
Does negative energy get trapped in a room?

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Whenever I'm at home it's really hard for me to work hard and self actualize. My home has also been the place where I have been depressed and lazy for like a decade. If I leave my home and go to a library it becomes a lot easier. 

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Try redecorating your home or rearrange it into something new.

When I first started Self-Actualizing I replaced my pornstar posters with art.

I set up a little meditation spot by putting down a mat, setting up some art tapestries, and I got a stylish ash tray to burn incense in.

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@thehero it has nothing to do with external negative energies nor any kind of esoterism.

it's your mind that's making the association.

@Genghis Khan's tips are legit.

unborn Truth

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I am not sure about negative energy getting trapped into a room. 

I do know that it is important to set up as much as you can an environment that is ecologically abundant for you to self actualize. Think of your environment as the soil for the plants-is there sufficient nutrients for the plant to grow.

What can you do to eventually leave that environment or if not at minimum set up parameters where your environment is conducive to your growth? 

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It seems so, which is why people do things like saging and Feng-Shui.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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@aurum Thank you ? 

"Those who have suffered understand suffering and therefore extend their hand." --Patti Smith

"Lately, I find myself out gazing at stars, hearing guitars...Like Someone In Love" 

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@thehero For intuitive types, this can happen by automatically absorbing someone's emotions or mental garbage. There has been examples of someone eating at a restaurant, and then they feel grumpy all of a sudden. What actually caused their grumpiness was that a person in a bad mood happened to walk in and the intuitive person picked up on that. 

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The most common used herb for purifying/removing negative energies or vibrations that are lingering in a room, place or atmosphere is sage which is immediately effective but I also recommend palo santo (sacred wood), one I use frequently. The process is known as "smudging" or clearing negative energy. It's been used for centuries for medicinal purposes and within countless spiritual practices/alternative therapies within mysticism, Shamanism, Hinduism, Celtic Druidism/Paganism in Ancient cemeteries..the list goes on and on. xD Sage is the ultimate scent of thousands of years of ceremony, ritual and sacred healing. It is Latin for "salvia" meaning "To Heal"

When people fight or cause energetic dysfunction within a place/household for instance, causing emotions like depression/anxiety/fatigue/fear.. this is imagined to linger and trail in the air, or crawl and nest into the walls & floors, so to speak. If you have any natural empathy or are "clairsentient" and rather sensitive or intuitive to the emotions/vibrations within a place or area like I am, to people's negative or offsetting vibrations, it is quite useful to look into herbal remedies to clear your sacred space. They are modern and easy enough to find if you're just stumbling into the New Age realm but this is all ancient wisdom and these are all ancient remedies to appreciate. 

Start with an open loving heart, with the intention of purifying and ridding yourself from this unwanted energy and letting love in. You can say loving affirmations of protection & peace or speak poems/quotes/phrases that resonate with you that relate to this feeling of peace, or you can say nothing at all and simply get into a deeply relaxed state of mind first, begin walking around the house and running the smoke along every corner and crevice of each room, visualizing the negative energy being released and removed. You can open the windows as well, and imagine the smoke collecting what is left in the air and sending it off into the distant nowhere. There's many ways you can imagine it though, it's all up to you, whatever floats your spacegoat. ❤️ Self-saging & cleansing you aura is another beneficial & ritualistic practice that is very healing and can feel quite beautiful and ethereal. You can imagine yourself being showered & surrounded with loving energetic mist, embodying it. For me, I find that it always helps clear mind & ground before entering a deep state of meditation. Kind of like a gesture of entering the ritual. 

You can pretty much "sage" anything your heart desires though, often times you'll catch me wandering around with a wee mini travel sized sage bundle in my pocket, I have found this was a wise decision.

Hope this helps!

"Those who have suffered understand suffering and therefore extend their hand." --Patti Smith

"Lately, I find myself out gazing at stars, hearing guitars...Like Someone In Love" 

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1 hour ago, aurum said:


It seems so, which is why people do things like saging and Feng-Shui.

When I was in Beijing China I saw a huge hole designed into a skyscraper for energy to move through.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Negativity gets trapped in the body. Learn to body scan or do yoga.

