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I have repeating illnesses, like, since I've been 17 years old I have tonsilitis twice a year, but lately they have become worse - lasting 3-4 weeks - and also other illnesses come to it, so now I'm ill like 3 months a years. Needless to say it sucks. 

I'm sure my diet could improve a lot, although I'm trying. I'm sure my exercise could ... wait, none of my exercise goals in the last years have lasted exactly because of this vicious cycle of always being interrupted by an illness a month or two in.

But I think it's not the whole story. First thing the tonsilitis manifests itself as extreme tiredness, and tiredness stays it's main symptom throughout. I also notice that sometimes the illness seems to 'protect' me from an uncomfortable chore or event, or to be triggered by anxiety. I also got 3 tonsilitis in a row (within a few months) when I was writing my bachelor thesis and after I finished it, and also this ill health is more pronounced since I'm a phd student. (This could be due to less healthy 'office' lifestyle, or it could be some pronounced psychological struggle.)

So I think my ill health might be psychosomatic and might have something to do with work (or with some deeper issue that also affects my attitude to work). I'm not sure how to go about finding out. Insight appreciated. Thanks. 

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First of all. You have my empathy. Tonsillitis is just awful. I suffered many many years with it. I even landed myself in hospital for 2 weeks with it as the infection spread into the blood. 

The last tonsillitis I came down with I quit smoking there and then. And from then it only returned once in a very manageable subtle way. 

Could it be stress? @Elisabeth weakening your immune system?

Also, just to add, I have no idea if this linked in anyway but from going vegan I haven't been ill once and I, like you was ill A LOT. It may just be coincidence though but a very big one if that's the case. 

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There's nothing to guess or wait for.

Think about possible solutions to your stress, like for example attending psychotheraphy, try it and see if you get any improvements or not. If not then look for the other possible cause or test different solution.

Also to avoid getting sick it's good to tune in to your body and notice early signals of you getting sick. Then act on it immediately using immunity boosting meds or home remedies. Often it's enough.


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