive).

Growth only happens when you have a good reason for it. People don’t grow unless it’s hard. You do something that goes out of your comfort zone, that’s scary. And who would do anything hard unless they have a good reason for it ? Nobody.

“I want to give a talk at TedxParis.”, “I’ll have a better chance at changing someone if I do.”, “I’m going to go to the Toastmasters club in Geneva every week to do it”, “I’m going to visualise about it every day.”, “I’m going to affirm about it every day.”, “I’ll get a massive chance at growing myself in this process.”.

Tiny Success : Morning Routine

I got up at 7. Ate breakfast. Showered. Did work that mattered for 40 minutes. Meditated. Visualised. Read. This was really close to my ideal morning routine. It felt good. I could have worked for a full hour. And today I realised I needed to do more than only one hour of deep work a day. I got interrupted during my Visualisation. Right now, as I’m writing this, I still haven’t visualised (did affirmation and contemplation, though). And I want to read more, later in the future. But still, this was really close to my vision of what a “good” day looks like to me.

Tiny Failure : Work

I didn’t work much. This afternoon, I could have been designing my course, or writing the Complete Transparency series, but did neither. I could have been reading more, but I didn’t. All I did was watch videos of 30 days of Genius on YouTube. This was lame. I did also help my family to do some physical labour around the house, so that was great. I want to work more. Even if it’s just sloppy work.


Meditation : I want to do 90 minutes of Meditation per day, ultimately.

Visualisation : I’m getting really good at this. Like really really good at this. I even remembered what I was talking about yesterday, which is a first.

Dinner : My dad told me that my big brother thought I could give a talk at TedxParis. He really liked my Great People Manifesto. Weirdly my brother didn’t come to me, I don’t know why. I’m also making a lot of progress with the Taming Your Gremlin thing. I’m becoming more aware of my negative thinking habit, I already enjoy myself more, just with the power of awareness. I put it here because most of my negative thoughts are directed toward my family and the people at my school.

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Visioning : What is it for ?

As it turns out, the quality of your answer to this question directly correlates with the quality of your life, and of yourself.

Why do people do what they do ? What’s that thing over there for ? And what’s this thing over there for ? People don’t do anything unless they have a reason for it. What are some great answers to this question ?

Changing someone’s beliefs about what they can and can’t do. Changing someone’s beliefs about how to undertake a hard project. Changing someone’s view on a particular issue of their life (check this out). Changing someone’s quality of life, motivating them to create an Extraordinary life for themselves.

When you do things that compel you. When you’re not complacent. When you don’t do things to avoid pain, and reduce discomfort. When you do things for their own sake, because they’re just too good not to be pursuing. Your life transforms. Your life becomes Extraordinary.

When you accomplish Great Things, that Mean Something. When you have a reason to stay up late, and get up early in the morning, so that you can do the Great Work that you need to do. When you give your vision to someone, and it compels them. Your psychology changes. People start paying attention to you, they start trusting you more.

So what is it for ? What do I mean by “it” ? Whatever. Whatever you’re doing. And is it important enough to work hard on it ? To fail at it ? To get ridiculed, rejected, ashamed, Resisted ? Is it ?

Our society lacks people who frequently ask themselves this question.

                        What is it for ?

Tiny Success : Laziness

I was fucking lazy today ! This was awesome ! This was remarkable. My vision of this world incorporates people being lazy. I think that people would make better use of their time visioning and dreaming up reasons to do great work and then let their subconscious mind do the work for them. That way they’re being really lazy. And today I was lazy ! Since I’m getting pretty good at journalling, I’m also getting good at visioning, and since I’ve been visualising for 120 days now, my subconscious mind is working for me. And today I made progress in my Complete Transparency series. And I made progress in Taming my Gremlin. this is cool !

Tiny Failure : Gremlin Bitch !

