
I HATE Stage Green

81 posts in this topic

10 minutes ago, Rilles said:

You cant create a conscious business when you hate others. Thats the opposite of conscious.

False. I believe you can create a business that raises people's consciousness while leaving idealogy or your own beliefs entirely out of the picture. 

For example: pushing the field of neuro feedback, healthy living and meditation. 

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Shadow Green is often rejects healthy expressions of the rest of the spiral, like so:

- Rejecting Orange Personal Responsibility (like improving your capacity to create abundance)

- Rejecting Blue Principles (MeToo movement which rejects due process and disregards female shadow red/orange)

- Rejecting Red Positive Masculinity (the idea that men should not stand up for themselves and shouldn't hit on women)

- Rejecting Purple Family dynamics (Orange also often does this)

- Rejecting Beige personal health (example: Leo letting his arms turn into twigs... real healthy there Leo, how are you supposed to lift heavy objects?)

All of the shadow versions of the spiral do this in some way or another.  Try to be the healthy version.

Edited by GenuinePerspectiveXC

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44 minutes ago, Butters said:

False. I believe you can create a business that raises people's consciousness while leaving idealogy or your own beliefs entirely out of the picture. 

For example: pushing the field of neuro feedback, healthy living and meditation. 



We know nothing, and even, I m not sure. a.V.e


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11 minutes ago, Strikr said:


Ehm, how come? If I create a business that pushes people to meditate, I'm not pushing my own idealogy on people and leave them to draw their own conclusions.

Now my own agenda, my worldview, is pure coincidence of where I was born, which time etc. So pushing my own worldview onto others is rather inconsiderate. 

But to promote something that works for everyone on the Spiral, like healthy eating, can be done without pushing my own belief system, which is just nonsense to others. 

Stuff like that can be done perfectly well in a capitalism environment. What else do you propose? 


1 hour ago, Rilles said:

You cant create a conscious business when you hate others. Thats the opposite of conscious.


Edited by Butters

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1 hour ago, Butters said:

If you're against capitalism, you can't practice what you preach. I could make a great case why sleep is a waste of time, but not sleeping ain't gonna work. 

So your point might be valid, it's utterly impractical. Even if you're technically right, what's the purpose? Might as well put on your boots and actually make some change. 


I'm not saying you shouldn't try, but that you should have realistic expectations

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Every stage has something important to teach. Especially stage green which would be compassion for other humans, animals and your environment. (...) You will be able to fully feel your emotions, listen to other humans and actually feel empathy. It will open you up to conversations and other perspectives even though green can be limited in certain perspectives.

You don't have to take stage green to the extremes. I've never been a tree-hugging-hippie myself... You can evolve into stage green and above in a more "healthy" way.

Be a little bit more open to new ideas. You will be fascinated about stage green and even more when you enter stage yellow. ;)

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7 minutes ago, Anna said:

Every stage has something important to teach. Especially stage green which would be compassion for other humans, animals and your environment. (...) You will be able to fully feel your emotions, listen to other humans and actually feel empathy. It will open you up to conversations and other perspectives even though green can be limited in certain perspectives.

You don't have to take stage green to the extremes. I've never been a tree-hugging-hippie myself... You can evolve into stage green and above in a more "healthy" way.

Be a little bit more open to new ideas. You will be fascinated about stage green and even more when you enter stage yellow. ;)

Stage green is not open-minded, yellow is where you become open-minded.

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@purerogue that's true, but you actually open up to a more emotional perspective. You take my words a little bit too literal, I guess.

Edited by Anna

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5 hours ago, Butters said:

This has got to be the most useless, unproductive bridge-stage in the entire spiral. 

Why can't green people have a spiritual gathering or event without being all weird, and weirding all the normal people out? I mean I've been to some decent things like yoga with normal people but more often than not there's too much weirdness for comfort! 

And the hypocrisy with most green people is staggering! My housemate always turns the heat low because of the environment so I'm freezing, then he flies to Peru for some spiritual journey? The carbon footprint of a return airplane ticket has got to be hundreds of times higher than our annual heating bill. 

Speaking of hypocrisy; why are green people always complaining about the world being messed up, but then the orange ones have got to fix it with actual businesses and economical impact? Is stage green really just an annoying highschool cheerleader, while orange is the football team? 

Green people are dogmatic, impulsive and ignorant. At least orange has a working structure. 

In a way I'm excited about transitioning into green, I just can't stand the people. 

Convince me otherwise.

I'm not going to convince you not to hate your roommate or other stage green people.  If you enjoying hating people, I'm not here to stop you.  People have different upbringings, loveless lives, etc.  I agree stage green can come off as a bit aggressive towards ideas they deem offensive,  but I think there's a better solution for YOU in specific than hating them

Comprehensive list of techniques: https://sites.google.com/site/psychospiritualtools/Home/meditation-practices

I appreciate criticism!  Be as critical/nitpicky as you like and don't hold your blows

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No green, no awakening :P

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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2 hours ago, Strikr said:


What is actualized.org then? 

