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Tancrede Pouyat

I Change People To Better The World

58 posts in this topic

Visioning : Habits

Habits are like clothes for the mind. They reflect who you are. They shape the trajectory of your life. They influence your happiness levels. They influence your mood. They are part of your identity. You can determine someone’s current character just by looking at their habits.
So when someone sleeps for 8 hours, eats healthy, reads a lot, journals, meditates, exercises, visualises, and has a strong work ethic, you know that they accomplish great things in their lives, and that they have been doing personal development for a long time.
I can see myself contemplating my life and look at how my habits are bringing toward my goals, and how much I am not really putting in that much effort, it’s mostly habitual. I’d get this feeling of joy, something like “those habits are so powerful !!”. I can see myself being in those habits, but being completely fully in them, like I’d enter this bubble, and once I’m inside, I’m just completely immersed. Like a child who runs around being so happy, and I’d get to do all kinds of cool stuff in it.
And I’d also have lots of free time, where I don’t have any commitments. Where I can do whatever I want, I can spend more time doing my habits, I can hang out with my girlfriend, I can read more, I can work more, I can meditate more, or whatever makes me happy. As long as it’s not some time I feel I need to fill up with addiction or whatever.

Tiny Success : Awareness

I was aware of my thought patterns. I didn’t get too lost in thought, I was more present, more in the moment. It was interesting. I felt better. Meditation is really helping me out with this stuff. I can feel awareness as an emotion. I have an image of this. I’m leaning into the moment, looking around, feeling, and hearing everything, just having this scene perfectly imprinted in me.

Tiny Failure : Critical

Let’s just acknowledge that I was critical of the world today. I just was, I was. I see myself being present. So, I might get critical at times, but I’d be completely aware of it, simply noticing, fully experiencing it, and then moving on. By “fully experiencing it” I mean keeping the criticism going while feeling my physiology during that period. Really feel the criticism as a whole experience. Being completely vulnerable in this process. Allowing whatever wants to come up show its ugly face, maybe even visualise it.


Meditation : My brother started meditation today. He’s going to do it for 5 minutes every day. That’s a good start. Also I was able to feel my blood circulation today, that was awesome, I want to get more of that.
Visualisation : All it takes for me to perform well in this is commitment. I just need to really want it, and it’ll come. This is cool because it takes the pressure off, I guess I was a victim for a little while. I really see myself dreaming up great things here, playing like a little child, being so happy.
Dinner : I did well today. Parents weren’t here. I ate a lot. That was good. I didn’t drink to much infusions. I didn’t eat too much fruit. I just ate a lot of chicken.

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Visioning : Great Principles

The study of great principles. What an amazing activity to engage in. It allows the light of awareness shine in the previously darkened places. It makes us feel more at home in the world.
Going back to the fundamentals is also a great use of our resources. It kicks us in the ass. It makes us question whether we have really absorbed them.
It’s also wonderful to welcome beginners with great principles, because it makes us remember when we were just starting out, not knowing anything, and makes us laugh at ourselves. It also reaffirms our experience. Sometimes, it even makes us jealous of them — “I wish somebody had laid it all out in front of me just like that”.
Most importantly, great principles make deep changes in ourselves. They are to be used forever. We are not suddenly going to go back to not knowing them, because they’re imprinted in our self-image, our psychology changed.
Great principles are to be studied, not just agreed on. We ought to imagine them unfolding in action, we ought to check them against our intuition, we ought to cross-reference them with others, we ought to feel the change happening inside of us. If we do that, we become aware, not just knowledgeable, really aware.

Tiny Success : Excellence

I had an amazing idea today. It’s related to today’s visioning. This, in and of itself, is not a part of my vision for a typical day, I just want to celebrate the win. I truly feel like I’m getting great results from my visualising and my journalling. These kinds of things don’t just pop up, they swim around in the subconscious mind, and then sometimes a bubble comes out. I’m so happy about my habits, they’re really powerful. Your habits greatly influence your subconscious mind, and hence powerful habits create excellence.

Tiny Failure : Resistance

The Resistance prevented me from sitting down in front of my computer and actually working on making my idea real. I just slacked off and read The War of Art, which talks about the Resistance. That’s good news ! Because it means that I really need to work on this project ! If I had attained my vision, I would have been aware of the Resistance happening in the moment of it unfolding, acknowledged that it was good news right there, and would have gone through my ritual to get myself to work, and end up beating the Resistance.