My Gremlin is an Ass hole ! I hate that bitch ! So tonight my dad told me “We’re omnivores so we’re going to eat pasta.”, he said that because he wants to reduce pain. When I don’t eat pasta, because it kills me, it causes pain inside of him. So he tries to reduce the pain by making it go away.

What am I doing here ? Oh there you go my Gremlin again ! He’s tricky ! I’m going to change for a change. Let’s imagine once that I don’t get sucked into this, but I laugh at myself instead.


Meditation : I’m going to research some scientific evidence of what meditation does to the brain. Just so that I can get a clear sense of how powerful it is.

Visualisation : I’m going to direct my visualisation toward giving a talk at TedxParis, I need to.

Dinner : Journalling about dinner is about seeing how I feel about it. I see that I still expect things from them, like I’m the centre of the universe, which sucks. This is iterative of what I said earlier. Let’s change for a change. Let’s imagine that I don’t expect anything from them, that I am giving them the greatest gift they can get. And of course I am, I’m becoming Extraordinary, and hence they’ll become Extraordinary as well. They would never have gotten this chance without me.

Edited by Tancrede Pouyat

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Visioning : Intent

What if everything you did in life, you did it for a good reason. What if you stayed up until midnight, not because your boos makes you, but because you're so passionate about doing your art. What if you got up at 6 the next morning, not because commuting to your work takes so long, but because you want to give a gift that's going to change someone, and you need to work on that. What if you gave a compliment to someone, not because it's the right thing to do, but because you truly think that about them. What if you spent most of your resources not to get something that pleases you in the short term, but actually benefits you and others in the long run. What if everything you did in your life, you did it for a good reason. A deep sense of humility, abundance, peace of mind, generosity, growth, and just plain happiness, would dawn on you. You would feel all the pleasure in the world. And what if I told you the only thing you would have to do to get that is simply changing your answer to "What is it for ?".

When your answer changes from "to avoid pain", to "to gain pleasure". Your entire life changes. Suddenly, you don't work late to avoid getting fired and then having your wife divorce you and then your kids going away and then you being a bum on the street and then you dying, but to create things that matter, that make a change, that move people. Suddenly, you quit TV because you realise that there is more pleasure in engaging in meditation. Suddenly, you don't lose weight, you become healthy. Suddenly, you don't go on a crazy diet to try to lose as much fat as possible, you start putting in healthy eating habits.

Tiny Success : Work !

It's 11:05 pm as I'm writing these words. I've been working extra, and it was a piece of cake. When I was taking Leo Gura's Life Purpose Course, I had that willingness to work hard and late, like right now. I had lost that recently. Until now ! I see myself wanting to work late like that from time to time, when I get excited. It wouldn't happen too much, I still have to stay healthy. But still, at times. I want to regulate myself. If I have been de-motivated at times, I can just force myself to work late. If I have been over-motivated at times, I can just force myself to procrastinate, this will keep a balance.

Tiny Failure : Gremlin

Tonight, when I was cooking lunch for tomorrow, I realised that my gremlin spend most of my time making me non-present. My gremlin spends a lot of time talking to me about bullshit stuff. And making me completely unaware of my body, and the world around me. It's ridiculous ! I can feel pleasure when I notice gremlin behaviour. I'll keep doing it.


Meditation : I sat terribly tonight. I just got there and did not take any second to arrange my position.

Visualisation : I want to have a picture with all of my affirmations.

Dinner : I fasted lunch today. It made me feel good.

