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Ok, so i get (atleast on a conceptual level) that I live always in the present moment. But, eventually that present moment will end when I die.

So ive noticed that despite having external clocks that appear to objectively measure time, my experience of it is that it ebs and flows faster or slower in relation to the clock based on your state of mind and events happening. So the idea that im proposing is: you can literally extend or shorten your "life time" based on your mind set and activities. Considering that reality is contained within experience, not the other way around, I consider present moment experience a better indicator of time than a clock. 

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23 minutes ago, Pharion said:

Ok, so i get (atleast on a conceptual level) that I live always in the present moment. But, eventually that present moment will end when I die.

So ive noticed that despite having external clocks that appear to objectively measure time, my experience of it is that it ebs and flows faster or slower in relation to the clock based on your state of mind and events happening. So the idea that im proposing is: you can literally extend or shorten your "life time" based on your mind set and activities. Considering that reality is contained within experience, not the other way around, I consider present moment experience a better indicator of time than a clock. 

You never die... You will see...! You have experienced this many many times, but just like me have forgotten. I have glimpses/memories of that event (death) when my mind is clear... It is so impossible, but true.. Reality is so grand and it has no end. Lovely meeting with you on this forum in the midst of all this craziness. It is special. 

Important to note that we are not 3d beings. We are zero/infinity dimensional beings. Lets enjoy the 3d game while it lasts :)

Edited by Dodo

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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@Pharion That’s fantastic. Like the spinning top tells Decaprio if he’s in the reality, our clocks remind us we’re in a dream - and to live, now. Einstein would be proud!



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@Pharion Awesome post! Completely agree!

My mum recently said "Doesn't life fly by fast". I said "Depends how present you are." 

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26 minutes ago, Charlotte said:

My mum recently said "Doesn't life fly by fast". I said "Depends how present you are." 

Do you feel yourself growing 'old' with time?

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@Charlotte Great!

So for whom is 'Time' relevant then? It is neither our experience nor the truth nor found by someone :ph34r:

And yet the entire globe is caught by it's neck by this thing called time. It's interesting to contemplate on it. Reveals how pernicious and persistent the maya/dream really is and how we are literally drowned in it like a fish in the sea.

No wonder self-realization is the greatest hero's journey one could ever take, where literally everything around us is working against the flow.

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@Preetom time to me personally is only relevant to appointments.

Yes the entire globe is bound by it I agree, it creates the biggest boundary between the present moment and past/future, it keeps the illusion solid. 

Yes everything is working against the flow. My niece is only just being indoctrinated with time, she's asking the time and day of the week... My response is "Now." :ph34r:

You could clearly see less than 9 months ago she was constantly in the present moment and that's now slowly shifting due to concept of time. 

Watching her grow and develop ego has been one of the greatest gifts I could ever ask for. It's opened my eyes to how easily it happens.


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@Charlotte Yup quite a long journey ahead of your niece. I guess that's the inevitable hero's journey. She has to lose herself first in order to find herself. From Pre-ego to Ego to Post-ego.

I see it like this. Consciousness and Universe are never two things. But...

1) In Pre-ego(babies and animals), Consciousness is utterly lost in the flow of the Universe. No separate self.

2) Then in humans an ego is formed. A distinction between consciousness and matter is felt in one's bones.

3) Then comes Enlightenment/Post-ego. Here the Universe is utterly lost in Consciousness/Self. No separate self or object remains.

Just like the Hero's journey, she comes back to basically where she started from and yet it is so qualitatively different. Such is the paradox/strange loop/full circle whatever you wanna call it :D 


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There is no time in the abiding reality of awareness. There is no "I" either. Sentiments of "I" and time or duration or change do mutually condition each other.

Please do not pay attention to my empty words if you are following Leo's teaching !!
Sometimes my empty words may appear too negative, too rational, too irrational, egoistical or even like trolling because my path is a non-path and is nothing but deviation and incompatible with all teachings known.

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1 hour ago, Charlotte said:

@Preetom  apologies for late reply. 

Very true by the way and very beautiful if you ask me :x

and your niece is 1 week 'older' now.. :D 

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@Preetom ?? 

Yeah her attitude is reflecting that ? ?

Amazing to see how her schooling (friends) is shaping her newly formed ego (she started this year)

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