Meditation : I feel more and more grounded, thanks to this journalling. I’m going to keep this going, it’ll go really far
Visualisation : I think that I was encountering Resistance before. Good ! I found that a great question I can ask myself is “What do I most want to see happen in my life ?”. And then I can picture it.
Dinner : I practised Being cognition tonight. This is how I’m going to deal with the flow of life, just non-judgemental, being cognition. I don’t need for the flow to be favourable to me. I can see myself dancing with it, running around like a little kid in it.

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Visioning : Strategic Thinking

Looking at the world with a purpose in mind. Imagining some great version of the future, setting out to accomplish it. That is the first step, the one I love most, because it makes me feel like a little child, playing around, being naive, doing whatever I want. Then comes reading, gathering intelligence. Going and finding important information. Information that we need in order to succeed. I like this step as well, it’s relaxing. We start studying great principles, understanding deep truths, combining sources. And we also start to change the inner circumstances of our lives, we start preparing ourselves against adversity, we grow ourselves to thrive in an unpredictable and uncontrollable world, we become fit. And finally come execution and adaptability. We start putting in the habit, and we start to error-correct, we take action toward our goals. This one is cool too because we derive deep bliss from functioning at our prime.
This whole concept of strategic thinking is amazing. I love it because it allows for serious long term goals to happen. Huge goals like fulfilling one’s life purpose, transforming one’s entire way of life, those do not happen overnight, but they’re amazing to pursue. It also allows for action to be taken now, today, every day until the intent is realised. And that’s cool because it makes us feel so amazing, like “Oh yeah I’ve got this outrageous goal and I’m working on accomplishing it now”.
This activity is one of the most valuable activity anybody can undertake. Thinking about the future and planning consciously to take the right action toward that future really does make you happy.

Tiny Success : Bad shit.

This morning, I just forced myself to do work that matters. Also something I’ve been feeling recently is that I feel bad about doing bad habits, so it’s really easy for me to dismiss them. I can’t trick myself into thinking that watching a video about personal development is going to help me, because I am fully aware that it’s not. This allows for great work to happen. And this also allows for my happiness levels to go up. This morning I just got happy. I was walking down the street and suddenly I was happy, like really happy, not stimulation happy. The abundance pleasure Maslow defines as the ecstasy of functioning at one’s prime. This was the first time I ever experienced that in my whole life.

Tiny Failure : Lazied out

On Friday afternoons, I don’t have school. Which is a great opportunity to do work that matters. But today I didn’t. I did a lot of other little things for the family, not for myself. I don’t see myself doing so much of that stuff in the future. I see myself having lots of free time, doing whatever I want. And I can be there because I’m a good executor. I know I won’t do too much of bad habits, and I know I will do enough good work. I’d lazy out at times but not too much, in fact I have a ritual for it; engage in a Feed Your Muse activity to get myself back on track.


Meditation : I feel like I’ve been having diminished results ever since I cut it down from 1h to 30min. I’ll try to find a way to do more of it even when I’m still going to school.
Visualisation : I realised that my mind spends lots of its imaginative energy into really stupid shit. Sometimes I talk to myself as if I was talking to somebody in a scene from my recent past.
Dinner : I was dining alone with my brother tonight, no one else was there. We talked a bit about Self-Actualization work. It was useless. Although it is going to be interesting to see what he’s going to do regarding this.

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Visioning : Social Conditioning

Wherever people place their attention and their trust is whatever is going to influence their world view.
This right here is huge, it’s powerful, it blows me away. I love it.
On the one hand, it can be severely limiting. On the other hand, it can be extremely uplifting. I want to put my attention and my trust on people who I admire, on people like Arnold Schwarzenegger, like Leo Gura, or like Seth Godin. Basically, on people who achieved goals that I want to achieve. And this includes lots of people. Let’s say I’ve been so good at helping others create an extraordinary life for themselves and now I find myself meeting people who I’ve influenced who are now better than me at something I want to do; that’d be cool.
I also want others to put their attention and their trust on me ! Because I want to help them grow themselves so that they can live the life that they want. I’m not some weird manipulative guy who’s building himself an army, I’m just trying to help you create the great life. If I can just earn your trust and your attention, you and I will accomplish great things together. If you can just earn my trust and my attention, you and I will accomplish great things together.
I want to read thank-you emails of people telling me “You’ve helped me so much. I transformed my life with your work”. When that happens, I’ll know the good kind of social conditioning will have happened on that person.
I want to surround myself with people who are much better than me at what I do. I am not good at what I do. I want to be with people who not only are good, or even great, or even amazing, but actually incredibly awesome at what I do. And I want to pick their brains, I want them to share with me their best advice.

