
Please Don't chase enlightenment.

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15 minutes ago, Rilles said:

you are dog chasing yourself, infinite pawsibility, voof voof, yelp inquiry



Which centimeter of the tail you're reside? I guess I'm close near the asshole

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12 minutes ago, non_nothing said:

fundamentally desire of the otherness

I have many friends, talking to this forum is real bullshit.

my friends give me joy & "material pleasure" and "real laugh", you, nothing.

this forum, I know what it give me, maybe that's word, maybe that's illusion, maybe that's the force within me, maybe that's my illusion that have been broken.

who knows ? and who cares.

We know nothing, and even, I m not sure. a.V.e


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Although I would not consider myself enlightened, I have found the beauty of expanding consciousness allows this attitude of chasing to present itself in awareness and thus allow it to vanish. 

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35 minutes ago, non_nothing said:

Which centimeter of the tail you're reside? I guess I'm close near the asshole

Yes youre the infinite butthole out of which all this arises or pops out

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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1 hour ago, NoSelfSelf said:

@Jack River its not preventing anything you can become master of playing a piano in one week but will that happen no,then why are so many people having problems you shoul tell them how to be free in 2 hours


Cultivation is the selfs/egos best friend. :)

The ending means the ending of continuity/cultivation, progression. 

That may be why it takes so long. To depend on time. The ego always gets what is wants. To push freedom in time. Pretty groovy dude.  

Edited by Jack River

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Learning a skill takes time. Thought is a technology not a means to freedom. 

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I had think about this for quite a while, and come to this realization just now. 

The trick is, you can't ask questions. To anyone. The more you ask , the more you'll get into the loopholes of suffering and it will be never ending circles till you stop asking. Haha. And surrendered yourself completely to the One.

When you depend on no others but Him.

When you turn to no others but Him.

Whenever you're confused, or stuck, or get into troubles or falls into the never ending loopholes, you only return to Him, the One and only God.

Only then you'll be fine. Completely free from any forms of sufferings. When you look up to no others but the One, He will guide you. But better yet if you've come to a point where you no longer feels the desire to ask questions, even to God, as you have surrendered yourself completely to God and are at ease with that. The One and the Absolute:)


*Don't get me wrong, you shouldn't stop asking if there's still desire. Fixed whatever that makes you unable to surrender yourself completely to God. 100%. But again, this is only the beginning. The journey will still be further. But now you're in the guidance of God. and you'll be fine. Wherever He leads you to be..


I think this is manners 1.0  in serving God. In 'finding' God. In getting to know God. 

The more you talk about it with other than God, or discuss about it, or even tryin to convey the messages, the more you'll fall into the trap. Hence all the sufferings.The discussion will be never ending.

 You won't ever come to a conclusion/realization, when you're still ascribing something to God. Whatever that is that you returned to other than Him. That's it. This is just mannerism tho. There's still a lot of other aspect in this journey.


Ps: This will be my last. For real. I'm afraid that i might be assigning something to other than God. The One and the Absolute.


Silence is key as it is indescribable. But Leo is still good at making others understand the concept. And all the masters as well~



Edited by Angelite

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9 hours ago, Rilles said:

Yes youre the infinite butthole out of which all this arises or pops out

do i also pop as hemorrhoids? 


9 hours ago, Mada_ said:

I have found the beauty of expanding consciousness allows

It is very beautiful. But the point is I wanna make is already told in the post. Psyche is a complex thing and It would be also put in this way: You need to go through spiral (dynamics of spiral), you can't skip stages.

7 hours ago, Angelite said:

When you depend on no others but Him.

Beautiful. I guess you're talking from Allah consciousness. The thing I don't really click in that is the separation of God and the {S}elf. Or I should say, the possible danger outcome of the separation may occur within this.

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1 minute ago, Adam M said:

@non_nothing Did you watch the ox-herding lectures that Leo posted?

Also, how am I supposed to realize Truth if I do not thirst for it in the beginning?

