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How to let go of racism and ethnocentrism to reach stage green?

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I think I may have been stage green in the past when the Zeitgeist movies were first being released and my younger self was dreaming of a utopia. And the popular culture seemed to be anti-war, anti-George Bush.

But sadly, I feel like I've mostly regressed to stage orange/blue now, and can't seem to get back.

For the past few years I've listened to people like Jordan Peterson, and much worse things like alt-right podcasts.

I don't know what led me down the rabbit hole, but at its worst point I was listening to pro-Trump, anti-immigration, anti-refugee, racist, homophobic, antisemitic, transphobic messages for hours each day. And it's really infected my mind.

I've since really tried to cut back. Unsubscribed from the majority of those Youtube channels, don't visit those subreddits any more. But my ego continues to rebel and refuse statistics and facts from "leftists", feminists, etc. And it continues to gravitate toward messages of the alt-right. Plus I feel like since 9/11, society in general has really filled me with Islamophobia which makes it hard to feel any compassion or empathy toward refugees, when my brain believes they're invading my country to ruin it.

That's hard because I live in Canada, which feels like the general public has reached stage green in the past 3-5 years, and I'm fighting against the popular consensus of my own country. It's also a growing point of contention between myself and my girlfriend, who is a very liberal person.

I know the answer is to cut off all the lower stage media I used to enjoy and immerse myself in higher stage things, but it's tough when it's been your worldview, way of thinking, and main source of entertainment for years. It's like an addiction and also linked with my self-worth and self-esteem.

I don't know how to start fully living and embracing stage green values, let alone surround myself with stage green people, when my mind is still filled with terminology like "cuck" and "soy boy" whenever I see them. I don't know to start convincing myself of things like the wage gap when I've listened to people debunk it for months or years.

My mind puts up a wall whenever I try to reconsider ideas like feminism, equality, diversity, etc and overwhelms me with facts and information that right-leaning figures gave me. I know a lot of it is bad info, but I still can't seem to actually convince myself that my old positions might be wrong.

I can't stand to watch left-leaning media like Stephen Colbert, Seth Meyers, Trevor Noah. It's actually triggering for me.

Maybe the worst part is that my ego sometimes tries to rationalize that I've actually already transcended to yellow, and I can see the false right/left dichotomy. But I know that must be a trap, because I wouldn't have this much disdain for stage green people if that were true.

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Find the similarities in the people you dont like. Everytime you create a boundary between you and someone else its because youre afraid of something. What could that be? Imagine yourself being a soy-boy for a day? Would you ”feel” wrong? Put yourself in others shoes. Do these types of contemplations until you reach a breaking point. 


Edit: Ask yourself if youll find happiness in judging others instead of accepting and loving them. Dont say yes or no directly, actually ponder it.

Edited by Rilles

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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Who you are, where you're from, who others are from, are stories. You're ultimately the ineffable. That thought arise in your mind, that they are cucks or soyboys, let it. That is what letting go is.

In the brain there's the Default Mode Network which probably evolved  around 100K years ago in our species in Africa, it was so we could co-operate in large numbers, by the mechanism of shared stories, like "race", "gods", "religions" "states" "companies". and the "i/me/ego" to have different of these stories in a whole bundle. This network is mostly active when you're daydreaming or when you're actively doing for instance an autobiographical task or trying to understand a story. Long-term meditation practitioners, for instance, deactivate this to some extent, psychedelics users deactivate it temporarily. Psychedelics has also shown to increase liberalism and decrease authoritarianism as you become more connected to nature. A mystical experience induced by psychedelics also is proven to increase Openness which is the creativity domain by a significant amount,  this trait is higher in liberals on average.

Green is ultimately postmodern, which is beyond stories. However if you want to evolve towards Yellow you shouldn't give up Individualism so you can evolve into Individual Collectivism. Humans are a social species, but it's the individual that should have the emphasis, it's the group that's subordinate to the individual.

Some of the points of Greens are actually Red/Blue tribalism, or based on Red/Blue beliefs. This is why you might have a hard time accepting them, as its just like the alt-right in the tribal way or collectivism way of thinking.

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This is a matter of preference. Do you prefer one color or multiple? I like multiple colors but I like to keep them in seperate rooms. Because that's more orderly and less chaotic. 

White room.jpg

Messy room.jpg

Edited by Eric Tarpall

Black is white. Down is up. Bad is good. -Eric Tarpall

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@Yarco To become truly anti-racist you will also have to embrace your own background, ethnicity, and even consider the viewpoint of White Supremacists etc. ----- and then transcend all of it. That also includes embrace other cultures, races, and their viewpoints etc. -----and then transcend all of it. 

Reverse discrimination (The White Male Is Bad) is a symptom of waking up to the racism around you. But it's far from actually transcending racism. 

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19 minutes ago, Eric Tarpall said:

This is a matter of preference. Do you prefer one color or multiple? I like multiple colors but I like to keep them in seperate rooms. Because that's more orderly and less chaotic. 

White room.jpg

Messy room.jpg

I like to throw all the colors in one blender and then stir it with my dick. 

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I don't think you should have to convince yourself, ever.  That doesn't seem healthy.  Just continue to ask questions and not be afraid of the answers, and this will resolve itself.  

It also seems like you put a lot of emphasis on the fact that your mind won't let you do one thing or another, or believe on think,  but I would not worry about that.  Sometimes my thoughts are really narcissistic, and other times they are really kind and compassionate, but I don't get to choose what thoughts enter my head, aside from maybe being able to put a cap on them for a bit with some conscious effort, but that's not a long term strategy.  Maybe you can just wait until those thoughts come up, and laugh at them.  If you think of something really stupid and can't defend it, just think to yourself how far you've come from having those thoughts and taking them seriously.  

