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Just finished re-watching the movie - American History X (1998).

If you haven't watched it yet, or need a refresher, I highly recommend this movie. 

If you've never seen it before, be warned, it is a very hard one to watch. Not a family movie or a something you watch with friends. It's an emotional ride that takes you through human struggles with ideologies, groupthink and brainwashes. It is also a movie about evolutions and liberation from the chains of beliefs.


  • Derek (Edward Norton) - stage Red/Blue individual who is pushed to drop his ideology through suffering.
  • Danny - a young undeveloped mind that is receptive to dogma.
  • Bob Sweeney - stage Yellow professor who is just at the right place and at the right time to guide their progression up the spiral.

There is so much that can be said about this movie. Please experience it for yourself (you can rent on google/youtube), and come to share your opinion.

"Beyond fear, destiny awaits" - Dune


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@Arthur "The history of humanity is the autobiography of a madman!" 

Highly recommend the "Wrath of Khans" by Dan Carlin!

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