
attraction and women

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Can you guys give me some step by step way to genuinely attract a woman? What requires to do?

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I use Tantra. I use my internal organs in sync to attract, it takes awakening to do this. I don't bother anymore with other mediocre techniques. 

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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There is no step by step guide. Only some waypoints: Abundance Mindset, Social Intelligence, Leading. 

As you see those can not be achieved by doing exactly this or that. They heaviliy depend on the situation and context. You can get to this waypoints on million different ways and you likely need a bit (or a lot) of practise. 

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Focus on making yourself happy. The happier you are the more attractive you are.

Black is white. Down is up. Bad is good. -Eric Tarpall

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Women tend to respond to a feeling of romantic ambiguity if there is a latent attraction there already (i.e. She thinks you are relatively attractive looking,  etc.). So, if you can interact with a woman in a platonic way 99% of the time and give a small slip of ambiguous flirtation. That way, she will think of you when she is alone and wonder what your intentions are. And this will create a sense of tension around you... again if there is already a latent attraction. 

It will play out like, "Hmm. What did he mean by that?"... "Is he interested in me or am I imagining it?" And this curiosity can lead to a growing feeling of attraction because your intentions are mysterious and it makes her wonder if you're thinking about her and if you're attracted to her. You will be able to tell if she's interested because she'll come around more and may even try to get you to show that kind of attention to her again that got her thinking in that direction in the first place. So, being aware of attraction signifiers and picking up on those clues and trusting your instincts will be key to advancing further.

But be aware that this method will take self-control, restraint, and subtlety. It's a seed you only plant once and wait for signs that she wants you to advance closer. This is a good method for women you are around pretty often. A subtle slip of innuendo or a platonic touch on the shoulder can be enough to set this reaction in motion. But it has to seem natural, innocent, detached from outcome, and unplanned.

Now, you can also do the cold approach until you get a yes, and this will probably work faster. You will be able to find women who are looking for something a bit easier. But if you want to garner a deeper and more passionate response in the woman, you can try the above method. 



Edited by Emerald

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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On 2018-11-20 at 7:28 AM, Annoynymous said:

Can you guys give me some step by step way to genuinely attract a woman? What requires to do?

First loose the attitude.

What you're asking is how to manipulate a women to like you. This is so sick...... Women are not things to satisfy your hormones. 

How do you attracte friends? you don't. There's just some poeple that you resonate with and some you that you're not. girlfriend is just that. She's a friend. She's not someone you manipulate to feel one way or the other to satisfy yourself.


Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@Annoynymous Do nofap and work on yourself, embrace your feminine/masculine side more, do consiousness work, find a life purpose - be driven by it. :D 

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16 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

First loose the attitude.

What you're asking is how to manipulate a women to like you. This is so sick...... Women are not things to satisfy your hormones. 

How do you attracte friends? you don't. There's just some poeple that you resonate with and some you that you're not. girlfriend is just that. She's a friend. She's not someone you manipulate to feel one way or the other to satisfy yourself.


Tell me a non manupulative way to attract women.

And don't you thing we manupulate everything in order to survive?

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@Annoynymous That's the counter-intuitive thing, if you try to achieve this mastery of attracting women, you will end up manipulating. If you master yourself, you won't manipulate. Read David Deida's book - The way of the superior man, it's no stage orange crap, trust me.

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1 hour ago, Annoynymous said:

@Emerald Usually how much time it takes to attract a woman?

That's hard to say. For me, it usually takes me at least a few days for an attraction to set in. But even that's hard to say because the onset of the attraction is very gradual.

All men start out as friends/acquaintances who are neutral, and most remain neutral. The friend zone is the default zone for everyone. But every once and a while, I'll make a guy friend or acquaintance and I'll be thinking of him when I'm not around him. Then, gradually, I'll start to realize that an attraction is forming and that I'm feeling very alive when I'm around him or thinking about him. But the onset is so gradual and coming from nothing that I don't know where the attraction actually technically begins. There are no hard lines to anything. It's all very organic and slow burning.