1-) No

2-) By not chasing/seeking/expecting/casting/going after/ an enlightenment experience

EDIT: thirsting is good btw

Edited by non_nothing

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@non_nothing why? in case if i'd be scared when facing the Truth? But there will be no fears left when you had surrendered yourself completely to the Truth. Whatever that may be, It's a journey into the unknown btw, might as well give yourself completely to the infinite intelligence, than to be attached to impermanent/groundless 'thing'. 

Because whenever i had this mindset, it's more effortless, the answers will comes at me through everything else without me having to work hard to find it. From my experience, it will be effortless.

What is the possible danger that you talk about? Do you mean the 'attachment' aspect of it? Or the God = Everything part of it? Or the nothingness? 

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2 minutes ago, Angelite said:

@non_nothing why? in case if i'd be scared when facing the Truth? But there will be no fears left when you had surrendered yourself completely to the Truth. Whatever that may be, It's a journey into the unknown btw, might as well give yourself completely to the infinite intelligence, than to be attached to impermanent/groundless 'thing'. 

Because whenever i had this mindset, it's more effortless, the answers will comes at me through everything else without me having to work hard to find it. From my experience, it will be effortless.

What is the possible danger that you talk about? Do you mean the 'attachment' aspect of it? Or the God = Everything part of it? Or the nothingness? 

Somewhat while reading your words I take little comfort.

I was talking about separation between god and self

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1 minute ago, tenta said:

How do I stop identifying with the pain?

Are you the pain?

If yes: what were you yesterday?
If no: what are you? you are not pain. (if this helps not, pain is observed, you're not pain, focus on this truth and see it for yourself. set alarm 5 minutes get in meditation and see it for yourself, your intellectual mind won't get this and you will be identified with pain forever in dead loop)

2 minutes ago, Angelite said:

@non_nothing why haven't you watched that video? It's a good one. 

I recently got a BIAS that I keep believing I use Leo's videos for mental masturbation. I'll dedicate a time especially just for watching Leo's videos in some future time as like as I'd watch a TV. Lay on couch open monitor and do nothing else.

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Is Enlightenment then just identifying with everything and nothing at the same time, you just stop identifying with yourself, but instead identify with something else, which brings in new perspective with new ideas, but in the end it is nothing more then change of perspective that makes you experience new things , that might as well be just illusion you inflected on yourself. 

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1 minute ago, purerogue said:

Is Enlightenment then just identifying with everything and nothing at the same time, you just stop identifying with yourself, but instead identify with something else, which brings in new perspective with new ideas, but in the end it is nothing more then change of perspective that makes you experience new things , that might as well be just illusion you inflected on yourself. 

Alan watts puts this into such statement:


When a thief is robbing a house and the police enter on the ground floor, the thief goes up to the second floor, and when the police follow up the stairs the thief goes higher and higher until at last he gets out at the rooftop. And in the same way, when one really feels oneself to be the lower self that is to be a separate ego, and then the moralists come along – they are of course the police – and say ‘you are not to be selfish’ – then the ego dissembles and he tries to pretend that he is a good person after all. Therefore one of the ways of doing this is for the ego to say – ‘I believe I have a higher self.’ And I would say why do you believe that? Do you know the higher self? ‘No, if I knew it I would behave differently. But I am trying to get there.’ Well why are you trying to get there? ‘Well then the police wouldn’t come around. Then the moralists wouldn’t preach at me. And I could feel I was doing my duty, behaving as a proper member of society.’ But all this is a great phony front. If you don’t know that there is a higher self and you believe that there is one, on who’s authority do you believe this?"


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Ahahha funny, that is why i do not believe that there is no self , or rather it all is just perspective  , this concept to be wrong would mean not existing, or being something that can have only one experience of seeing, but having no ideas, or any thought process of its own, or realization that it even exists , or does not exist. 

Edited by purerogue

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6 minutes ago, purerogue said:

Ahahha funny, that is why i do not believe that there is no self , or rather it all is just perspective  , this concept to be wrong would mean not existing, or being something that can have only one experience of seeing, but having no ideas, or any thought process of its own, or realization that it even exists , or does not exist. 

Did you find answers to: what were you before you born and possibly after death what will you become?

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2 minutes ago, non_nothing said:

Did you find answers to: what were you before you born and possibly after death what will you become?

No and it does not bother me.

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