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sentinelese tribe

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So an american went to convert them and got arrows in ass. Arround 50 people are remaning in the tribe that look healthy and fine. This tribe maybe below beige according to S.D. if u try to spiral up them they will be extinct, if not they may live for some more decades.


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Or maybe they were intelligent enough to see such a violent intention to impose culture in place of an already existing one..Just sucks that there had to be the loss of a life as a result. 


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Tribes are usually Purple.

Culture wars are a real thing. It is arrogant to go converting people. Better to mind one's own business or you might get an arrow in the ass.

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I also think they are purple, and it should be, they are struggling with things likes hunting and surviving each day, how would they know if a foreigner approaching them is friendly? better safe than sorry. I think this whole story of the tribe killing that missionary makes lots of people think of the essence of human nature which is interesting.

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In a global context, SD is about trends.


There is no reason to try to move such numbers of people up the spiral under such circumstances.

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