But I've had it to where I've known a guy for a while, but started to get an attraction a long time down the road. Or I meet a guy, and I have developed an attraction with him within the week. So, there is no set answer. The main thing is to become attuned to signifiers of attraction and hone your intuition about who is developing feelings for you and learning how to stoke those fires in subtle ways. 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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@Emerald So are you suggesting that it is possible to start from friend zone and develop towards attraction?

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8 minutes ago, Annoynymous said:

@Emerald So are you suggesting that it is possible to start from friend zone and develop towards attraction?

Essentially yes. There can be exceptions, but this is how it's always been for me. The friend zone is default, so it takes the development of feelings for a man to cease to be in the friend zone. 

Most men tend to think of the friend zone as a place that women actively put select men that they're not interested in. But this is not true, and is largely an assumption that women and men work the same way regarding selectivity and attraction. But women don't work like men relative to attraction. For women, everyone starts from the friend zone for the most part, and then if feelings develop then that person gets out of the friend zone.

So, the friend zone is basic for 99.9% of men, and only a small fraction of a percentage ever get out. Though the latent attraction potential exists for many men within that zone. 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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@Annoynymous  I have been a typical nice guy and still partially am, so I understand your struggles quite well in my opinion :D I had been dreaming about becoming this perfectly moral, excellent justice warrior (nice guy) who gets all the girls with his honesty and humbleness. Bullshit.

Just a little note, I am 15, so maybe my advice is not very relevant for you, but still, I made some big progress lately :D 

1) The feminine CANNOT be understood from the perspective of the masculine. 

2) Nofap definitely makes a difference, I dont know how, but when I fap, I suck, when I dont fap, girls just tend to be around me all the time.

3) Work on yourself, rather than trying to learn about how to attract someone. I have girls coming to me saying they enjoy the way I am driven in the things I am doing and it is obvious that I am confident, happy and passionate - yet I didnt do pick up or anything like that... Deida's book will actually teach you more about life than about women :D 

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8 hours ago, Annoynymous said:

Tell me a non manupulative way to attract women.

Honestly, I don't know what to say. Just make sure you have some kind of daily spiritual practice and it will sort itself out.

Don't look for a girlfriend. If it happens - good. If it doesn't happen - very good. 

If you're looking for happyness and you think someone from outside will give it to you, then it's not a wise attitude. Whenever you feel sad don't go outwards for solutions go inwards. Don't waste time thinking about how to get girlfriends. Just work on yourself on and on. Until your life is fixed. 

You want girlfriend? - you meditate.

You want to be successfull? - you meditate

You want to be social and charming? - you meditate. 

Whatever the problem there's in your life. You meditate. Always go inwards.

You think oh my life is a mess, what should I do? You meditate. Don't try to solve the outside situation, solve yourself first. Make yourself in such a way that whatever happens - you're okey. 

That would be my advise.

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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You are so funny, guys :) 
Tantra for attracting women? Seriously? We are attracted by coincidence between your words and deeds, your personal power and intelligence. Try finding the strong sides of your personality and use it!

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Its even simpler then that. Simply "know" you are beautiful and attractive and compassionate and by expressing that behavior/energy day by day, women will naturally be attracted to you because of the light you emit. They may not see it but its magnetic, they feel it one way or another as will you.

This is simply how the universe works with everything, its all the same simple method. What you believe most true to you will be your projected reality, it cannot be another way because you are creating this reality you experience. The rest is illusory projection/co-play.

Now many people have yet to reach the level of "knowing" but if you keep believing eventually it becomes a "knowing" and once it becomes a knowing it works every single time because by universal law what you know works cannot not work as you are the U in the Universe.

The most sophisticated sounding things are actually the most simple, once you get a taste, everything changes.

To Simplify.

Know thyself, Love Thyself, Be thyself.

The rest will come naturally.

Affirmations can help. Find what works best for you but do not over-complicate, just love yourself, see your beauty, be that beauty then others will notice too.



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