
Stage 10 Enlightenment

38 posts in this topic

3 hours ago, Hellspeed said:

An awakened human being is many many many magnitudes superior in any area of life. Even in physical strength. 

I definitely don't want to come out and attack you, but if you could help me with any of my delusions I post, or anyone can, I will love you forever.


So my first thing if you could address is that in Leo's most recent videos he talks a lot about true masters being humble.  Out of anyone I've seen on these forums, you certainly come off as believing yourself to be enlightened or masterful, animals bow before you etc.  I guess what I'm trying to say is that brining up the fact that "An awakened human being is many many many magnitudes superior in any area of life. Even in physical strength. " on a thread that isn't even discussing that comes off as quite the opposite of humble.  I mean the one area you specifically mention is physical strength.  Why not mention how much easier it is to help and love people?  Instead you chose to say that awakened people are physically stronger?  What's the intention with that statement.


Earlier in this post, you said it seemed like a blue elaboration.  I was confused by this because even though it didn't seem like an accurate description of what happened, it didn't specifically convey to me and specific blue traits of absolute right and wrong etc.  So if you could be very specific in why you diagnosed him as blue, or this description as blue, and not say red or orange.  I know you were asked already and kind of skirted the question jokingly, but I would really really appreciate clearing up my delusion.

What I interpret as a lack of humbleness follows many of your posts, for example.  This is just a comment

"Leo is on his own path, he will get there sooner or later"

I guess this is kind of the attitude I interpret often, like you reached the finish line and came here to be a hot shot while you watch other people try and grow.  But that can totally be a projection of what I do when I finish a project early.


Finally, you accused the dude with a featured 77 pages of comments as a potential fraud.  Do you think Leo would keep that thread open if he was fucking with people, and not an enlightened mastered trying to "Help Sincere Seekers"?

"@winterknight Put a photo of yours, or you are just a copy from a copy regurgitating copies. I don't see uniqueness and originality."

It also comes off like you already made the judgement " I don't see uniqueness and originality"

Again, I'm really not here to fight anyone, I just wanted to address how you come off to me, and why I might be super super deluded


Comprehensive list of techniques: https://sites.google.com/site/psychospiritualtools/Home/meditation-practices

I appreciate criticism!  Be as critical/nitpicky as you like and don't hold your blows

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15 hours ago, zambize said:

I definitely don't want to come out and attack you, but if you could help me with any of my delusions I post, or anyone can, I will love you forever.


So my first thing if you could address is that in Leo's most recent videos he talks a lot about true masters being humble.  Out of anyone I've seen on these forums, you certainly come off as believing yourself to be enlightened or masterful, animals bow before you etc.  I guess what I'm trying to say is that brining up the fact that "An awakened human being is many many many magnitudes superior in any area of life. Even in physical strength. " on a thread that isn't even discussing that comes off as quite the opposite of humble.  I mean the one area you specifically mention is physical strength.  Why not mention how much easier it is to help and love people?  Instead you chose to say that awakened people are physically stronger?  What's the intention with that statement.


Earlier in this post, you said it seemed like a blue elaboration.  I was confused by this because even though it didn't seem like an accurate description of what happened, it didn't specifically convey to me and specific blue traits of absolute right and wrong etc.  So if you could be very specific in why you diagnosed him as blue, or this description as blue, and not say red or orange.  I know you were asked already and kind of skirted the question jokingly, but I would really really appreciate clearing up my delusion.

What I interpret as a lack of humbleness follows many of your posts, for example.  This is just a comment

"Leo is on his own path, he will get there sooner or later"

I guess this is kind of the attitude I interpret often, like you reached the finish line and came here to be a hot shot while you watch other people try and grow.  But that can totally be a projection of what I do when I finish a project early.


Finally, you accused the dude with a featured 77 pages of comments as a potential fraud.  Do you think Leo would keep that thread open if he was fucking with people, and not an enlightened mastered trying to "Help Sincere Seekers"?

"@winterknight Put a photo of yours, or you are just a copy from a copy regurgitating copies. I don't see uniqueness and originality."

It also comes off like you already made the judgement " I don't see uniqueness and originality"

Again, I'm really not here to fight anyone, I just wanted to address how you come off to me, and why I might be super super deluded


You have fixed Ideals and Ideas of how an Enlightened human being should be. 

Those who sell something are humble. 

Here I'm not selling. 

I'm true to myself and others, even if they feel insulted. 

I rather bark than harm, if you know what I mean. 


... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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The greatest harm one can do in life is: Doing the very good and nice things, for the wrong reasons. Fake humbleness or forced humbleness is one of those wrong reasons. 

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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One more thing. Usually, people are humble because they fear being attacked on a psychic level from the unconscious dormant people (usually this is done because how language works). Is similar to the fake righteousness from bible belt circles. Now, I feel this, you people feel it too maybe, conscious or unconscious, you end up with consequences in a way or another. What I write here is about how the system works and the subconscious of those who have fixed beliefs. Watch out for what you really shooting for in life. Live is a slap in the face. Death is sweet and peaceful. 

I get your upsetness, but I don't understand beneath it! 

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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And a second thing. If I wrote something from experience and people feel, wow look at that! maybe he can do it!. Is whatever for me. I don't want and need to be praised nor lifted on a pedestal. Here I can say like Leo said: stop looking at others and DO YOU OWN DAMN THING! 