It's possible to have elements of yellow in some categories of your life, but I think you should work on the disdain.  Ask yourself why you hate some of these people.  Do you think they are actively trying to misinform America?  Do they seem like hateful evil people?  Dishonest?  Or just ignorant?  

Comprehensive list of techniques:

I appreciate criticism!  Be as critical/nitpicky as you like and don't hold your blows

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I think a lot of us have trouble when we realize a good amount of the Struggle Industry (racialism, sexism) just turned out to be Orange duping Green.  Like imagine Red or Orange not making a meal of it.

Green also gets weird when you start to realize most people actually do like gender roles.  Knowing this is both liberating and confining. On one hand, people will assume you're in stage orange if you don't feel guilty, yet, you can free yourself up to be solution oriented.  Of course it will also turn out that a lot of people don't want solutions which is when the Group consensus can be a little disturbing to watch.

Edited by GenuinePerspectiveXC

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My take on was simply to realize that the "racists" (as you call them) are a facet of the collective ego who is struggling for survival. 

Understand the role the alt right and Trump plays in the grand scheme of things which is a backlash against the rapid change of the country. 

The shift into Green of America is happening too quickly for some and its not properly integrating the needs of a large number of the population of the country who are now lashing out via this movement. 

Also understand that the stage Green you see as portrayed by the alt right (the soyboys and the cucks) is a caricature of Green. Just like the way stage Blue-Orange is being demonized by Green into a caricature (nazis).

Everyone is strawmaning each other and fighting caricatures of their opponents. 

Once you are at peace with this insight and you manage to make peace with both sides will you be able to ascend. At least thats what worked for me. 

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How to let go of racism? 

That “me” that wants to let go of racism is racism. Racism is, because you are looking through the lens of divison which means seeing through the veil of resistance|attachment, identification ‘with’ the contents of experience/knowledge.  


Edited by Jack River

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42 minutes ago, Quicksilver said:

My take on was simply to realize that the "racists" (as you call them) are a facet of the collective ego who is struggling for survival. 

Understand the role the alt right and Trump plays in the grand scheme of things which is a backlash against the rapid change of the country. 

The shift into Green of America is happening too quickly for some and its not properly integrating the needs of a large number of the population of the country who are now lashing out via this movement. 

Also understand that the stage Green you see as portrayed by the alt right (the soyboys and the cucks) is a caricature of Green. Just like the way stage Blue-Orange is being demonized by Green into a caricature (nazis).

Everyone is strawmaning each other and fighting caricatures of their opponents. 

Once you are at peace with this insight and you manage to make peace with both sides will you be able to ascend. At least thats what worked for me. 

I don't necesairly disagree with anything you wrote other then that it's maybe only 10% of the full picture. 

Racism is not something that can just be grasped with SD. 

There are plenty of Stage Blue people who are not racist at all. 

Even Stage Red people are not necesairly racist. 

At the same time there are a lot of Stage Green people who have very little hands on experience with interacting with people from other races. Like when it's time to vote they will vote the 'right' thing. And on a forum they will write the 'right' thing. But in real life they steer clear of those people. 

Edited by SFRL

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I think it's really cool that you've recognized all this and want to change it.

@Etherial Cat's recommendation to interact with people of different backgrounds is great. It's really hard to hold racist/discriminatory viewpoints towards a group when you become close to members of that group. It's really easy to form the shortcut stereotype views when you only look at a group from the outside.

Travel is a great way to do this. Go to another country very different from Canada, learn the language, get cozy and you'll see that we're all just ... people.

How to get to infinity? Divide by zero.

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Psychedelics will slap that ethnocentrism right out of you. Assuming you can handle it.

Travel is great too.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I am going to make some assumption here about why you think one racial group is better than another (the underlying logic behind racism). This may or may not be true for you, but I hope by using this road map, you can resolve your own views on race.

You probably think that your racial culture is better and superior to other race. Hence this creates and fuels your racial contempt. There is a massive label and simplification of a group of people, when you have no idea if the label is even true for the individual. This is mental laziness.

Have you thought maybe instead of labeling everyone from that race: all stupid, all job thefts, all women haters - see people as individuals along the spectrum of different personality traits and behaviors.

Because you will get a criminal in every race, as well as a hero from every race.

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5-LeO-DMT(i.e. Leo's videos) was effective for me. 5-LeO-DMT is a form of enhanced meditation.

In my case, ethnocentrism couldn't infiltrate my mind because I felt being taken advantage of by my ethnicity and my government. I was personally not getting much from my nation but bleeding a lot of my time to its demands.

Humans are economic animals.

If you discover that you are bleeding a lot of time to ranting about some enemies, you will drop it because you could have used that much time to develop yourself instead of listening to others ranting about their enemies.

Why can you not do more workouts or do more study or do more work or spend more time with people you love instead of listening to rants? Listening to rants is not going to develop you. Become directly aware that you are pissing away your life while you are listening to rants.

Listening to rants is a form of procrastination. Don't run away from your potential.

Edited by CreamCat

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1 hour ago, CreamCat said:

Why can you not do more workouts or do more study or do more work or spend more time with people you love instead of listening to rants? Listening to rants is not going to develop you. Become directly aware that you are pissing away your life while you are listening to rants.

Amen to this... or should I say Namaste??

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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