
Astral Projection Trip Report

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I can't believe I just astral projected. I don't know why I'm so taken aback because I've done it before but it doesn't happen often. I've had a lot of really spooky synchronicities happen lately as well. The biggest one happened an hour before the projection. I was reading a book on Nei-Gong and when I got to a sentence on fire and joy, I got an insanely strong pang of deja vu. Deja vu is really strange. It feels like your future self is looking through your past, from the present. I immediately looked at my phone and the time was 2:22am.

I went to bed, layed on my side and went to sleep. I opened my eyes again and recognised it immediately. My surroundings took on a dim, hazy quality and I could barely see, it was so dark! My body felt like it weighed a tonne and I knew the only way I could separate was by rolling off the bed. Which I did. No, vibrations, shaking or anything. Maybe my third eye is already open? It was nuts how hard it was to move around. I was giving it my all just to stay there because I knew if I gave up, I would wake up. I kind of realised how run down I am in day to day life because of just how hard it was to exist here, energetically. It felt like I was running on emotion. I wonder if this what it feels like to be a ghost.

I'm sorry to say I can't remember the most important part but as I shuffled like a sloth to the other side of the bed, I went through some sort of clairvoyant memory regression. I can't remember it at all. I just know I turned to the bedside corner at some point. There was an old fashioned dresser mirror where I saw myself and my sister as kids, staring back out from and waving to me. Then I felt pain in my tailbone. My feet felt like they were clamped to the ground so I bent over to try and release them but it was pitch black. I remembered a Teal Swan episode then, said clarity and it would light the room up for a second. It's funny because I kind of whispered it not wanting to wake anyone up. I really was in my room but I know now in a different dimension as well so I won't hold back next time. After a couple of lightning flashes I gave up and allowed myself to dissipate. 

I'm going to Peru for an Ayahuasca trial in eight days and the countdown is getting interesting. Synchronicity has never been so undeniable for me before. I know some of you guys are much more experienced projectors and I was wondering what I could do to improve exponentially for next time. I'm pretty sure this isn't going to be a one-off,



Edited by Vinnie

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Is it the first time you're going to do ayahuasca? Have you used DMT?

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Whats synchronicity and whats that book about?

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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@Vinnie Are you sure, it was an astral projection? Sounds more like a lucid dream to me.

Your "heavy body"-experience sounds like a sleep paralysis which is typical for a lucid dream. Your body was already asleep while your mind wasn't.

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@Sven Yeah first time, I've never tried DMT. I only had my first psychedelic about six months ago, which was LSD. I should of reported on it but it was really underwhelming compared to the trip reports on this forum. The only thing worth mentioning was I felt an overwhelming sense of deja vu, which I really don't know how to grasp. I also turned quite sinister lols. I became like an imp lols.

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Nice! Never done it before so I can't give you any advice. But I'd definitely do some research online.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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@aurum I've definitely got more knowledge than I do experience. It's just really hard to pull off what you want to do in the moment. I'm forgetful too, which isn't good for integration. I wish I remembered the important part but for me, it's like your consciousness glazes over when extrasensory phenomena occur and you can't really control it in the moment, but sometimes there's an underlying claircognizant understanding. Not this time.

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Do you meditate? Have you read books on astral projection? An absolutely amazing series I've read and had an out of body experience after was the three books by Robert Monroe (Journeys out of the Body; Far Journeys; Ultimate Journey).

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@Sven Passive meditation, on and off yeah. I do Nei-Gong (Taoist Alchemy) as much as possible. I haven't read Robert Monoe's work but I've got Tom Campell's My Big T.O.E. waiting for me, who's Robert Monroe's disciple. The intro is amazing and it really inspired me to cultivate the paranormal.

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