
Fuzzy, Blissful Feeling after Meditating

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Hey guys, last couple of days, during and after meditation I've had this really nice fuzzy feeling in my body which has been with me throughout the day, mainly in my head I think but pretty much through my whole body. It kind of feels like I'm high. Just feel super chilled and very at peace. During the meditation I felt some. Warm tingles in my body but don't know if it was psychosomatic as I've been reading about kundalini and I wanted it to happen. Has anyone else had this? What does it mean? I guess I'm wanting to hear things like 'you're becoming enlightened my friend, have at it! Or, yes, the powers of the cosmos are awakening with you' lol. Another thing I noticed is that my dreams have become more intense and vivid. Last night I dreamnt my girlfriend was ignoring me and wouldn't speak a word and I became so panicked amd furious I picked up her cat by the tail and threatened to garotte it lol. So fucked up. I felt awful afterwards. I wonder if my shadow side is emerging in my dreams so I can work on it.

Edited by Wisebaxter

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Youre not ”becoming” Enlightened but you had a good and focused meditation which is a gift in itself. :) Youve developed some mindfulness skill.

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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@Rilles Ah cool, so basically it means I'm doing it properly? It's taken me a while of trying out different techniques and getting my posture right etc so maybe I should continue with the particular method I'm doing, which is mindfulness meditation. 

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1 minute ago, Wisebaxter said:

@Rilles Ah cool, so basically it means I'm doing it properly? It's taken me a while of trying out different techniques and getting my posture right etc so maybe I should continue with the particular method I'm doing, which is mindfulness meditation. 

Its hard to say if youre doing it properly since Im not your mind xD but if you feel a sense of bliss afterwards youve definitely released some tension. I usually feel very goofy and chilled out after a good session. The most important thing is not calmness though, you will have meditations where you feel super antsy, the important thing is that you are aware of it. Thats all. Aware and awake. Are you directly experiencing the difference between thinking and awareness when you meditate?

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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13 minutes ago, Wisebaxter said:

my shadow side is emerging in my dreams so I can work on it.


I’d say yes, you are on the right track. Since nonduality, no dreams, so in hindsight they appear to be attempts to autobalance upon ‘waking’, mostly to do with identity (s) at play. 



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46 minutes ago, Rilles said:

Are you directly experiencing the difference between thinking and awareness when you meditate?

Yeah that seems to be the thing that's made all the difference recently. I've started being able just to stay in awareness for longer in between thoughts. Basically watching for the next thought allows me to do this. It was during a long spurt of awareness that the warmth appeared. Lol, I made that sound like I either jizzed in my pants or wet myself. You know what I mean though

@Nahm That's really interesting, non duality stops you dreaming huh? not surprising as they're based around relative concepts, just like the waking state. I'm reading a book on shadow work at the moment and digging into my unconscious mind a bit as I want to be befriend the shadow before I start taking psychedelics. Although these dreams are disturbing I'm very grateful for them and to the higher power that's helping me to uncover all of this stuff. 

Edited by Wisebaxter

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3 minutes ago, Wisebaxter said:

Yeah that seems to be the thing that's made all the difference recently. I've started being able just to stay in awareness for longer in between thoughts. Basically watching for the next thought allows me to do this. It was during a long spurt of awareness that the warmth appeared. Lol, I made that sound like I either jizzed in my pants or wet myself. You know what I mean though

Hahhaa!! Great!! youre on the right track! Try to keep this awareness throughout your day. :)

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@Wisebaxter That is a wise way to go.          Also, sorry...the dreams ended upon the ‘threshold’ or realization of ‘no self’ / ‘Oneness’ of all things, along with the cessation of thinking. Nondual realization was later. Maybe 2-3 years later. 



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@Rilles Omg what a great question...”Are you directly experiencing the difference between thinking and awareness when you meditate?” 

   It’s hard to remember that awareness is first a thought about something called “awareness”. That’s freakin weird. 




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8 minutes ago, Nahm said:

It’s hard to remember that awareness is first a thought about something called “awareness”. That’s freakin weird

This messed with my head a bit but it's so true! Paradoxical x10000

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Its a freaky phenomenon but I love it; unawareness is like getting whisked into a bubble of thoughts/images and then snapping back into the now. Thats the best description i got. xD and noones in control, thats the best part 

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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@Rilles Ya! That made me think, it’s doubly weird, because we’re asleep in robot / reaction world / mode, not thinking about what the heck we’re even doing, and then discover awareness, and then eventually ‘live’ in the synchronicity / awareness, not thinking about what we’re doing. ? Like learning what all these words mean, and then becoming aware they don’t have any meaning.



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2 hours ago, Wisebaxter said:

@Rilles Ah cool, so basically it means I'm doing it properly? It's taken me a while of trying out different techniques and getting my posture right etc so maybe I should continue with the particular method I'm doing, which is mindfulness meditation. 

@Wisebaxter yo dawg, just be careful. The idea that there is "something to be good at" is actually a sign that you have subconsciously created an idea about what meditation/reality is. Which is of course the thing we are trying to avoid (per say). 

