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"The Opposite"

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Yesterday I was reminded that I am home and that I was home all along. Love is omnipresent. I am Love, Love I am.

Today, I am new. And this brings up new questions and wonder. Can anyone satisfy my curiosity?

I've been contemplating like mad for the past couple of days. This forum is so helpful, I love it. 

So. Questions.

Is the "ego" the direct "Opposite" to The One? Does it only appear to it this way, because it believed it was excluded, rather than included this whole "time"?

Is the "ego's" biggest fear being excluded and facing the fact, that it only deluded itself into believing it was ever excluded? Does the "ego" resist inclusion while simultaneously desires to be included? Is this what creates the paradox? Is this the loop? When and where did I separate myself? Am I doing it now?

Does this paradox directly give birth to the 3 dimensional reality, that appears to be? Is the "time" that passes before my finger touches the wall merely a "lag effect"? Is there nothing between me and the wall, in actuality? Where exactly does the touch occur? Is everything right in my face?! Is everything somehow glued directly onto me? Onto Nothing? Why does the Whole appear to be somewhat hollow? Does this seize to appear so after the One is correctly actualized? How can I fully recognize the ongoing coding/decoding and catch up with it? 

How does One make the cat move while remaining still, doing nothing? How does One keep moving the cat around the apartment? Is the cat moving the One or is it appearing within IT?

Is reality as it is known some sort of a glitch? How can I be and not be at the same time? Is reality the field between two magnets, that are somehow One in actuality? Is this the definition of The ultimate Miracle and should it be left as it is and simply be admired? 

How can the "ego" feel included and stay home?  

I'd love to clarify these. There is a desire to close the open endings. Is that a "no-no"? Should they be left as they are?

Is any assistance possible? Thank you.

Edited by ivankiss

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If there is The One, and then a second one (the ego), then The One is not The One. The  “ It “ perspective still divides.  Can finite be included in infinite? 

Yes, you are doing this now, by asking. The paradox is you must ask, until you honestly know. What is the nature of something which once understood, was never really there?

You could know 3 dimensions from experiencing 2 or 4. Or possibly any number, but 3. (Relativity)

You could know there is time, by directly experiencing no time.

”Hollow be thy name”

Point to this coding, or decoding, or perception of it for that matter.

The cat is not the one. The cat is the one. Ask Schrodinger. 

To know movement as reality, requires knowing no movement.

The ego feels nothing, and nothing feels the ego. 


This is zooming in, contemplation. Then, zoom out; fun, your highest bliss, alignment in truest desire, fun. Forget the entire contemplation. 





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@Nahm Is there a source of the light that shines over nothing? Is this how One is?

Contemplation is fun. And somewhat scary. Which makes it even more fun. The mind is still distorted though. 

Will zoom out, thank you. 

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@ivankiss Very fun. ??  Imagine super easy oodles of loving just-a-walk-in-the-park effortless contemplation that leads to a paralyzing Truth more horrific than anything humans could ever imagine.  It seems we have the opposite situation though. Thank God, right? 

Light & dark is a duality too. ❤️



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The Truth is the Lie. There certainly is no One, and there definitely is. The Truth is insignificant and all-important. Everything IS even if the One isn't. One is here now.

Luv you @Nahm



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