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Osho and Tao Te Ching worth reading if I am only 14 years old?

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Hello everyone. Currently it is Black Friday and I saw some psychology books in sale. Yesterday however when I went to the bookstore I saw a series of Osho's books and Tao Te Ching. Surprised, I laughed. I couldn't believe how much knowledge I was holding in my hands. Then I wondered if I should buy those books while I am 14, or leave that to later in my life. I am basically asking for some recommendations about these books.

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@Ampresus If you're interested in Osho, then I highly recommend you slowly start doing this. You're only 14 and trust me you'll feel tremendous gratitude one day that you started this early.

This is the essence of Osho's message. 100% practical. You don't need to read his 20-30 books. Most of them are just gossips anyway.

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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@Ampresus Read them now, and then again every two years or so. It really reveals how perspective has expanded, which later on I think you’ll agree, is very valuable in self realization. 



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6 hours ago, Outer said:

Not sure what's your goal. Do you know it yourself?

@Outer My goals are right now: finding my life purpose, build charisma and learn as much as possible while I still am young.

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I suggest to start reading as much as you can about the brain, and relevant neural networks like the default mode network. Your only 14 so your brain and cognitive ability hasn't matured yet. So in case you don't understand much now you can always re-read it again when you are older. Of course from your experience you think you are as smart as you will get.

Search Gary Weber on YouTube, he's a valuable resource.

Learn how to use to search for studies, you can search for instance meditation and default mode network and get the entire paper by copy-pasting the DOI to



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you have to love to learn first, love for learning, and love for life

as for the good books/knowledge/teacher follow your pure sense on this.

there is a lot of good & free knowledge everywhere

Edited by Strikr

We know nothing, and even, I m not sure. a.V.e


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