
The Epic **** of Leo Gura

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1 hour ago, Emanyalpsid said:

Does Leo, everytime when he speaks or writes About psychedelics, warns People About the dangers of them? Also, because he believes in non-duality he can not really warn others for the potential dangers of them as he believes in the use of them to reach non-duality. 

Please watch the movies first before discussing them.

This is true.

I think he warned once or maybe twice.

He probably put the warning in the description of the video, but that's not enough in my opinion.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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It's humorous that it took him 20 years of seeking to figure it out, only after a few years of seeking I realized the simplicity of it and have lived in this simplicity of just being for decades. Although, he still hasn't transcended the story of the story to the simplicity of just being, he keeps rewriting the story about the story to accommodate his desire to be right, to have the truth, to preach to others and call out others as wrong and false...... yep, more duality.

So, am I calling him out as 'wrong' or 'false'? That's not the point, he has plenty of 'right' information.... undoubtedly there is 'wrong' information, too. We all have accurate and inaccurate information and perceptions, this is all part of life and wandering this physical manifest. Although our natural expression of self will get consumed with the story of the story, to justify our identity and feed the ego's craving for validation.

Transcending this desire for 'proof' of being and simply awakening to presence of being is the liberation from this existential yearning and ceases the cause of self suffering.

.....oh, and this thread again? It seems like it pops up regularly. Haha.


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yeah apparently he was Born in a non-duality Family. When he was 20 years old he saw through this whole belief he lived in for whole of his life, up until that point.

Well, if you see that non-duality is just a psychological abyss, People seem to warn other People who seem to fall for this believe, for the sake of them. If they want to or not, or if they are grateful or not. But hey, if People are happy believing…. let them be. Some People however might appreciate a different look before they dive into the unknown. 

So, you can say; what is this guy doing, thinking he should warn other People from his belief. It is just ego Talking blabla.

Or you could think, wait a Minute lets see what he has to say and go forth from there.

Strong believers probably have the tendency to go with the first Option as they dont want their beliefs to be doubted with.


Yeah why this thread again? Is it because People try really hard to attack Leo and non-duality, because they are jealous or out of their ignorance, or is it because it makes sense?

Edited by Emanyalpsid

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1 hour ago, Richard Alpert said:

it was psychotic episode. If you actually have an awakening you dont have the need to go yell people that you are nobody


From the side of People Living in reality, his awakening was just a psychosis, or dissociation from reality.

From the side of People Living in the believe of non-duality, he had an awakening. And now he is just Consciousness and reality is an Illusion, Dream or appearance.


Look you can believe in non-duality and probably have a very happy life. But you will be dissociated from reality and you probably have Trouble dealing with situations from, and in, reality. But this is one of the main reasons People want to believe in non-duality, because it Looks like an Escape from the reality they are Living in. The guy Points that out Pretty well.



Edited by Emanyalpsid

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3 hours ago, Richard Alpert said:


Holy ****. I'm watching this video right now. I'm 12 minutes in and i can already say that this guy has no clue what he's talking about. He's opposing non-dualism just because it is religion and religion is bad by default?!


Leo is right about him. He is a materialist. Just let me explain what i mean by that:

In the west there is science, philosophy, religion and all the other disciplines and subjects and all of them have either continued development or dogmatism as a basis.

Science and philosophy are progressing. Direct experience or logical deduction are the means here.

Religion is dogmatic, because you have to belief in it and for the most part, you are not allowed to question it.

This is the materialist-reductionist approach.

In the east there is no such distinction: Philosophy and religion are one and the same. Religion is not something to be believed in, because there is simply nothing too believe. Everything in eastern religions/philosophy MUST be experienced, otherwise it makes no sense.

This is a holistic approach.

So he is using materialist-reductionist arguments, which would apply against "western religions", since they are dogmatic, as if they would apply to eastern religions as well.

That's strange, since he have read so many books about spirituality, he still didn't get it.

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I'm not criticizing the preference of which story someone wants to believe in and tell of themselves. Whether it's native humanism or non-duality mysticism or born again Christianity or atheist or whatever someone believes is their identity story. I'm making aware that it is still ego seeking validation through the story of the story of the self identity. Is my story 'presence of being'? Sure, but it's not much story to tell.

Yearning for proof of identity is the root of self suffering, contentment in presence of being is liberation from self suffering.

