
The Challenge Of Changing Your Life Around

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Hello everyone.

Now I have some very big problems with wanting to change my life around.I have been trying to do it for about a month or so now and it has been all wishy-washy, up and down,but yet still I do not have the right answer of what I should do yet.

I'm a 16 year old, well I'm going to be 17 on the 14th of this month hooray,and I have been pretty much overweight my entire life since my childhood.I have been working it lately and I managed to lose about 17-18 kg in about 3 months time or so. I've dropped from 117 kg down to 100-99 kg.Which is, I guess, quite the success.I'm still trying to keep it up,even though its unstable,but I sure as hell will not give up.I have been doing the no sugar,no flour food diet and it's going decently,I don't really mind it,though I find it hard sometimes to resit and sometimes I do fail to but I try to get back it.

I'm also trying to make some sort of "studying habit", I really never had one, yet surprisingly enough I have managed to keep a quite the decent grades, but as I move through the stages of education, cramming doesn't really work anymore.Even though it's late in the semester,I will try to work it as best I can,but it gave me a pretty good lesson on what I should do in the next one and what not,with all the "do it tomorrow" and similar excuses.

And lastly my biggest enemy (or so my ego is making me believe) ever since I was about 7 years old I was hooked on video games.I would spend day in day out literally doing nothing, other than the necessary daily things such as eat and go the bathroom even that sometimes was postponed, for about 8,9,10 hours of just staring at that god forsaken screen.I'm literally amazed I am completely functioning and still have my eye sight right now.Even now on weekends,and even on school days I do that for way longer than I should.It got to the point where I am really disgusted and disappointed in myself so much so that I hate looking myself in the mirror sometimes.

I do realize the problems is not within the video games themselves,but it is in my own bloody head.The monkey chatter that happens inside my heard is just unreal.It wants me to do the same thing over and over again and I know it's completely useless and not worth my attention,but whatever I want to do in the place of that thing it gives me a hundred reasons not to. I've seen on Leos videos that meditation would be a decent thing to help with this,so I'm trying to get in the habit of doing it, I've tried in the past to keep it habit but it's been up and down.I will look into making it a habit as best and fast as I can possibly can.But what I think would be really nice for me is that if I could just say NO to all of it and be done with it.Not to be dealing with all of those disgusting and emotional thoughts.I personally despise emotions, I do not like to have any to be honest.If I could be neutral about it all, at any point in time, that would be heaven for me.

And lastly one of my also deadly enemies is insecurity.Not with myself but rather with my "schedule",am I doing the right thing here and the right thing there,should this be here or not.Is it good to make the meditation habit in the morning, should I mix in walks with my exercises, how much should I sleep, when should I go to bed etc.It may seem like something so basic and really easy to figure out but to me its really hard.I have managed to come up with a "to do" daily schedule before, but it just falls apart way too quickly,either I do not get enough sleep,I can't manage to make the habits on the specific time I wanted, or my lower self just punches me right back where I was at the start...and oohhh it's just a nightmare.

So that would be the main aspects of my life that I want to sort out.If you have any sort of advice regarding any part of this please be ever so kind and help me out, it is greatly appreciated on many levels.

Thank you for taking your time and reading this.

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Select 1 lifestyle change that would make the biggest impact on your life or mood, and plan out a habit to enact it. Focus on that habit every day until it becomes like on auto-pilot.

Rinse and repeat.

You're so young, you don't need to rush. Focus on baby steps done consistently. Trust that the results will be exponential over a time frame of months and years.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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