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Visioning : Being fit against the Resistance

I can see myself giving a talk. I can see myself visualise my audience taking their seats, I can feel myself being scared, I can see myself visualise them being happy, and I can feel myself being happy. Then my girlfriend would be standing right next to the stage, so I can see her at any time during the talk, and I would use that Love energy to give an even better talk.
I can see myself telling me that it might not work. I can see myself being criticized. I can see myself failing to create that amazing relationship. I can see myself failing to make money. 
But most importantly, I can see myself not getting too hung up on the What of it, but rather on the Why. I can see myself understanding that this is the Resistance. And I can feel myself using that awareness to empower myself, to be re-committing myself to my Project. I can feel myself being happy about the Resistance. Telling myself “Yes ! There’s the Resistance ! I’m doing Great Work !”. Going to my peer group and saying : “This is so great ! I’m doing Great Work !”, and then celebrating it like a Victory.
The Resistance can’t be avoided, can’t be reduced. However, we can deal with it in a much healthier way. Most people quit. Most people don’t even know that they’re encountering Resistance. We don’t quit. We acknowledge it, celebrate it (because it means we’re doing great work), and keep going.

Tiny Success : Being fit against the Resistance

Last night, I worked late. This morning, I got up early. I slept 6 hours. That wasn’t enough. I was tired all day today. This is a form of Resistance. I’m surprised at the fact that it can even be physical. And I was fit against it. I was aware of the fact that it was the Resistance, and I accepted it. It empowered me. Also I realised that most of the tension that happens in our family is actually just the Resistance. They just don’t want me to change. I read about this in the Forum and a girl says to tell them they’re right. It’s interesting because it makes sense, this is the best way to acknowledge the Resistance. Because that’s all it wants, to be considered.

Tiny Failure : Poor Decision Making

My brain didn’t work well today. I decided to go buy some dark chocolate and ate it entirely. I decided to watch porn when I got home and I did. I did eat 3 bananas today, which is a lot of sugar. Anyway, poor decision making happened today. That is due to the Resistance. So while I’m aware and won’t quit, I still “under-performed” today. This is in sync with my vision. I like that the Resistance affects something different than my Project. That is perhaps the best way to deal with it. Acknowledging it, and having it affect something less important.


Meditation : I seriously need to sit well. Also I feel like I wasn’t really good enough due to lack of energy.
Visualisation : I sat on a chair, not on my bed. It works better, I’ll do it that way from now on. Also I was really good at concentrating myself on it, and just good at visualising. Feeling emotions, feeling sensations, not thinking too much, just great :)
Dinner : My dad reacted today. I’m writing another article, this time about The Path of Least Resistance, tonight was exactly what I describe as Least Resistance Mentality. This was great !

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Visioning : Growth

It started when I learned that I could create my own World of Warcraft private server. I did it, and then I created some cool things in my private Azeroth. Then the people at my middle school asked me “What do you want to do in your life ?” and I decided I would create video games. I went on the Internet and started to learn the C programming language. Then I thought, let me shoot myself playing games and commenting on them. Then I thought I’d do video editing, and then composing music. And eventually, I went to college. I thought I’d learn about life. All of these years, it was entirely free stuff, not a single time did I buy any learning resource. I learned how to deal with depression, health, achievement, career, dealing with people, leadership, and growth.
Growth doesn’t happen if there’s no Resistance. Growth happens when your psychology changes. Growth happens when your subconscious mind is de-printed of old beliefs and imprinted of new beliefs. Growth happens when your habits change. Growth happens when your emotions about a given subject change.
Growth changes your life. Growth is like wiping the slate clean and re-building yourself, changing your entire world view in the process. Changing your Identity. Changing what you believe you can, can’t, will, and won’t do. Growth allows you to help others grow as well. Growth also allows you to grow even more, to experience more, to take in even more.

Tiny Success : Slow Recovery, and Emotional Mastery

So I really am going through some Resistance right now. I am slowly recovering, slowly getting myself back to work. Which is funny because technically all I “have to” do right now is Journalling, and I take it for granted. Also I call that “slow” when it’s much quicker than it’s ever been. But still, I’m not overworking myself, that’s good.
My little brother got angry tonight. I was in the bathroom and I heard him talking “aggressively” to himself, being angry. I realised that my emotional mastery is huge. I’m able to notice my emotions really quickly, and then feel through them really quickly. And that’s the same with my thoughts. I’m really Great at Life :)


Meditation : I beat myself up for thinking today. I thought that I went into a specific state that was not good for meditation. I know it doesn’t matter now. Just noticing.
Visualisation : I had a particular moment that was really great, that was perfectly in touch with my vision of what Visualisation would look like in my life.
Dinner : They cooked something that I don’t eat. So I cooked myself an omelette (pasture raised eggs can be eaten in unlimited amounts with no bad consequence for health), I felt bad for not eating like them. Leo’s mother isn’t living an Extraordinary life, my family members might never live an Extraordinary life, I accept that.

