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I Need Some Encouraging Words

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I got my first job and  its been a month now and i don't like the corporate world. I know that world runs on survival of fittest and stuff. I lost my interest in working for companies.I want to make passive income and find time to meditate a lot, become a psychological counselor, pursue my interests etc. I wrote a mail today to my HR, telling her that i want to quit. Right now, i should face my parents,relatives,etc .they won't be happy with my choice.


Edited by zenny

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Don't focus on what others want. See what it is that you want. 
When you stop looking inside and look at others, that is when you miss the boat.

See the possibility that people and things can change at any time and don't hold on to judgements.

Your life is infinite. You are as old as these mountains and you will remain for ever.

Do not be feverish about success, if your aim is clear and you have patience to move towards it, nature will support you.

Recognize and honour your uniqueness.


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@Henri Its actually scary.

I feel soo alone on my path now.

The day where I chose to quit my job and go looking for what I value and do the things that I value, I feel left out.

its a confusing path, but, strangely I find it content, challenging, and I am forced to be creative on my new path to find new ways to make money by    being myself etc.  

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I need some encouraging words as well. I feel like I'm stuck in my life and don't know where to begin again.. All I see right now is dead ends to everything I think about. I'm interested in art n painting but I'm still having trouble finding a way to begin. Need some help if possible anything would b good for me.

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