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What does a masculine stage Green look like, for a society or in individual?

This is something I'm trying to figure out right now. As many on the forum have pointed out, Green appears to manifest as the most feminine stage of development, and this creates issues like OP describes. Perhaps this is because of the tendency to jump into stage Green beliefs/lifestyles without fully integrating Orange, which tends to skew more masculine in contrast.

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13 minutes ago, XYZ said:

What does a masculine stage Green look like, for a society or in individual?

This is something I'm trying to figure out right now. As many on the forum have pointed out, Green appears to manifest as the most feminine stage of development, and this creates issues like OP describes. Perhaps this is because of the tendency to jump into stage Green beliefs/lifestyles without fully integrating Orange, which tends to skew more masculine in contrast.

Oh my, this question is right up @Emerald's alley. . . 

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47 minutes ago, XYZ said:

What does a masculine stage Green look like, for a society or in individual?


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura

And his thesis was "An Intuitive Model of Nonbinary Empathetic Love Applicable to All Morally Relative Beings". 

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15 minutes ago, XYZ said:

What does a masculine stage Green look like, for a society or in individual?

This is something I'm trying to figure out right now. As many on the forum have pointed out, Green appears to manifest as the most feminine stage of development, and this creates issues like OP describes. Perhaps this is because of the tendency to jump into stage Green beliefs/lifestyles without fully integrating Orange, which tends to skew more masculine in contrast.

You have it all backwards.

Imagine becoming so masculine that you stop giving a shit about needing to be masculine, and thus you are now finally able to embrace your feminine side at last. This is stage green.


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1 hour ago, Serotoninluv said:

Oh my, this question is right up @Emerald's alley. . . 

@XYZ In some respects, it is more feminine because it makes such leaps and bounds toward the integration of the feminine principle as compared to the previous stages which were all about resistance to the feminine. So, it is the first stage since the transition from Beige to beginning Purple, where the feminine begins to rebrandish itself in collective consciousness. And in Beige and early Purple the feminine is dangerous to the survival of human beings in a way unparalleled in other, more developed stages. That is why the widespread resistance to it came up in the first place.

All the other stages past that and up until Orange have to do with the intention toward the suppression of the feminine as those stages are emblematic of man's struggle against the powerful forces of MOTHER Nature. This struggle of man against Mother Nature is not won until Orange comes upon the scene. But at that point, the goal quickly reverses. Orange is where we become too powerful over Mother Nature and too slanted in the masculine direction. So, there is a need to transition to feminine allowing Green to avoid destroying ourselves at Orange. Orange is by far the most dangerous stage. 

So, the struggle of man against nature and as an extension masculinity against femininity, is a major defining characteristic of later stage Purple, Red, Blue, and Orange. But in late Orange, there is a need for there to be a change in the view of the masculine in order to make room for the feminine to be reintegrated into society. And this is largely what that underlying transition of the past century has been about with all the Feminism, environmental activism, and equality movements in general. 

But in every stage there is a masculine intonation and feminine intonation of the stage, in terms of human ways of being.

For example, in stage Blue we can imagine both a masculine intonation of that stage and a feminine intonation of that stage, even if we could call that stage masculine in nature.

The same is true with stage Orange, which we could also call more masculine in nature. But there is still a general male intonation and a general female intonation.

With Green, there are many other intonations than male and female that begin to be recognized. And gender is not confined to to a binary. But there is still a masculine and feminine intonation. The problem with Green in this way is that at the beginning of the transition there is a fear of traditional gender norms as there is fear of going backwards.

In early Green, women tend to like to buck the gender roles of the past because there is a sense of freedom from the confines of gender roles being like a prison. So, it is much easier for women to ignore the impact of gender and polarity, as there feels like there is a lot more to lose from identifying with femaleness and femininity.  There is power to be regained in divorcing one's self from the feminine gender role, as it is understood in early Green that femininity=prison. So, this discomfort tends to jettison women into early Green before men get there. Liberation is easier when the alternative sucks.

With men, however, they tend to find empowerment in the gender roles of the past because it paints a narrative where they are in charge and superior.  And everything is polar and a lot sexier for them. So, men don't like this ignoring of gender as a factor because they see their gender role as empowering and rewarding, sexually and otherwise. To many Orange men, masculinity=super power. So, there is a desire to remain in Orange and play the status games of "Who's the most masculine?" And many men get comfortable in Orange because they fear letting go of that perceived power. So, men don't often see the power of transitioning to Green. The issue here is that the idea of masculinity tends to supplant their actual masculinity at the Orange stage and before. Their actual masculinity can't be found until men liberate themselves from the norms of the past in late Green or early Yellow.

But a mature Green man, in later Green, will start to get in touch with his actual subtle masculinity that is a separate thing entirely from cultural notions of the masculine. For this, you can imagine a man who is embodying the masculine effortlessly without attachment and in a very subtle way that radiates from him and is not try-hard or immature. But this will be unlikely to be fully realized until he starts to make the jump to Yellow. 



Edited by Emerald

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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