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Leo has never said that he reached enlightenment. The "psychotic" episode in the video was induced by psychedelic and Leo explained afterwards that it was an enlightening experience but not THE everlasting enlightenment.
I have a feeling Leo takes his lessons from psychedelic experience to literal. Like Carl Jung said: "beware of unearned wisdom"
This guy "unspiritual" seems very aggressive, pushing his agenda. Get a bad vibe from him.

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Just now, Sockrattes said:

@SOUL Is it the path to immortality as well?

I'm being here now each moment I have to be here now and accept eternity for what it is.

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Stage Orange rationalists may see Turqoise as irrational, whoo whoo, scam artists and/or threatening. They will not be able to comprehend three developmental stages higher.

This is not surprising at all. Stage Orange will try to pull higher stages down. This fella, Jordan Peterson, Richard Dawkins etc. It’s part of the holistic dynamic.

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This guy is just not very coherent if you watch the entire video.  Over the course of the video he contradicts himself, special pleads, etc.

He doesn't understand himself or non-duality very well.  This is what happens when your parents force-feed you something as opposed to you coming to it organically.  He was never ready for it in the first place.  

"Objectivity" is nonsense.  Nonduality is about the nonconceptual, but he is so stuck in his concepts that he commits a category error by comparing the philosophy of "objectivity" (i.e. rationalism, I suppose?) with the philosophy of nonduality, as opposed to nonduality itself.  "Nonduality" is a pointer to direct experience, not an intellectual construct that can be rigorously tested through "objectivity."

In other words, he just doesn't get it.  He's in his head filtering everything through a mental map and not seeing into the nature of things directly.  The problem is that mental maps are just arbitrary bullshit, but he doesn't see that.  



Edited by Haumea2018

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@Emanyalpsid  Have seen him before, just watching the Part 3 right now. 

Quite incoherent and self-contradicting description of things, mingled with a lot of assumptions which are not explained further - especially the ones about substance dualism. 

Also, he takes a few Ramana Maharshi quotes out of context in order to strengthen his argument, where what Ramana was trying to point out was the transcending of the I AM to nothingness :ph34r:

Comparing Leo and this guy, the latter rings a lot more of my bullshit radars and contradicts more of what my direct experience is :) Since this is the only thing I have, I will probably stick with my direct experience rather than this guy's concepts.

Thanks for sharing though, it is always good to have ideas challenged. The guy is not too bad, he has a point about people being lost in concepts and mentions a few good thoughts about free will. As with everything, take it with a pinch of salt - he even mentions this with his eat the grape, spit out the seeds analogy :)

Edited by Flammable

You see, the reason you want to be better, is the reason why you aren’t. Shall I put it like that?

We aren't better, because we want to be.

                                                                                                                                                 ~ Alan Watts

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51 minutes ago, Emanyalpsid said:

Well, if you see that non-duality is just a psychological abyss,

Why? Please elaborate.

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18 minutes ago, Sockrattes said:

@SOUL So ultimately there is no freedom?

Ask yourself if the answer to that question would quench the existential yearning of ego to justify itself through self identity or would you just be on to the next question to seek an answer for.

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24 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

Stage Orange rationalists may see Turqoise as irrational, whoo whoo, scam artists and/or threatening. They will not be able to comprehend three developmental stages higher.

This is not surprising at all. Stage Orange will try to pull higher stages down. This fella, Jordan Peterson, Richard Dawkins etc. It’s part of the holistic dynamic.




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Thought tends to seek security first and foremost. It will gladly seek refuge in “nonduality”. Thought will move positively or negatively(accept or deny) as that is the basis of its structure/nature, as in reactionary response of will/desire in one direction or another. The self will cling and project what it has learned via knowledge/experience. The self is it's content(thought). The self will choose what fragment to cling too and what to disassociate from. 


Edited by Jack River

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7 minutes ago, Jack River said:

Thought tends to seek security first and foremost. It will gladly seek refuge in “nonduality”. Thought will move positively or negatively(accept or deny) as that is the basis of its structure/nature, as in reactionary response of will/desire in one direction or another. The self will cling and project what it has learned via knowledge/experience. The self is it's content(thought). The self will choose what fragment to cling too and what to disassociate from. 


Is that your story that you are sticking with? Baha

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