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Truths About Life & Enlightenment

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I don´t need to become enlightened! It is just a word, some person came up with at some point ..which is fine. If i reach a state on that someone would call me "enlightened" he can do it ...i don´t care. But i don´t want it. I don´t desire it. Seriously i dont!! The more i learn and understand about myself the more i realize i dont have to become ..."enlightened" ..i dont have to "become" ..anything. I am more intressted to learn about what i AM right now. The idea of "becoming" anything is actually at the core of everyone´s misery, the paragon of disdain of "now", What you become is a result of what you are ....if what you are right now is just someone who wants to become something ...this is a feedbackloop wont never arrive anywhere!!

If someone sermons: "you people have to get enlightened ...then you will be happy (nowadays if you are not happy you are sick and need to change!!!) 24h a day" and some people believe it and try to become enlightened(happy) so hard and they fail and are even more depressed instead ...

I ask: isn´t it better to just accept life as it is: and if you have to work a normal job instead of working in your "dream-carrier" ...(which per definition you can´t realy evaluate in terms of personal "satisfation", since it is just a dream, an at best semi-conscious desire-construct) thats fine! And yes, life is! hard sometimes, yes! why is that bad? it is not bad! you have to do stuff you don´t want what? find a way to still enjoy it, grow a thicker skin and make a joke about it , don´t deny it ...just have humor and feel good about the now anyways even it is not exactly like "you" wanted it ... isn´t that enlightened too?

also most of us HAVE to deal with different people, some are funny some are agressive, some are stupid and some a smart, some we like some we don´t but mabye we find that we don´t have a reason to not like them and start to like them instead, and that is some kind of enlightenment too?

And Isn´t it ok to sometimes not be blissful? if you see inequity? or if you see a person with 50pounds too much, smoking a cigarette and eating his soon last burger ... do you must be blissful at this sight? if you see some parents treat their little daughter like shit and you can almost see how she will be exactly like her ignorant mother in 20years you must be blissful? If you see your boss is doing no work and getting 5x your salary you must be blissful? Is every feeling of "i don´t like this" just an illusion you have to vanquish, or is enlightment when you stand up and ACT! instead of just thinking ..."oh it is unjust...but only in my head..and since the new tacit agreement is that noone exists anyways it is ok to not help that person over there..." THIS is not my definition of enlightement!

Isnt life a rollercoaster sometimes? Some tasks are hard and unpleasant dont feel eternal bliss while doing them, but if you made it you feel realy good... I think the notion and the expecation to be "happy" all the time is absolutley ridiculous and hurtfull!! i think that has to be said! Life is NOT like that! we can try to improove our life and it is realy important to remoove all layers of bs-beliefs we hold , but even in a yogis life there are some shitty days and that is fine!! just remoove the megalomanic inclinations of what "enlightenment" is supposed to mean the end we are not seperated as enlightened and not enlightened but united as living beeings experiencing ourselves, some with more insight some with less but noone with total understanding and noone with no understanding at all.

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Hi falk,

Having a bit of mind chatter here my friend?:)

I give you mine back...

The problem of human beings is that they always try to make sens out of everything, life, love, war, enlightenment, not enlightened, rollercoasters... where there is none. Things are. Nothing more, nothing less. As I see it, life is not about being blissful or enlightened but it's about being in harmony with the world that reflects only how we use and trained our mind to perceive it.

For the notion and expectation to be happy whatever the circumstances. I give you my word that this is actually possible. Not because I reached enlightenment but because I raised my awareness about what emotions are and how they arise. If you become aware that those emotions are the result of your unconscious mind and you make through practice that entire process conscious, then It's ok to feel bad, you'll be able to reverse that in no time and reduce the chatter in your head because you become aware of it and choose another path that what you usually take by automatic, unconscious reactions.

I don't want to cut my arm and see if I can be ok with that, my life is enough like anybody else, full so called of crapy, challenging moments.  I'm just saying that your level of happiness is the result of expressing emotions based in love, and this is a mastery that you can verify by yourself doing the course I advertise in the topic where we review programs.

At the moment I'm in a low of the rollercoaster, I know I will reverse that. I'm conscient to be still on my way to get better. It takes time, step by step, I'm slowly getting back to where I was a few years ago when I did the program seriously. This moment is perfection, there is only our mind in the way that prevent us from seeing it the way.

Take care!

Edit: The goal for me and I assume for everybody else, is to be up the rollercoaster most of the time, and not to dramatise when I'm down, nothing more really.