Think about it, how can you be good at something...if you don't know what it is your trying to be good at? The answer is, you can't. And so to believe that your getting better at something, is to have created an idea about what it is that "your" "trying" to "get better at". The spiritual ego is necessary, but it's crucial that you remember that, during meditation, the only "thing" "your" meant to be "doing" is mindlessly observing...whatever it is that takes place. 

Edited by Aaron p

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@Wisebaxter but yes mate, I experience strange manifestations every time I meditate now. It's so weird, I can feel the inside of my throat opening cooling is how I'd describe it best I think... I know it's a direct manifestation of the meditation because I feel it becoming more intense after every question during self enquiry

Edited by Aaron p

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@Wisebaxter The True You is enlightenment. :x

It sounds like the mind is relaxing , which allows emptiness for insights to arise.

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@Serotoninluv Well now I've actually experienced some real, tangible effects from my meditation I'm in it for the long haul. I was operating on faith before somewhat but I've been feeling high for two days straight now and my awareness is as sharp as a blade so I want more, more, give me MORE haha, na I know its not good to chase these states as firstly you can't rely on them and secondly they're a distraction on not the real deal, so I've read. Adyashanti warns against chasing feel-good states, seeing as your real, true state - the enlightened you, as you put it, is stateless. I think that's what he said anyway.  

The insights you mention, which come when your mind is empty...do you wait until after the meditation to contemplate them, or do you follow them when they occur? Or maybe they don't require any further contemplation. I'm just confused about how meditation, which is supposed to be about becoming 'thoughtless,' (unless you're doing neti neti or whatever) can be used for insights...

Edited by Wisebaxter

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3 minutes ago, Wisebaxter said:

@Serotoninluv Well now I've actually experienced some real, tangible effects from my meditation I'm in it for the long haul. I was operating on faith before somewhat but I've been feeling high for two days straight now and my awareness is as sharp as a blade so I want more, more, give me MORE haha, na I know its not good to chase these states as firstly you can't rely on them and secondly they're a distraction on not the real deal, so I've read. Adyashanti warns against chasing feel-good states, seeing as your real, true state - the enlightened you, as you put it, is stateless. I think that's what he said anyway.  

The insights you mention, which come when your mind is empty...do you wait until after the meditation to contemplate them, or do you follow them when you occur? Or maybe they don't require any further contemplation. I'm just confused about how meditation, which is supposed to be about becoming 'thoughtless,' (endless you're doing neti neti or whatever) can be used for insights...

Yes. Direct Experience is King. It is your greatest teacher.

Generally, those new to meditation have minds highly conditioned to think. Once the mind slows down, the stillness can be boring and uncomfortable to a mind addicted to distractions. It sounds like you are beyond this stage and venturing into the New Frontier. . . Yes, chasing meditative states can be a trap. Yet isn't it nice for there to be something you want to chase? In the beginning, meditation feels so boring, uncomfortable, even painful - who wants to chase that?

I would be careful about the belief that meditation is supposed to be about becoming "thoughtless". That is often a by product of meditation, but not a goal. The emptiness is present even when thoughts are present. The emptiness is like a container for everything that may arise during meditation, including thoughts.

Great question on insights. Sometimes insights arise during meditation, sometimes not. If I am doing self inquiry and insights arise, I allow them to exist and observe them. For example, I may inquire "What is Love". Nonverbal insights may arise and I sit with them. Yet, I do not analyze. If my mind starts analyzing and theorizing about Love, I will change gears. During Vipassana meditation, I simply observe. If an insight arises, I don't get excited or start conceptualizing. If the insight is important, it will return after meditation - then I may write about it contemplatively.

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Yes it certainly is nice to have something to chase. I've already meditated once today and I here I am itching to have another session. I just want this feeling to stay put and I have this urge to keep feeding into it. 

23 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

I would be careful about the belief that meditation is supposed to be about becoming "thoughtless". That is often a by product of meditation, but not a goal. The emptiness is present even when thoughts are present. The emptiness is like a container for everything that may arise during meditation, including thoughts.

Great point, thank you. You're saying it's a trap to separate thoughts from emptiness...as they themselves are empty? Just modulations of awareness? I've heard Spira talk about this and other teachers say everything is comprised of emptiness. Or is that thoughts are forms that arise from this emptiness? 

22 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

Nonverbal insights may arise and I sit with them.

You mean, they come to you as something other than words in your head? So do you mean images, or something deeper, something intuitive and beyond words?

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@Nahm Haha, that's the first time someone has quoted Anchorman to me, which is surprising seeing as I've used this name and this image for so long and its such a popular film. You know how to cut right to the core of me Baxter. I'm an electronic music producer (life purpose) and I'm trying to think of a good artist name. it's been bugging me for ages and I was wondering if I should just use Wisebaxter. Do you think its a bit crap for an artists name though? Honestly?  

Edited by Wisebaxter

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