Everything is for a reason, and growth is a matter of constructing and deconstructing. 



... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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Hmmm maybe I have my fixed ideas, but they don't feel very fixed to me.  I have a rough idea of the kinds of teachers that benefit me and other people, and from my experience you differ from those teachers greatly.  I wanted a chance to address this potential delusion more than anything, but you skirted again around many of the direct questions I had for you, instead insisting it must by some fixed ideal of what an enlightened person must be.  I'm honestly here to learn, and I feel like I have a lot to learn from many people, just not you from my experience.  If i'm deluded about my intentions here,  I genuinely hope that pops up in my awareness, but I feel pretty certain that you aren't the teacher for me and don't have the intention to address my points.  On that note, I wish you all the best, and I'm going to carry on my own way... gl!

Comprehensive list of techniques: https://sites.google.com/site/psychospiritualtools/Home/meditation-practices

I appreciate criticism!  Be as critical/nitpicky as you like and don't hold your blows

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So I tested a bit what happens if you increase your consciousness state, so far positive, your eyesight improves, your energy levels increase, you feel lighter, your strength increases , or everything just seam lighter, your thought process changes, instead of thinking, you get answers, information right away, sometimes seems that you get even things that you should not see, but it might be because of changes of how it gets processed and it just gets logically figured out and some other side effect that I ma not sure if are positive or not, but your perception  about things around you change. 

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When someone is being absolutely authentic, they might be kind and humble, or they might be assertive and proud, or intolerant and aloof. Being authentic doesn't mean being a saint.

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1 minute ago, Elysian said:

When someone is being absolutely authentic, they might be kind and humble, or they might be assertive and proud, or intolerant and aloof. Being authentic doesn't mean being a saint.

But what has Enlightenment have to do with being saint, it is about realization. 

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@purerogue (op) Awareness of the deeper currents is in addition to awareness of the surface waters. It’s not like you don’t know what’s going on or can’t see who anybody is, it’s that you see what’s going on and know who everybody is. Intelligence, love, consciousness, were never a product of the brain. 



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On 26/11/2018 at 8:18 PM, Serotoninluv said:

You have likely had glimpses of this. Have you ever been in a mental flow state in which there was no “you”? Perhaps skiing, mountain biking or creating art. How did it flow? Much better without “you” messing things up - worrying about stuff, how good you look etc.

Oh lord, when you get a feeling of I'm just watching a movie, I'm actually not doing anything and I can relax ? My life would be so much more amazing if that were the case all the time ! Are you telling me this is turquoise/enlightenment ? 

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Just now, thehero said:

im stage 14 enlightenment. get on my level nerds

Pff, I am already at stage 87. 

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2 hours ago, Lynnel said:

Oh lord, when you get a feeling of I'm just watching a movie, I'm actually not doing anything and I can relax ? My life would be so much more amazing if that were the case all the time ! Are you telling me this is turquoise/enlightenment ? 

Sort of. This is a great partial truth analogy.

When we watch a movie, why can we relax? Because we don't identify with any of the characters. What if it was a horror movie and the person watching the movie fully identified as being the character in danger? It would be a horrific experience. Yet, if the person watching the movie does not identify with any characters, they can remain relaxed. 

In such an "observer" analogy, in "real life" there is a sense of observing awareness that does not identify with the character "Lynnel". There is a relaxed observing awareness always present, regardless of what happens to the "Lynnel" character in "real life".

This gets at why suffering dissolves. Suffering is caused by the character identifying with stuff. The character identifies as being stuff like: intelligent, kind, unmotivated, too jealous at times, ageing, having knee pain etc. It often desires things to be different "a better job, my partner to be more attentive to me, my spouse to stop nagging, the rainy weather and my knee pain to go away, etc. 

The mind-body may still experience joy, anger, frustration, fear etc. Yet, there is a non-identifying awareness that is peaceful stillness, emptiness. Even when the character returns, there is no identification that all the thoughts and stories running in the mind - hence no suffering.

IME and from what I've witnessed in others, there can be a lot of discomfort and resistance during the dis-identification process. It can feel like dying to the self. Yet, as self identification dissolves - fear, anger, anxiety, frustration etc. is often reduced. It can still arise, yet the baseline foundation awareness shifts from fear/anger/anxiety/frustration to peaceful stillness/emptiness. It's like the energy of the horror movie isn't so threatening and scary anymore. Quite often, the entire context of the movie changes. Not only may one realize they are not the character in the movie, yet the entire movie may get recontextualized. One may realize "wait a minute, with this new perspective, this isn't even a horror movie. That character is just acting scared within a movie that is actually a comedy, or love story, or touching story of the human spirit. Then, the entire relationship to reality can change.

This is just one type of relative awakening within a holistic reality. It's like seeing and becoming aware of a hoof of the Ox - it is not the entire Ox. 

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Joseph Maynor, exactly, Coral will be great, it would be even better if it was some sort of stage orange on steroids, with all of this nondual knowledge 

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At stage 10 you see reality for what it is and understand it. It's not that reality becomes magical, it's that the magic of reality becomes obvious. You can't imagine enlightenment, you can only be it.

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