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Visioning : Mastery

The Mastery process is very simple. A small spurt of progress followed by a long plateau, and again progress and plateau, and again, forever. This is how we, human beings, the species with the biggest learning capabilities, learn.
I love this concept. I love it because it allows us, the very small percentage of people who are fully and completely aware of it, to thrive in this world. We thrive because it’s rare, and it’s beautiful. People complain about no passion, because they’re not mastering anything. Because they don’t set out to develop expertise in anything. We, however, master Life. What’s more important to us than our own lives ? Nothing.
I love it also because it detaches us completely from outcome, from whatever is happening to us, from however badly we perform. It doesn’t matter, because we’ll get better, just later. It allows to take our time, it allows to sit back and relax and enjoy the show, because it doesn’t matter, we’ll get better.
I also love it because it creates so much passion, love, and clarity in our lives. “Ooh yeah this is something that I’m definitely going to pursue”. “Ooh yeah they’re going to like my work because I’m going to get better at it and I’ll end up being so good they can’t ignore me”. And then as we develop Mastery, we start really wanting to learn more and more, we love how the thing we’re mastering works, and how deep it is.
I love learning about life, I love trying to understand how I can create my own successful business, I love trying to become a great leader, I love trying to understand how I can attract, date, and have amazing relationships with women, I love understanding how my thoughts, my emotions, my behaviours affect my life, I love feeling through an emotion, locating it in my body, feeling my breathing change, feeling my heart pacing, having a warm feeling in my throat, feeling my muscles tense up. I love.

Tiny Success : Art !

Originally, I called it work. But it’s not work, it’s Art ! I’ve committed myself to be releasing one article a week. Hopefully I’ll be making a change. Tonight, an article is popping out. I think this instinct to write more stems from the failure of the last one, I realised I was procrastinating, I realised I needed to talk about something else, and I realised that I just had to write more blog posts if I wanted to make a change. I’m on the next plateau of the mastery process. This one is characterized by this instinct to produce writing. Hopefully I’ll get people’s attention and trust, allowing me to make this change happen in the world. “Art is a personal gift that changes the recipient” — Seth Godin, Linchpin

Tiny Failure : Physiology

I’m really not good at handling physiology. I need to exercise, and I need to sleep, and I need to take cold showers. A lot of great pleasure comes from having great physiology. You have energy, and you just have a feeling of freshness on your skin, and your brain functions much better, you have higher awareness capabilities. You’re more present, you feel your body’s serendipity, how each part of it allows the others to function and it all works toward making you alive and vibrant. You have amazing strength and vitality and endurance, the sex you have is great too.


Meditation : I welcomed back the feeling I used to get. I want more of it, I need to sit right to get it. Also I’ve been considering trying to do mindfulness meditation, maybe I’ll do it at the next 90-day project.
Visualisation : I was able to focus really well. I’m getting really good at it. I think I just need to take a second before each exercise to centre myself in the exercise, and pay attention.
Dinner : It didn’t happen while I was at dinner tonight but I just want to talk about it anyway. This morning my little sister got angry for no reason, that made me angry, I breathed and fully experienced it, and after 30 seconds, it was gone. And then I realised how good I was at feeling emotions.

