
Strategic thinking vs mystics

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What are your thoughts about mystics not planing anything and just let the life unfolds or on the other hand someone who are strategic and plans answer is both...are mystics falling into a trap?

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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@NoSelfSelf First of all many great mystics in the 21st century are highly strategic and plan out their lives and work.

There is a time and place for both. When you are sitting on the cushion trying to attain satori, that's the wrong time to be strategic. That's a time to enter no-mind.

Then there will be a time in your day or week to be strategic.

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@Leo Gura  Didnt know that....for example when you attained satori does strategizing everything all the time could move you back to ego? Or when you are free you are free....

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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Just now, NoSelfSelf said:

@Leo Gura  Didnt know that....for example when you attained satori does strategizing everything all the time could move you back to ego? Or when you are free you are free....

Every famous legend of enlightened person was strategic.

It took strategic thinking for Patanjali to see how Yoga was becoming this overly nuanced thing and then distilled yoga down into the 100+ yoga sutras to ground people. 

The story of Christ shows a man who is almost like a scientist doing trial and error, seeing what ways he could lead people to the realization of God. Through speaking through parables, healings, etc. that’s strategic thinking. 

Highly developed sages of today have to be extremely strategic and be very well aware of how systems work. A good example is Shunyamurti and Ken Wilber.  Understanding that healthy spiritual development demands healthy ego development and healing and they have to be extremely strategic on how they go about doing that with people. 

It took Om Swami extreme dedication of strategic thinking and commitment to his highest strategic intent to say at 20 years old that his going to put a 10 year cap to his business life and then renounce it at all... while making $250k p/year... AT 20! Can you imagine going from nothing to rich in 2 years through staggering hard work as an immigrant and then have enough clarity on what you want to wait 10 years only to then give it up? Think about that. You’re making that much money as a result of all your hard work, you know you’re going to renounce, but you wait 10 years. And during that time you do what you need to do and not being impatiently neurotic individual, progressively building your capital and also your practice. 


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1 hour ago, NoSelfSelf said:

does strategizing everything all the time could move you back to ego?

Like I said above, there is a proper time for it. No one is telling you to strategize everything all the time.

At first your satori will be weak, so yes you will get sucked back into ego. That's why post-satori practice is required.

Satori will profoundly change your life strategies.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@kieranperez thats amazing work tnx for sharing @Leo Gura Im not familiar with post satori practices i thought if it sticks its finished...yeah getting your priorities straight

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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An awakened human being is just superior, mentally, memory, well-being, everything, etc.

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8 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

i thought if it sticks its finished

Very rare that’s the case. Pay more attention

Edited by kieranperez

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