Edited by Nic

Who Am I to judge? When I think I know, I don't know that I don't know.

"Things don't change when they are understood. Understanding reinforces the intellect (the ego). The seeker has to make room to the meditative state."

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@Nic Thanks for the kind reply!

I just felt the urge to write down some thoughts...text was longer then i intended xD


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@Falk I loved your thoughts.

I am an Enlightenment beginner, and the more I read about it the more I feel in a race: "Who is gonna be enlightened first?"

Enlightenment become just one more item to accomplish in your "successful"-life list. :S

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You don't really have to "be enlightened". The thing is that you really really want to. Right now you're associating with your life events. Life is a roller coaster regardless if you're enlightened or not. The difference is that with enlightenment you're watching the roller coaster instead of riding along.

Instead of fulfilling a dream you realize there is no need to fulfill a dream in the first place. It's reaching fulfillment by realizing you're already fulfilled.

Do not make and feel forced to do enlightenment work. It's you answering your deepest needs. (by killing them).

"Water takes shape of whatever container holds it." --

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The ability to be completely comfortable and relaxed with whatever is going on at any given moment. Yeah, fuck that! 

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2 hours ago, WhoisJon said:

The ability to be completely comfortable and relaxed with whatever is going on at any given moment. Yeah, fuck that! 

xD lol ok that was funny


Just imagine: I force the dalai lama to work 16h shifts in an indonese i-phone manufacture, scourging him to put together 2 random pieces faster and faster (those workers also don´t get weekends free so neither gets he) ...and 1 year later or 5 years later ...let´s see if he is still in bliss after a double-shift of that work knowing he will have to do it for the rest of his life ...he will be soooo happy ;) definatly!

Fuck the real-life circumstances ONLY!!! need enlightenment...

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@Falk Suffering = pain x resistance. If he's able to keep his resistance low, he won't have too bad a time.

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22 hours ago, Falk said:

I don´t need to become enlightened! It is just a word, some person came up with at some point ..which is fine. If i reach a state on that someone would call me "enlightened" he can do it ...i don´t care. But i don´t want it. I don´t desire it. Seriously i dont!! The more i learn and understand about myself the more i realize i dont have to become ..."enlightened" ..i dont have to "become" ..anything. I am more intressted to learn about what i AM right now. The idea of "becoming" anything is actually at the core of everyone´s misery, the paragon of disdain of "now", What you become is a result of what you are ....if what you are right now is just someone who wants to become something ...this is a feedbackloop wont never arrive anywhere!!

If someone sermons: "you people have to get enlightened ...then you will be happy (nowadays if you are not happy you are sick and need to change!!!) 24h a day" and some people believe it and try to become enlightened(happy) so hard and they fail and are even more depressed instead ...

I ask: isn´t it better to just accept life as it is: and if you have to work a normal job instead of working in your "dream-carrier" ...(which per definition you can´t realy evaluate in terms of personal "satisfation", since it is just a dream, an at best semi-conscious desire-construct) thats fine! And yes, life is! hard sometimes, yes! why is that bad? it is not bad! you have to do stuff you don´t want what? find a way to still enjoy it, grow a thicker skin and make a joke about it , don´t deny it ...just have humor and feel good about the now anyways even it is not exactly like "you" wanted it ... isn´t that enlightened too?

also most of us HAVE to deal with different people, some are funny some are agressive, some are stupid and some a smart, some we like some we don´t but mabye we find that we don´t have a reason to not like them and start to like them instead, and that is some kind of enlightenment too?

And Isn´t it ok to sometimes not be blissful? if you see inequity? or if you see a person with 50pounds too much, smoking a cigarette and eating his soon last burger ... do you must be blissful at this sight? if you see some parents treat their little daughter like shit and you can almost see how she will be exactly like her ignorant mother in 20years you must be blissful? If you see your boss is doing no work and getting 5x your salary you must be blissful? Is every feeling of "i don´t like this" just an illusion you have to vanquish, or is enlightment when you stand up and ACT! instead of just thinking ..."oh it is unjust...but only in my head..and since the new tacit agreement is that noone exists anyways it is ok to not help that person over there..." THIS is not my definition of enlightement!