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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Your mind is projecting. Trick your mind by redecorating and creating a 'sacred' space for yourself. (Oil defuser, meditation pillow/mat/stool, wall art/tapestry etc)

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7 hours ago, thehero said:

Whenever I'm at home it's really hard for me to work hard and self actualize. My home has also been the place where I have been depressed and lazy for like a decade. If I leave my home and go to a library it becomes a lot easier. 

Stop judging yourself as lazy and depressed, that had to be, there is no other way it could have been. Once you switch your perspective of your past being bad you can move on. 

Edited by Rilles

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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I believe negative energies can come from fights and the presence of a negative or destructive person. I've experienced this in my childhood home. One negative person is enough to upset the positive vibe of the home. 

Try to find who is responsible for the cause of the negativity and avoid such people. Also maintain peace and quiet and less noise or fights. Work on yourself to be more peaceful and happy. I've seen that happiness makes a difference. It compensates for the sadness created by the person. It offsets the negative energy at least in your own room. 

Flowers make a difference. Fresh flowers arranged in a vase. An open window letting in sunshine and lots of air. A few potted indoor plants. A Buddha statue or any religious idol if you are a religious person. Incense also brings a positive feeling. 

Praying and meditating in the room will also disperse the negativity. 

Also listen to happy music as soon as you wake up early morning. 

Watch humorous shows or clips to keep you in a good mood. 

Your good mood will uplift the energy of the room

Hope this helped. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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I think they do, or my mood at least can change room to room, although it could be a projection as others are saying. Anyway, you can of course use what violet flame was talking about, for me I just have my own brightness clear things up in any environment I'm in 

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Do not cite me on this, but I think it is like karma, idea, memory that you associate with , which makes it real for you. 

Edited by purerogue

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Any info gets trapped everywhere. Is up to you to use that energy, believing is negative is only a belief from your mind, there is no such thing as negative energy.

Burn some sage, create intention and visualization. Buy some clear quartz and bloodstone to help you. 

Best of luck!

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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@pluto Yes, yes! :x

@theheroCrystals (I would look into the basic ones first for protection and healing & clearing such as rose quartz, clear quartz, amethyst, citrine, selenite, etc)

There's hundreds of various kinds out there for diverse spiritual purposes especially for cleansing/charging rooms. Most of the time I'll hold two comfy crystals in each hand during meditation, which is great because during the entire time the powerful frequencies within each crystal are traveling to you. Black Tourmaline is another great one for spiritual protection and for people who are sensitive to energies/emotions as well as electromagnetic fields; technology and WiFi, etc. 

Also, I recommend doing some chakra cleanses. These are very powerful and I find can really help ground & "shield" you from any negative belief patterns or thoughts that are holding you back and aren't serving you. Much of the time they are caused by the mind, so this practice disables them from getting attached to you or controlling you and release you from internal/external conflict. I find that it's just all about how you perceive them and handle them in your own way that works for you and is for your highest good, then they start to disappear.

You are the power. You are a kaleidoscopic lighthouse. 

"Those who have suffered understand suffering and therefore extend their hand." --Patti Smith

"Lately, I find myself out gazing at stars, hearing guitars...Like Someone In Love" 

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Rather than using objects have you tried using your own intentions and your own energy? It's much quicker and it's cheaper. Theirs infinite ways to do this but one method I use is I see myself in my room and my intention is to purify all energy. This gets rid of spirits too.  Anyways just see your own energy flowing from yourself and purifying the room. Feel the energy getting purified as the energy is flowing from you. The color can be whatever color you want. For me it's a bright white and the energy is love.  I hope this helps! Also remember you don't need anything outside of yourself as you already have everything! Just trust yourself! 

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I am genuinely curious. How can an object such as an herb or a rock affect the "energy" of a place if it is not simply a mental projection? What is actually being changed? Why sage and not horse dung? How does the energy linger? Does it not seep through the floorboards and travel through walls, or are we considering it something physical that must remain in place until its container is opened and aired out? I just want to understand.

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