
Understanding Money

6 posts in this topic

Let share us our favorite money video's to help us understanding money.



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Money is used to trade things.  Before money, there was just trade (I'll trade you my 3 small marbles for your one big marble).  Money makes it more convenient to trade things because now you don't have to accept 10 chickens for the sale of your one pig- now you can sell your pig for money and use it on whatever you want (or save it).  

Most jobs are the sort of situation where you are trading hours of your service to your employer for money (and possibly other perks as well), but it is still trade nonetheless.  If you would like to make more money, then you need to know what it is that you are trading in the first place and what you are getting back on these trade deals.  If you would like to increase your income, then you need to start trading other things on top of what it is you are currently trading or increase the value of the product or service that you are currently trading.  Simple enough, right?

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I would recommend reading David Graeber (London Scool of economics) "Dept - the first 5000years" for a broader/ holistic view on money and dept! the two terms are inevitably dept-relations pre-dated classical coin-money and also pre-dated barter! From an anthroposophic standpoint some of our ideas about dept and money , which are mainly based on the theories of economists like adam smith seem to not hold true! Thought provocing and inspiring to read. Also you get tons of interessting facts about different societys back to the old egyptians, african tribes, sumerians, babylonian culture and old china and persia... Cool book! :) 

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@ChimpBrain  thanks for posting this. I thoroughly enjoyed watching it for the first time. It's worth watching over a few times. It would be interesting to get the creators of that video to talk about what they see in this one:


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