Isnt life a rollercoaster sometimes? Some tasks are hard and unpleasant dont feel eternal bliss while doing them, but if you made it you feel realy good... I think the notion and the expecation to be "happy" all the time is absolutley ridiculous and hurtfull!! i think that has to be said! Life is NOT like that! we can try to improove our life and it is realy important to remoove all layers of bs-beliefs we hold , but even in a yogis life there are some shitty days and that is fine!! just remoove the megalomanic inclinations of what "enlightenment" is supposed to mean the end we are not seperated as enlightened and not enlightened but united as living beeings experiencing ourselves, some with more insight some with less but noone with total understanding and noone with no understanding at all.

Lovely post. I've been having a big argument about enlightenment recently and it really defeats the purpose of what I am doing here :D This post really good, I will look into thinking less about what enlightenment is and just *be* and try to do /or not/ what I came on this earth to do /or not/.

-1/12 is Infinity 

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21 hours ago, Nic said:

and this is a mastery that you can verify by yourself doing the course I advertise in the topic where we review programs.

Which topic is that, can you link it, please?

-1/12 is Infinity 

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1 hour ago, Dodoster said:

Which topic is that, can you link it, please?




Who Am I to judge? When I think I know, I don't know that I don't know.

"Things don't change when they are understood. Understanding reinforces the intellect (the ego). The seeker has to make room to the meditative state."

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I'd avoid it like the plague. the total annihilation of your understanding of everything. keep living the dream. 

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life is what you make it, if you are living a nightmare its of your own creation.

don't get me wrong I haven't had an easy life very far from it, and it was a nightmare till my 20's but to realise it was all in vain, all that striving from fear and desires which I created in my own mind just makes me a little pissed off. 

Anyway I take it all back the calmness and clarity of just "BEING" far outweighs the Rage and Anger that burned inside me like a furnace for 40 years. 



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On ‎4‎/‎7‎/‎2016 at 4:46 PM, Falk said:

I don´t need to become enlightened! It is just a word, some person came up with at some point ..which is fine. If i reach a state on that someone would call me "enlightened" he can do it ...i don´t care. But i don´t want it. I don´t desire it. Seriously i dont!! The more i learn and understand about myself the more i realize i dont have to become ..."enlightened" ..i dont have to "become" ..anything. I am more intressted to learn about what i AM right now. The idea of "becoming" anything is actually at the core of everyone´s misery, the paragon of disdain of "now", What you become is a result of what you are ....if what you are right now is just someone who wants to become something ...this is a feedbackloop wont never arrive anywhere!!

If someone sermons: "you people have to get enlightened ...then you will be happy (nowadays if you are not happy you are sick and need to change!!!) 24h a day" and some people believe it and try to become enlightened(happy) so hard and they fail and are even more depressed instead ...

I ask: isn´t it better to just accept life as it is: and if you have to work a normal job instead of working in your "dream-carrier" ...(which per definition you can´t realy evaluate in terms of personal "satisfation", since it is just a dream, an at best semi-conscious desire-construct) thats fine! And yes, life is! hard sometimes, yes! why is that bad? it is not bad! you have to do stuff you don´t want what? find a way to still enjoy it, grow a thicker skin and make a joke about it , don´t deny it ...just have humor and feel good about the now anyways even it is not exactly like "you" wanted it ... isn´t that enlightened too?

also most of us HAVE to deal with different people, some are funny some are agressive, some are stupid and some a smart, some we like some we don´t but mabye we find that we don´t have a reason to not like them and start to like them instead, and that is some kind of enlightenment too?

And Isn´t it ok to sometimes not be blissful? if you see inequity? or if you see a person with 50pounds too much, smoking a cigarette and eating his soon last burger ... do you must be blissful at this sight? if you see some parents treat their little daughter like shit and you can almost see how she will be exactly like her ignorant mother in 20years you must be blissful? If you see your boss is doing no work and getting 5x your salary you must be blissful? Is every feeling of "i don´t like this" just an illusion you have to vanquish, or is enlightment when you stand up and ACT! instead of just thinking ..."oh it is unjust...but only in my head..and since the new tacit agreement is that noone exists anyways it is ok to not help that person over there..." THIS is not my definition of enlightement!

Isnt life a rollercoaster sometimes? Some tasks are hard and unpleasant dont feel eternal bliss while doing them, but if you made it you feel realy good... I think the notion and the expecation to be "happy" all the time is absolutley ridiculous and hurtfull!! i think that has to be said! Life is NOT like that! we can try to improove our life and it is realy important to remoove all layers of bs-beliefs we hold , but even in a yogis life there are some shitty days and that is fine!! just remoove the megalomanic inclinations of what "enlightenment" is supposed to mean the end we are not seperated as enlightened and not enlightened but united as living beeings experiencing ourselves, some with more insight some with less but noone with total understanding and noone with no understanding at all.

