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Are emotion trapped in the body?

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I feel like i have trapped emotions on my left side of my body. 

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Well, emotions have manifestations in your body in many ways. Chronic pain, anxiety, motivation, breathing, etc will all change in response to emotions. And the other way around also works: pain, anxiety, breathing will also have impact in your emotions. One feeds the other and that's why they can amplify themselves so much, because it works like a feedback loop.


But in the sense that you're speaking, as if they are trapped, confined inside a physical location of your body, I never felt something like that. It might be a skewed manifestation of the emotions consequences in your pain body, but the emotions themselves are experiences in your brain only.


The way I see it, it makes sense that you have feelings in one part of your body and not the other. But what does it mean? Do some google search and see if you find some similar stories

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Yes, your body and your emotion are way more linked than most people realize. It's actually incredible how perfectly they often mirror each other.

Energy healers can feel the spots where the energy is stuck and move it / clear it.



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7 hours ago, theking00 said:

I feel like i have trapped emotions on my left side of my body. 

left side? near the stomach? 

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