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Truths About Life & Enlightenment

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16 minutes ago, Pinocchio said:

@Falk You ARE in the position of Tantalus. That's the whole point. That "otherness" generator you call a mind is what conjures up all your ideas about what to pursue or accomplish or things you value or consider important or your loved ones or whatever else you think life has to offer you. Those ephemeral images seem to hold a promise, but can never be fulfilled. They are illusions, just like everything else.

That's the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. That's the nourishment forever out of Tantalus' reach. That's the torment inherent in separation. That's the suffering we constantly choose. That's the nightmare we don't want to wake up from and defend to the death.

"All is vanity and a striving after wind."

xD i see myself in you when i was much younger i was pretty nihilisitc sometimes, so let´s take out some stridency and look at the facts: 

I think we can agree for example, if you think "i wanna get that car then im happy", that´s probably what you mean by pot of gold that you never reach?! But this is not the case with everything in life thou... happieness will come from within, from knowing yourself and from beeing independent from affectiveness and wishfull thinking. 

Btw. what is your definition of "illusion"? 

And also why is "separation" the new "devil" all of a sudden? The principle of "separation" meaning having a separated system where the second law of thermodynamics doesn´t screw up every attempt to build complexity, is the ground on which life itself is based on!... so... xD without separation, without systems beeing able to shut themselves of off the surrounding world ... we wouldnt even exist in the first place, the emergence of minds has the principle of separation on lower levels as a necessity.

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52 minutes ago, Falk said:

Well i think we all have to accept the fact that we can´t KNOW everything about this life for shure in some sense the idea you have "your eyes" opened FULLY! is just an idea an idealisitc /unrealistic idea ... evolution goes on/ more knowledge keeps adding ...untill we actually know everything ..we don´t (maybe we find out some day that it is even impossible for us to know everything, human brains are not made to "map" the whole reality fully)

  What I'm saying is to always be totally present and in the moment throughout your life.

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6 hours ago, Pinocchio said:

No, you haven't and you won't. Just take an honest look at all your "choices" so far. You've chosen suffering almost every time, just like me. That's why we're here talking about it.

Correct or significant doesn't enter into it, it's a nightmare and it's of your own creation. The only reason anyone isn't awake is because they choose suffering. That is, insofar as there is any choice at all.

The individual who says they wouldn't choose suffering, IS the suffering. Is the "original sin". Is the fall from grace. Is the separation. Without separation there is no individual making claims about choices.


That's true. I unconsciously choose suffering every time. But with consciousness, no one would choose suffering because they would realize that there is nothing to be lost in giving up the ego. 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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paradox again, "who's gonna be enligthened?"- is a rational question because no matter what answers are  cannot satisfy a much deeper realization. Just continue the journey and we can answer that at the top:)

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