Tiny Success : Detachment

If you put a bunch of crabs in a bucket, not a single one of them will come out. Because as soon as one of them tries to, all others are going to pull it back. I love this metaphor. Also, opinions and truth are two different things. People can look at an accordion of thoughts, emotions, and behaviours, and call that bad work when it isn’t, it’s just an accordion of thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. I was detached from Resistance coming from the people around me. Opinions only have power over you when you agree with them. I have a Life Purpose and I actually let some douchebag’s opinion prevent me from doing great work. That’s because I don’t want to do great work, because of the resistance.

Tiny Failure : Work

I want to buy myself a good microphone. As soon as that happens, I can just start shooting my courses. I need to do this, I’ve been procrastinating for way too long, it’s been exhausting. I really need to get off my ass and get to work. I want to feel Flow. And I want to feel the ecstasy of functioning at one’s prime. And I don’t want to just lose myself in dreamer land where I imagine myself shooting a video when I’m really not. They say you can do deliberate practice for up to 5 hours every day, that’s huge. On the next 90-day project, I’ll be starting with mandatory 0.5 hours a day, that’s tiny. Right now I just do it once in a while.


Meditation : Here’s my plan, I’ll be fulfilling my life purpose, saving 10% of my salary and investing it in indexed funds, as soon as I have enough money to support myself while not working for a while, retire and get enlightened, then we’ll see what happens.
Visualisation : A commitment is all I needed. I love trying to feel how great I will feel once I’m fully realising my life purpose.
Dinner : I’ve already touched on this, but I’ll go deeper. So I told my sisters the Crabs in a Bucket analogy and my little sister actually acknowledged that “Tancrède is trying to leave the bucket, and we’re pulling him down”. This made me feel amazing, because it’s the first time they acknowledged that I was doing great work.

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Tiny Success : Judgement

The amount of Judging I did today was almost nothing compared to recently. It re-iterates what I have been saying recently but there’s something more today. I am friends with a girl in my class and she invited me to go party with her. I told her I would, even though I might not. I even considered going, even though I don’t party. This is huge. Normally, I would have been all critical and judging and would have basically used that in order to avoid work, but today I didn’t. This is big progress here, I also realised I was being a victim about others being victims. *laughing at myself right now*

Tiny Failure : Food

I haven’t done that one in a while, but I want to do it today. I am not really doing food well. I have big impulses, I’ve been eating a lot of chocolate, and I need to re-think my fruit-intake schedule. I am going to eat 1 for breakfast, 2 for lunch, and 2 when I come home at 5:30. Starting with less sugar is better because it curbs my appetite, and not having sugar too late is better because sugar prevents from sleeping. Also I’ve been considering eating my 6-egg omelette for breakfast rather than lunch, this curb my appetite even more, but on the other hand, I wouldn’t eat lunch.


Meditation : I went back to the old days of meditation by sitting like I used to when I first started. It’s much better.
Visualisation : It went really well, I’m really good. I even know what I’m going to contemplate and visualise tomorrow.
Journaling : This new way of doing it is perfect. There’s the 20% of effort that gives me the 80% of the results that I want. I’m going to keep it that way. My ultimate vision for journalling would be posting it on my social network on Ning, as well as following those of my community on Ning.

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Tiny Success : Work
I actually sat down and did the work. I designed the video that I am going to shoot tomorrow. I see myself working 1 hr/day, spending the first 30 minutes designing the video, and then shooting it. That would happen when I am creating a course, but I think I could easily find a new course to make and hence always be making courses.

Tiny Failure : Thoughts
I spend 60-90 minutes coming home from school, that's a long time. I could be thinking great thoughts, but instead all I'm doing right now is just basically meditation, not caring about my thoughts. I think that the best thing I could do would just consider it as free time, no strings attached, do whatever is on my mind. Okay deal, I can vision if I want to, I can listen to music if I want to, I can listen to an audio book if I want to, I can read a book if I want to, I can meditate if I want to.

Meditation : I sat like the old days, and like yesterday, it's great.
Visualisation : I visualised myself feeling great in various situations and I kept going on the contemplation series that's been happening recently. I wanted to visualise myself having sex with Zoé, the girl in my class, I didn't because I'm not pursuing that, but still... *having an emotional reaction to that* *no thoughts occurring*
Journaling : When I do my habits, I remember what I told myself the previous day, and hence get better really quickly, that's great.

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