
What are dreams?

2 posts in this topic

Hello! This post is going to be rather straight forward. I am curious about the nature of dreams, both lucid and regular dreams. I would like to know why they even exist and why we can even experience these amazing phenomena's in them. Such as flying and other things of that sort. I have a journal where I write down the dreams experienced and some of them are just mind boggling. How can one experience things in dreams that they did not experience in waking reality. Example, I had a dream where I had sex and made out with this girl. But I never even had my first kiss, let alone lose my virginity. So how is possible that such experience could occur with full sensation and feeling, without actually ever experiencing it to begin with? Apologies in advanced if a question similar to this one was answered all ready. But I am relatively new to this forum and am curious for an answer. You know if there even is one. Is it just a phenomenon, or something else? 

Edited by Fleamino

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Why wouldn't it be possible? (just saying) I've heard in psychology classes that dreams often represent our subconscious and our subconscious can send us messages through it, so that is one take on it

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