
The Epic **** of Leo Gura

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From what I can tell, this thread is just ego attacking ego. I've only watched the first video in Emanyalpsid's original post, but the  guy actually asks Leo to 'prove' that Enlightenment is a real thing, as if a subjective experience can be proven objectively. That is ridiculous. xD

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13 minutes ago, Jack River said:

Fosho ? 

but don’t concern yourself with the story, but the nature of “the story teller” :P

If that's what you believe then so be it.... for you.

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1 minute ago, SOUL said:

Let me recontexualize it for you to see if it may help this cycle you think you are in. It's not your past lives, it's all lives, it's all life. Your ego is trying to tell a story of past lives to identify with it to justify what it believes it is and what you do in service to this identity.

Just let go of the idea and every time the ego wants you to agree with it, don't endorse it and say 'it's all lives, it's all life, i am here now'. So just be present in this moment.

It may take awhile but eventually the ego will let go of that idea and just be present because the ego is just recalling the past to create it's identity so give it 'presence of being' to believe in. It's that simple.

So your fundamental approach to Samsara is Buddhist/no-self.

But what if Advaita is right and there is a self (Atman or Jiva)? That's actually what i'm experiencing.

The problem is what i'm going through and my interpretation of it is much more horrifying:

My life hasn't started when i was born. In fact i became conscious of this body-experience, when i was 3. And it is a misconception that i will leave this body when i die. Samsara is much more complicated and disturbing than that. I'm jumping through "realities", coming into different bodys and then living in it for a while without even noticing that i made a transition. It always is like, i'm waking up from a dream. Over and over again. Only to notice, that i'm just in another dream. I don't know how, and i don't know why. But it is painful and annoying. It is literally hell.

I'm not sure if there is a self or not. I don't know if the fundamental reality is consciousness or subatomic-particles. I have no fucking clue. But something here is extremely wrong, and i don't want to played with anymore.

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8 minutes ago, SOUL said:

If that's what you believe then so be it.... for you.

Everything thought about and said here is a reality. xD

Edited by Jack River

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@Joseph Maynor

59 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

If you go on Zzenn’s YouTube page you’ll see he attacks a lot more people than just Leo.  He also attacks Teal Swan pretty heavily too among many other people.  I don’t think the attacking approach  is a sustainable way to become a teacher.  It’s an underhanded way to get attention, but you also sow seeds of ill will too.  People who live by the sword die by the sword. A real teacher is not a certified asshole who bullies and laughs at other teachers.  You can read that energy right away and tell that it has nothing to do with Enlightenment or being a teacher.  It’s just a way for Zzenn to feel like he’s building his channel — on the backs of other teachers.  There’s no compassion there.  It’s mockery like an angry little kid would do who was probably bullied himself.  If you’re Enlightened, you’re not gonna make those kinds of videos period.  So, use your judgment when assessing teachers.  Read that energy, it speaks volumes.  That bullying energy.  Enlightened people don’t bully other people — not like that anyway.  I mean, come on!  You gotta look at actions as well as words when you assess somebody, a teacher or anybody for that matter.  It’s like shooting a hole in your own boat before you make it to the other side of the lake — you lose credibility no matter now sound your message might be.  You gotta watch how you go about doing things as a teacher.  But if you’re Enlightened, you probably aren’t worried about attacking, bullying, and laughing at other teachers.  Just sayin’.  Something doesn’t add up, and you can read that energy right away.  Actions!  Actions are as important as words in this work. 

Fuck you and fuck leo, I'm here for truth and I don't give a shite about being nice or not being nice. If you want someone to talk nice to go to church

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All ego sees is more ego. xD

This thread is a non-duality war, and no doubt it will be closed soon.

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So your fundamental approach to Samsara is Buddhist/no-self.

But what if Advaita is right and there is a self (Atman or Jiva)? That's actually what i'm experiencing.

There is no Buddhist enlightenment and A-V enlightenment, so the only difference is conceptual not existential.

When Buddhists say "no self" they say the cup is half-empty.  When A-V say there is a self they say the cup is half-full.

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2 minutes ago, Sockrattes said:

So your fundamental approach to Samsara is Buddhist/no-self.

But what if Advaita is right and there is a self (Atman or Jiva)?

I have no idea what any of that means. I prefer to keep my mind clear of any stuff like that. No complicated bullshit, just simply awareness and presence of being.

4 minutes ago, Sockrattes said:

I don't know how, and i don't know why. But it is painful and annoying. It is literally hell.

I'm not sure if there is a self or not. I don't know if the fundamental reality is consciousness or subatomic-particles. I have no fucking clue. But something here is extremely wrong, and i don't want to played with anymore.

If you don't want to be played with anymore then stop playing along with it. Burn all that stuff down and let the ashes blow away.

When you are hungry, eat. When you are tired, sleep. When you are cold or hot use shelter or clothes. When you are bored, let life entertain.

When the mind goes off on that other stuff, just shrug it off, don't believe it, don't agree with it, don't endorse it, don't identify with it, just set it on fire and let the ashes blow away.

The manifest existence is fire of change.

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The trouble with these Dawkins wannabes isn't that they disagree with nonduality.

I would love a deep, intelligent debate over the nature of reality.

But they are not capable of it because they are philosophically shallow and unaware, and unaware of their own unawareness.

This is what happens when your model is bad at philosophy.

They are just not interesting at all.

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2 minutes ago, Haumea2018 said:

The trouble with these Dawkins wannabes isn't that they disagree with nonduality.

I would love a deep, intelligent debate over the nature of reality.

But they are not capable of it because they are philosophically shallow and unaware, and unaware of their own unawareness.

This is what happens when your model is bad at philosophy.

They are just not interesting at all.

Yes. I would much rather explore, develop and deepen ideas than debate, defend and argue over pre-conceived beliefs.

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This thread has run it’s course. 

@Emanyalpsid If you value continuing to be a part of this community, please consider contribution when making threads. If Actualized is not for you, so be it. Your current trajectory is warnings, etc, banning. 



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