
Best way to dedecate ones life to spirituality/enlightenment at a young age

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I'm a  student in my second year at Oxford uni, uk, with an (admittedly small) family +  friends + girlfriend that loves me. I had an enlightenment experience on acid many years ago so I know it's real. At that time although I can barely remember it, it felt like I was so lucky to have a glimpse and that I almost died without one, and that it was the only thing worth actually pursing in life.

I occasionally read about enlightenment in books and also (seemingly) waste my time watching people talk about it on youtube constantly. Even though I'm young and successful by societies standards I am a drug addict, I feel empty and purposeless inside and feel like I'm wasting my life and my youth on pointless shit that I don't feel passionate about. 

Sometimes I get these impulses to give everything I know up and join a zen monastery or something -  I know of some people (like Andy Puddicombe founder of Headspace and Shinzen Young) who have done exactly this - just picked up and left their old life behind and been forced to adapt to hardcore spiritual practice - something I feel like I don't have the willpower to do while carrying on in my current environment.

It's rash but it surely seems like it's is the right thing to do. Idk if this even counts as a question, but is there anyone here who is now older and regrets not doing this as such a young age despite all the seemingly important obligations that stopped them doing it at that moment? Or is there some trap I should look out for when people become monks etc?

Is this a move in the right direction is what I'm asking.


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Building off what nahm said, it does sound like you have a genuine desire for pursuing what you tasted, are you using some of your time meditating or inquiring into life, your beliefs that cause you and others suffering?  Dont hold yourself back from this thing you feel is more important, but also don't waste it if you don't have to.  Perhaps you can augment where your at so you feel better about your usage of time.

Ultimately you are already what your looking for and you can find that on any path.  Your Uni studies could turn into something that helps humanity, yourself and allows you to do what you want.  As nahm pointed to question into what you want and go for it.  Also dont allow spiritual dogma  to lead into believing you have to become a monk or live in india for a while to "wake up" AND don't let your fears of needing to finish school and live a "normal" life dictate what you choose......

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Go get a psychoanalytic consultation at the London Clinic of Psychoanalysis and see if psychoanalysis is right for you. It's the best possible thing you could do for yourself as a young person and as a spiritual seeker -- it will help you think through these questions and understand your emotional patterns and barriers.

Website/book/one-on-one spiritual guidance: Sifting to the Truth: A New Map to the Self

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@riplo I see SO MANY people on this forum fall into the same pitfall: not mastering the basics first, and yet pursuing the greatest fruits of self-growth.

Forget about enlightenment. 

Study and train your mind first, then move on to the big stuff.

Read about human psychology, master your will-power and self-control over your emotions, master your life-style and so on.

4 hours ago, riplo said:

 I am a drug addict

no comment... 

4 hours ago, riplo said:

I get these impulses to give everything I know up

so what is dictating your life: emotions, rationality or consciousness?

4 hours ago, riplo said:

enlightenment experience on acid

there are many different spiritual awakenings/experiences, not just enlightenment. 

If you want to take on the dragon (enlightenment) you better become a very good warrior first (master the basics Leo was talking years ago), or you're doomed to fail.

Edited by 111111

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Breath, above anything in life. 

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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