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Visioning : Placebo

Have you ever wondered why this visioning stuff works so well ? Because of the placebo effect. It tells what to look for, it teaches to see what we want to see, it turns the hustle into a magic pill, it’s almost a lie. In fact, if we look carefully, it is a lie. Thoughts are illusionary, they represent things, but they in and of themselves aren’t these things, just a representation. This is why the placebo effect is so powerful, it allows our thoughts to represent different things. We end up looking at the same thing, just adding a different meaning to it. Our lives may be viewed as extraordinary today, but maybe, 200 years from, historians will look back and say : “Ooh yeah that was normal” ! The placebo effect can amplify some thing’s power, and it can also diminish some thing’s power. You can use it to break a bad habit, you can use to maximize the power of a good habit, you can use to make bigger change happen in other people, you can use it to accelerate the growth of your business. It also comes with responsibility, don’t complain about not being able to do great things unless you’ve tried to use it. Put in place a habit of visioning, of making affirmations, and visualisation. And don’t complain that it doesn’t work unless you actually take action toward your goals, this stuff multiplies the effect, but 0*1'000'000 = 0. You need to turn that 0 into a 1, or a 2, or even, a 1'000.

Tiny Success : Work

I am detached from outcome. I am passionate about my work. I am not quitting just because I suck and can’t make a change. It is true that I haven’t worked a lot, but I have taken a baby step toward my goal. I feel that this work ethic is good, I think I’ve worked a good 2 hours. I want to read more, but I need money and amazon prime for that. And I’d want to inspire myself, maybe go get in touch with nature, spend time with my girlfriend, spend time with friends. But I’d work for a good 2 hours, maybe a little less, maybe a little more, whatever.

Tiny Failure : Did not make a change Happen

This article was viewed more than the last one, read less than the last one, and most certainly did not perform neither better nor worse at making change than the last one. I can’t make change. I understand that the biggest part of making change happen is for the person to be ready to be changed, aka. gathering these people’s (and there’s few of them) attention and trust. But then the question is, how do I get their attention and trust ? This Journalling stuff was my answer to it, it’s different, it offers a vision, and it allows me to make indirect promises to be fulfilled, and of course they do get fulfilled. Let’s vision for 37 seconds. In a typical day, I would read a lot of thank-you emails from people whose lives got better, I would read other people’s journals, and help them in their journeys, I’d feel grateful for those things.


Meditation : It was in sync with my vision.
Visualisation : It’s a lot easier than I make it to be. I just need to be focused. Maybe I’ll do it in the morning, before breakfast.
Dinner : I’m introverted, and the people around are willing to just make irrational noise to avoid 2 seconds of silence. It hurts me. Every time I open my mouth, my little sister responds to it negatively. Literally every time, I noticed it because I’m present, thanks to meditation. Every Fucking Time ! Sometimes it’s a sigh, sometimes it’s “I don’t care”, sometimes it’s “I can’t bear him”.

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Visioning : Minimalism

When you clean up your house, when you clean up your body, when you clean up your diet, when you clean your brain up from negative thoughts, when you clean up your lifestyle. Basically, when your entire life consists of meditations, life purpose work, physiological work, a loving relationship, and just a lot of slow mindful action, you become happy again. There’s no need for doing this and that and also this other thing over there. There’s just being, happy. I look around me and I see people constantly doing, and doing ten thousand different things. Never stopping to contemplate, never breathing, never taking a walk. Never being. They’re just doing. Pause for a second, and enjoy the present moment, enjoy your life, enjoy your being. I can see my life being de-cluttered, no need to go to school, no rush to get everything done, just reading a lot, working on my next big project here and there, meditating a lot, visioning about the future, doing some strength training, taking a long walk, enjoying a meal, its texture, its taste, its freshness. Deliberately staying under the cold water, and feeling my way through it. Having a long, deep, powerful sex session with my girlfriend. Enjoying my green vegetable juice. Taking time to stop and smell the roses, contemplating my life, and myself. And just having lots of free time where I can choose to do anything, I can choose to meditate, I can choose to do life purpose work, I can choose to hang out with my girlfriend, I can choose to take a walk, I can choose to try to cook a new kind of meal, I just have time.

