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Best way to get probiotics naturally? (Vegan)

I went to a small talk the other day on 'how to thrive on a Vegan diet' and they outlined the importance of probiotics. It blew my mind to realise that your gut if fed correctly, will release more serotonin than your brain. Mind blown. 

I'm wondering what are the best ways to consume probiotics as close to nature as possible? 

Also she mentioned the importance of Algae oil? It's hard to distinguish BS for legit advice as so many people can complicate nutrition if they delve to far down the rabbit hole with it but I am interested in providing the body with optimum nutrition. 

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Just a personal anecdote here but in my opinion probiotics are overrated and sometimes can cause more harm than good. Some people have conditions like SIBO (overgrowth of bacteria in small intestine where they shouldn't be) which is often a cause of IBS. So chugging down more bacteria while risking that this will also overpopulate small intestine even more and make the condition even worse....I dunno..there is something about probiotics that rubs me the wrong way. 

Absolutely agree with the serotonin thing, that is a major component of depression in many people. One the best ways to feed your gut bacteria residing in the large intesine are fiber rich foods. Humans cannot digest fiber, however our gut bacteria and it also helps to move faeces outside of the body much much faster. Think of it as a gastro intestinal broom. Fiber also ensures there is no overpopulation of disease causing pathogens in the colon causing things like candida. Foods richest in fiber are all legumes, mushrooms, vegetables and fruits. Ideally aim for at least 50 grams per day, more is not going to harm either.....sorry I went kinda out of topic but imo there is other ways to treat ones gut besides chugging probiotics that are not necessarily always helpful. 

Where they will definitely play a role is post-antibiotics where your gut microbiome has been whipped out and you want to repopulate the colon with "good bacteria" as fast as possible to limit pathogen populations. This is time to do probiotic course followed by massive doses of fibre to feed the little guys. 

The thing about alage oil is that for people who do not eat fish, this is the only way to get pre-formed long chain fatty acids EPA and DHA. Fish do this as well thats why they are considered healthy.  Our body can make these from the ALA (Omega3) we consume in things like flaxseeds however the conversion rate is extremely poor and the importance of EPA and DHA for the brain and central nervous system cannot be overstated. I'd say though that it is not necessary as long as you have sufficient intake of Omega 3s (chia, flax, hemp, walnuts, some oils). A tablespoon of ground or chia will give you a very decent amount of Omega 3 and enough to be left for EPA/DHA conversion...

sorry for the long post, hope something in there will be helpful :)

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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Yogurt/Kefir, Sauerkraut/Kimchi, Miso, Sourdough bread, Coconut products(especially yogurt), Fermented foods/veggies/olives or soy products in general are very good. Kombucha or Homemade Ginger ale are also great :)

@Michael569 Checkout Ahiflower Oil for SDA and higher conversion and also Hemp seeds because magnesium is said to significantly enhance conversion and hemp seeds have highest magnesium of any known food gram/gram and some other factors i can't remember at the top of my head are more efficient in converting over than Flax, Chia and others but then again the healthier we are the less we need and the more efficient and better conversion rates.

Based on what i remember 1 Tbsp of hemp seed oil or better 2-3 Tbsp of hemp seeds daily should be optimal but again its always best to experiment with both and see where and how you feel best.



Edited by pluto


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@Michael569 Michael thanks so much for your reply. I'm interested to know why probiotics rub you up the wrong way? (I'm curious) :ph34r:

Thanks from your opinion really appreciate it. 

@pluto Cheers Pluto! 

@TylerJ @Crystalous thanks guy's! Just polished off a bottle of kombucha actually ?

On 24/11/2018 at 2:02 PM, Nahm said:

@Charlotte Nice!     Food is mood, mood is thoughts, thoughts are choice, ...choice of food.    Important cycle to be aware of.

Love the quote Nahm. Link is also interesting af! ❤️

Thanks so much 

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little late reply but im currently listening to an elective at school about the importance of probiotics.

The ones listed as examples that were vegan are kombucha, beet kvass, sauerkraut (best one imo), olives, ...and suprisingly simple fruit and veggie juices contain probiotics too! Also its really important to combine Prebiotics with probiotics, because a prebiotic is food for the probiotic bacteria. If the bacteria doesnt have enough food it will be hard to survive all the way to your intestines. Some good prebiotic foods are garlic, leek asparagus, strawberries, and red wine :D 

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On 26/11/2018 at 7:16 AM, Charlotte said:

@Michael569 Michael thanks so much for your reply. I'm interested to know why probiotics rub you up the wrong way? (I'm curious)

Sorry @Charlotte I missed your question. 

Mostly because of all the hype surrounding them. Nutritionists and naturopaths are prescribing them for everything ranging from IBS, Crohn's to candida, weak immunity, herpes simplex the list goes on. Generally, every time there is a hype surrounding a single product I remain sceptical as there is a lot new market players coming up and it is nearly impossible to regulate their entire supply chain...but this is a problem of the entire supplement industry.  

Also, constantly loading up on new bacteria is not necessarily a good thing. You should be able to breed your good bacteria once (e.g. after antibiotics) and then feed them with prEbiotics (from food such as fermented foods or most plant foods) which are a nourishment for them and not prObiotics which are just more and more dormant bacteria. There is only so much space in our colon and there is also a risk that they will end up in small intestine where they don't belong. 

Ofcourse this is just a personal opinion based on some literature I've read mostly so you better remain sceptical and keep questioning ;) 

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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Fair enough@Michael569 I value your personal opinion as always. I mentally gather information from different sources and then make my own decision based on what I've read so thanks again ??

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@Charlotte that's the best way to go around life 

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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Indeed. But what people usually forget is to flush first the guts, because in the majority of people they are full of parasites, from worms to bad bacteria.

So the best solution is taking Colloidal Silver every day a little, and replenishing with probiotics after. 

Once you've tried Colloidal Silver you will never want to take any pharmaceutical medication again, i can assure you :) 

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