
Can Anyone Explain The Reasoning Behind Leo's Statement?

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"If you really want to be a revolutionary, sit down and meditate. Discover your existential nature. Then you can be an incredible force of change in the world.

Anything towards that end isn't a waste of time.

The best use of time is simply sitting and literally doing nothing. Just contemplating and meditating." - Source:

Seems paradoxical. 

Some excellent examples I can think of are the Buddha and Jesus Christ but those were millenniums of years ago. Modern contemporary enlightened people are often low key and most plainly living in solitude. 

Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Gandhi, JFK, etc. were people who weren't enlightened yet they had an incredible impact on the world. 

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I think you focus too much on what the media sees as "impact on the world".

I am pretty sure if you would summarize all effects Jesus Christ and Leo had on the world and people, then Jesus Christ would have "more effect" but from my subjetice viewpoint a very negative effect if you just summarize everything that his person inspired others to do. This may not have been his intentions, but it was the result.

I think you need to be VERY clearheaded to really control and direct the influence you have on the world and the biggest influence on me personally are seldom some big media figures, but the ones I chose to really listen to. 

Satirical overpointed:

- I don't see Ghandis very big influence as "peaceful resistance" doesn't seem very popular ourdays. 

- Abraham Lincoln can't have had much influence if you look who represents the republic party ourdays.

- The atrocitys done in Jesus Christs name and the hate against homosexuals etc. still grown in his name by far outweighs his positive influence on the world as a whole.

- Martin Luther King didn't half as much to bring the races together as rap has done the past 20 years alone. He spoke of it, but it didn't really reach lots of peoples heart.

So in my viewpoint anyone who influences 10 people in a positive way and 0 in a negative has done a better job than jesus christ if you let him take blame for all the things done in his name, although he most certainly may never ever have aproved but did obviously fail to foresee this. That may not have happened if he wouild have spend more time meditating and less preaching.

The direct influence from person to person is the most valuable in my opinion and not what the media credits to this or that person, because NO ONE will ever know what or who exactly turned the tide against racial hate in each person or to believe in kindness and giving or spiritual advancement or....


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Off course when one `s awakened there`s an enormous power realm behind all actions, call it God, Being or Consciousness.

Actions out of enlightenment you can not compare with actions out of individual consciousness. They are of a different order.


To give you an amazing example; In 1980 a young guy from India landed in Paris. A woman spotted him and asked him what his plans where. The young boy told her he came to Europe because people around the world needed him and he wanted just to help. She invited him to her home and he started to teach her. A few weeks later he has given teachings to dozens of people and was invited to the Netherlands. Two weeks later Germany followed. One year later he started an organisation devoted to teach people meditation.

Today his organisation, known as The Art of Living, has given meditation-lessons for more than 350 million people in more than 150 countries. The boy himself, known as Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, still lives in a small kutir in his Ashram and is a living example what it means to just give in life.


Leo`s idea, to discover your existential nature first, is a big truth. It`s just that only a few are able to go all the way. And even when not enlightened, one can contribute to the world when one`s sincere and is having the right intentions.


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6 hours ago, Jastilus said:

I think you focus too much on what the media sees as "impact on the world".

I am pretty sure if you would summarize all effects Jesus Christ and Leo had on the world and people, then Jesus Christ would have "more effect" but from my subjetice viewpoint a very negative effect if you just summarize everything that his person inspired others to do. This may not have been his intentions, but it was the result.

I think you need to be VERY clearheaded to really control and direct the influence you have on the world and the biggest influence on me personally are seldom some big media figures, but the ones I chose to really listen to. 

Satirical overpointed:

- I don't see Ghandis very big influence as "peaceful resistance" doesn't seem very popular ourdays. 

- Abraham Lincoln can't have had much influence if you look who represents the republic party ourdays.

- The atrocitys done in Jesus Christs name and the hate against homosexuals etc. still grown in his name by far outweighs his positive influence on the world as a whole.

- Martin Luther King didn't half as much to bring the races together as rap has done the past 20 years alone. He spoke of it, but it didn't really reach lots of peoples heart.

So in my viewpoint anyone who influences 10 people in a positive way and 0 in a negative has done a better job than jesus christ if you let him take blame for all the things done in his name, although he most certainly may never ever have aproved but did obviously fail to foresee this. That may not have happened if he wouild have spend more time meditating and less preaching.

The direct influence from person to person is the most valuable in my opinion and not what the media credits to this or that person, because NO ONE will ever know what or who exactly turned the tide against racial hate in each person or to believe in kindness and giving or spiritual advancement or....


Jesus lived 2000 years ago, if he was even real at all, but Leo seems to be alive right here with us in this day and age.  I suspect that if there was a real Jesus, and he had been talking to people that were not religious fanatics, he just might have said the same things Leo is saying.

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When you do nothing you accomplish a lot.

Let me copy paste this, he explains it better than me:

"Become the watcher of this procession of thoughts, this consciousness stream, and marvel at the range of memories, ideas, images, and opinions that come up. With practice at this, almost by working at your doing nothing, you will find that the train of thoughts actually slows down. After some time gaps will appear between thoughts. This is the emptiness that Buddha spoke of, the natural condition of the mind. It takes a while to master this, but it’s a great justification for doing nothing. As the emptiness between thoughts increases you will find that you develop a richer awareness of the world around you and also a great serenity. Next, you will find ideas and solutions begin to pop into your head almost automatically. So the next time that you sit down to do nothing, become aware of this great opportunity—and enjoy every minute of it."

The whole article is here:

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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The most important revlotionary people to me is  Spartacus. Tank man, Guy fawkes etc, anyonr who basically looks at society and gives them the middle finger, I salute these people.

Leo in his statement is basically saying Master yourself, before you master the world around you.

Mastering yourself will greatly increase your efficiency as a human being

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