Tiny Success : Bad Habits

My state of mind about bad habits is just great. I don’t want to do stupid shit. I just want to do good habits, like meditation, visualisation, reading, working, cleaning up the house, etc. I remember a time where it would go like this : I’d ask myself “Do you want to watch TV ?” and I would answer “No, I don’t watch TV”. But now, I don’t even ask myself that question any more, which is great. I just get to work. I used to put off work, it makes me feel sick to do that now.

Tiny Failure : Criticism

I want to clean up my bedroom. I want to clean up my bathroom. I want to mow the lawn. Yet I didn’t do all those things. And I don’t want to get angry at the fact that my sister lies to me. I don’t want to get angry at the fact that my other sister keeps denying that she has a shitty life and keeps criticising everybody all the time. Yet I did do all those things. Ideally, I’d live alone. I’d make a habit of cleaning up around the house, and I would just accept the resistance.


Meditation : I want to do an hour tomorrow, I won’t be going to school so I have time. Also I got that great feeling today again.
Visualisation : I’m running out of things to visualise about, I’ve been in on it for more than 120 days. I need to start visualising in a different time frame, like a year from now, or 50 years from now, just get variety going here.
Dinner : I can turn dinner into something awesome by doing just one thing. And that’s just feeling happy without needing them to be perfect. And slow the fuck down as well, eat slowly, enjoy the food.

Edited by Tancrede Pouyat

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Visioning : Impact

I would get up in the morning, and I’d work on my current work project. It’d be something really cool. Something that would allow me to deepen, and strengthen, my relationship with my buddies; with the people who want to live an extraordinary life, who dream up grand visions every day, and who are happy to share it with the rest of us. And I’d get to imprint my mind with their dreams. I would also learn more about how I can make a change in someone, someone who really wants me to change them, because to them it’s a really effective solution to their problem, and because they trust me.
I see people who enrol themselves in my community, and just get completely immersed in this universe, they start to get a lot of clarity about who they are, how they and the people around them work, how money works. And they just develop skills that only the top 1% of the top 1% have, stuff like high emotional intelligence, which allows them to sacrifice the short term for the long term, and to recognise emotions in people. And also stuff like mindfulness, being in the present moment, being aware and conscious of their own emotions, feelings, behaviours, and thoughts, as well as those of others. Stuff like achieving great goals, goals that everybody considers really hard, but that they now know are actually pretty easy, they just take time, and conscious effort.
I see my buddies just doing their thing, being happy, feeling fulfilled, having a sense of understanding life on such a deep level, feeling at home in the world, because they understand literally everything they need to understand about life. I see the world being a brighter place, a shinier place, running more smoothly, with less friction. I see the Millennial generation leading the world into a whole new stage of consciousness, the green stage of the graves model; where it’s taken for granted that people do things that make change, that improve the world on a deep level, everybody fulfilling their life purpose.

Tiny Success : Slow

I was sloowwww today. I was grounded in my being rather than on my doing. I felt into my self. That visioning was 20 minutes long, it feels better. I meditated for an hour, and then was deliriously happy, this was cool. But more importantly, I was really in touch with my authentic self. I cleaned up the bathroom, but I was mostly doing it as a meditative practice, I was just in touch with my being. I’m just so fucking fulfilled right now, so calm, I have so much peace of mind, I love being. This is really what my life has to become about, not success, not making money, not trying to get my family to do work they don’t want to do. Just being there, being happy, fulfilling my life purpose, learning more about life, meditating, being in love.

Tiny Failure : Relationships

Can we please agree on this definition for community : “Community = People who aspire to the same things” ? Because I’d like that. I’m taking all the effort needed to improve my relationship with my family but it’s like they want to be unhappy. They don’t aspire to the same things as me, they are not a part of my community. It’s like they want to get depressed. As you can see I got angry at my family a lot today, I’m being a huge victim here, needing them to do great work. Right now I’m feeling through my anger. I apologized for the things I didn’t do to my sister today, but I think she just likes being angry at me.
This has been occurring a lot lately.