Definitely, these are some of the traps of 'seeking' enlightenment. Seeking means that you haven't found something but will find it in the future which is antithetical to enlightenment. Also, being enlightened is just as insignificant as being unenlightened. Thinking that you will add value to yourself by becoming enlightened is just another trap. But a word of caution, don't let your thoughts talk you out of waking up. The ego loves to derail progress.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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20 hours ago, Dash Us Pain said:
20 hours ago, Dash Us Pain said:

I'd avoid it like the plague. the total annihilation of your understanding of everything. keep living the dream. 

I'd avoid it like the plague. the total annihilation of your understanding of everything. keep living the dream. 

@Dash Us Pain My worst nightmare would be if when my time finally comes to the end of the road, to say to myself "I went through life with eyes half shut with preoccupation and self". Never having them fully open untill that last breath.


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15 hours ago, Pinocchio said:

Yes, that's the nightmare. And yes it's of your own creation. But you could (theoretically) create the most tantalizing dream imaginable, and it will be as much of a nightmare as any. Hell is inherent in the illusion of separation/otherness.

So life is not what you make it, only the facade is what you make it, and it will be a nightmare either way. Just it may be a while before it dawns on you. The question is not whether you want to wake up, but how long before you finally realize that it's what you want.


Now imagine being stuck in that furnace with no way out. All the facades keep coming back to tantalize you, but you already know it's the same damn furnace, and there's nothing you can do about it.

I understand it can also be profoundly unpleasant to suddenly wake up from that as you apparently did. But I'd trade places with you in a heartbeat. I'll take the trauma of that over the trauma of not waking up. Even you said you wouldn't go back if you could.

I would say that suffering v. non- suffering is universally preferable from the individual human perspective. But neither is any more correct or significant. But if it comes down to the choice of suffering v. non-suffering; I'll choose non-suffering every time.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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I remember when I could get shaken so easily by someone's words/threats/mind games. It would throw me off so easily. Now I found this...calmness...this confidence. Like I am more in touch with the force that can't be messed with. 

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@Pinocchio is introducing "orginal sin" and "fall from grace" which have direct religious conotations and are woven into the picture that christianity paints of the human existence (it is christianity map , one map of many)

what you refer to as "original sin" is the bibles take on the up-coming of consciuousness/mind on the evolution of mankind, and thereby the new "problem" of mind/matter-duality. (or some people state it is not even a real problem, since mind emerges from matter/ the complexity of the mind is expainable by mechanistic terms of the single neurons etc ..for example daniel denett states this (read his books if you are interessted in this topic) Of course duality is another map (tacitly agreed on by most) but there are also diffrent explanations on this absolutly fascinating topic of how we experience ourselves as minds knowing we are matter as well. There is the model of panpsychism(saying even quarks & atoms have already some intrinsic mind-like quality), then also monism (which can be theoretical mean that only matter exists like the bahaviourists stated or only mind exists)

Also the term "awake" is a methaphor based on a physiological mechanism: sleep. The model of spiritualy "beeing awake" is just another map, another idea, that MIGHT be useful or not, i dont like the digital undertone giving only 2 options like a mechanical switch awake *switch* not awake, anyways; never start to get dogmatic about these terms! 

a nightmare is another metaphorical term, if you say "life is a nightmare" that is one statement, one map about life (i personaly don´t like to use such an emotional downward map) , but nevertheless it is a model. 

also i don´t wish to be in the position of tantalus ...that poor guy xD (it is a clever story thou i sometimes remember it when i think im hungry)

@cetus56 you say : "My worst nightmare would be if when my time finally comes to the end of the road, to say to myself "I went through life with eyes half shut with preoccupation and self". Never having them fully open untill that last breath."

Well i think we all have to accept the fact that we can´t KNOW everything about this life for shure in some sense the idea you have "your eyes" opened FULLY! is just an idea an idealisitc /unrealistic idea ... evolution goes on/ more knowledge keeps adding ...untill we actually know everything ..we don´t (maybe we find out some day that it is even impossible for us to know everything, human brains are not made to "map" the whole reality fully)

@Emerald Wilkins Yes i agree , there are many traps on the way to finding out more about reality and truth and yourself, but i think with beeing a bit humble and always returning to the track you feel is right, you have good chances of living a fullfilled life and maybe help some others on their journey as well :)


Edited by Falk

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