Meditation : I meditated for an hour today, it felt amazing. I was just smiling like fuck right after it, it was incredible. I remember not being so angry at my family when I used to do it for 1h/day, now I only do it for 30 min/day, and I get angry at my family. Correlation ? Definitely worth looking into.
Visualisation : I need a process for it. I’m going to first set the context of the scene, get details about the people there, the setting of it, then my posture, and how I feel. Only then can I start running the film, but what I’ll do is that I’ll mostly focus on my feelings of the scene, not necessarily the action.
Dinner : I really don’t have anything more to say about it. They’re just all running in individual dysfunctional circles, there’s really no point in caring about it. I can just practice being cognition. Still, I add meaning to their dysfunctions, I add anger, sadness, frustration, when they’re just normal.

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Visioning : Morning and Meditation

When I wake up in the morning, I’m slow. I feel the sensations in my body, how my sleep affected my physiology. I use my mantra “I’m fulfilling my life purpose”, I repeat it, each time adding more eloquence. I breathe fully, multiple times, and then I smile. This wakes me up, and, more importantly, this wakes up my emotional body. I get excited, I get this feeling, the one we get when we’re really passionate about something we do, we really feel ready to go do something in the world, we’re really fully completely in it.
Then, I go get breakfast. A giant fresh salad, with a lot of raw vegetables, some herbs, a nice dressing. A big omelette, made up of 6 eggs, salt and pepper, and some more herbs and spices. And a green vegetable juice, that tastes amazing, and that brings that feeling of freshness inside my abdomen.
When I meditate, I get this sense of being really connected to my Self, I’m grounded in the present moment, completely detached from thoughts and action, I feel like I’m this giant impending force on the world, something heavy. And at the same time I feel this sense of impending doom on me, like I’m just about to die. I accept that death, and I use it to detach myself from the earthlings, from the outcome of my work, from everything really, except for my Self. And at the same time, this amplifies my willingness to do great work, I’m so detached that I feel I need to perform at my best. I need to feel the greatest life I can live.

Tiny Success : Time

I was able to do the things I needed to do today. More importantly, I was in a state of mind where I could take right action. I always feel stressed out about time, but today, my relationship with time was great. I think this is due to the Lifestyle Minimalism video Leo just released. Right now is a turning point. The whole direction of my life changed. This video just got a big piece of my vision puzzle in place : my typical day. I used to try to imagine what my typical day would look like, but I couldn’t do it. Now I can. It’s got a lot of free time, where I can just do whatever I want. It’s true that I have habits, but still, lots of free time.

Tiny Failure : Lost in Thought

I spend most of my time in thought. I add meaning to it, I get out of the present moment, I’m not aware of anything, just in my thoughts. I want to feel stuff, not think it. I want to have more experience, more fulfilment, more mindfulness, more awareness. I want to feel the wind blowing on my face, I want the fresh air to fill my body, I want to feel my body walking, I want to feel the depth of my kisses, I want to feel the aliveness of the fresh food in my mouth. And I also want to be mindful of when I get into my thought-world, and of the physiological responses of my emotions.


Meditation : I want to get this sense of heaviness on the world, and I want to feel the blood circulating in my body. I didn’t do either of these things today. I’ll remember to do that tomorrow, and I’ll do that every time I meditate.
Visualisation : I need to agree with myself on something really meaningful to visualise about. I want to really feel the scene I’m visualising, but that can’t work unless it means something to me.
Dinner : I basically need to be alive at dinner. Really calm and enjoy my food, my family’s company. Also I realised I do much better when there’s 4 people or less around me. When there’s more, I just shut myself down and let others run the show. I am that introverted !

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