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Self-Appointed Spiral Stage

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How can you accurately depict where you yourself are (roughly) at on the spiral, or myself if I wanted to?

Of course using the examples the things that we gravitate towards when Leo listed things off throughout the series is perhaps a decent gauge, when attempting to find any tangible identification at any part of the spiral (even with multiple other sources) I find myself all over the place with certain traits and when i compare myself to certain yellow/turquoise while also rejecting core ideas of green I tend to find myself in an odd sense of denial of categorizing myself beyond green.

I truly don't think I'm that developed and even if it were the case I don't feel I have a clear distinction of the stages below yellow as it claims, anyways if you guys want to share your method for getting a decent reading on this would be interesting to hear.

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@Omni It can't really be quantified as a science. A person is a mixture of levels for different developmental lines.

Most people look at the criteria and like to overestimate themselves (the Kruger-Dunning effect). E.g. most Orange people will see the higher cognitive sophistication in Yellow and label themself as Yellow.

Instead, I find it more helpful to simply observe myself. What type of videos resonate with me know? Do Orange level debates with Richard Dawkins resonate with me? Do documentaries about marginalized groups and how to promote equality resonate? Do videos about intuition, empathy, and the integration of science/art resonate?

As well, what type of conversations am I attracted to? Are my conversations transactional and include debate (Orange level) or are my conversations about exploring new ideas and frontiers. Am I motivated to meet personal needs (Tier 1) or am I motivated to participate, explore and discover the magnificence of reality and life?

And Yellow does not *reject* Green. Yellow transcends and embodies Green. Image Green as a handsaw and Yellow as a chainsaw. Yellow can use a handsaw when appropriate and a chainsaw when appropriate.

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Go on and read the page for each of the eight stages, if you haven't already.

I have permanently locked myself out of my account to force myself to focus on my work. Goodbye.

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@Kataro7 You can be enlightened at any stage. I've read people on here talk about blue people being enlightened. Also, be careful not to confuse green with turquoise. Apparently, green people tend to think that they are turquoise.

@Serotoninluv Does anyone actually spend their time watching videos about equality? I find this hard to believe.

I have permanently locked myself out of my account to force myself to focus on my work. Goodbye.

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The usual guideline is appoint yourself a stage and then subtract two stages. 

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@Omni Try not to be too specific with spiral dynamics. This model has some problems that make it very difficult to peg yourself into a specific stage.
Instead, I'd think of it as a modeling language that lets your inner voice yap things that are more useful in everyday situations.

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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@Omni Everyone's true self is beyond concepts but lets forget that for now. I appoint myself to be high stage orange or perhaps low green with maybe characteristics of yellow blooming. I think being an INTP makes yellow easier to come by. Even though I'm INTP at the core of my egoic personality and despite my dominant "cold" Ti cognitive function, I've felt myself becoming more emotive which allows me to better access green I think. I feel like Ti and Fi as cognitive functions in MBTI are closer then one might initially think because I feel like I can exhibit both now strangely enough. But I think that I've only touched the surface of green. Or maybe I'm starting to embody yellow and I have a massive green shadow, who really knows. All I know is that spiral dynamics is a secondary concern to me when compared to raising consciousness. 

But in different phases and in different situations "lower" colours can come out. I can be a tad purple in regards to looking out for people I care about (although that sentence I made might be me incorrectly understanding purple). I wouldn't mind screwing over 10 people if the 1 person I cared about was safe. In the past when I'm at my most miserable and misanthropic and I'm in a shitty mood I have the potential to be full on red because I just ignore empathy. Everyone becomes red when they're pissed off. 

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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@Kataro7 I feel like the confusion I have in mapping MBTI theory to my personality is indicative of how nuanced and complicated human psychology is. 

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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2 hours ago, StardewValley said:

@Serotoninluv Does anyone actually spend their time watching videos about equality? I find this hard to believe.

For some Greens, yes. Do a google video search with key words like equality, unconscious biases, egalitarianism, disadvantaged students, gender equality, equal rights and cultural taxation. There are thousands of videos on equality that millions of Greens watch.

Blue and Orange would have zero interest in these videos and likely don't know they exist. Plus, their youtube algorithms would only pull up Blue/Orange vs. Green in which Blue/Orange appeared to "win".

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I let you all identify with the highest stage and all stages, hahaha. So proud of you :P 

Follow Maynor, he already knows how to heal with energy. 9_9

Edited by Hellspeed

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3 hours ago, SFRL said:

The usual guideline is appoint yourself a stage and then subtract two stages. 

That’s what I did with myself. I thought I was most like stage yellow, but realistically I’m orange. I also don’t remember going through stage green. But I don’t really remember stage blue. I definitely remember stage red. 

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1 hour ago, Kataro7 said:

I fit very well in the INFP category and I have this feeling that I skipped Orange in a way

Interesting, I made the same observation. And as you mentioned, I also think that the orange mindset just doesn't fit to the way INFPs are naturally wired. An altruistic idealist just has difficulties to identify with orange values. But the world operates in an orange mindset, so I made the same realisation that I need to integrate some orange values. I also feel like orange is more linked to masculine energy (goal orientation, competitiveness) and green is more linked to feminine energy (empathy, collaboration). I'd say yellow is again more linked to masculine energy and turquoise has a mix of both, but is more linked to feminine energy. 


10 hours ago, Omni said:

I find myself all over the place with certain traits and when i compare myself to certain yellow/turquoise while also rejecting core ideas of green I tend to find myself in an odd sense of denial of categorizing myself beyond green

I find that incredibly difficult too. I guess there is no fine line and you are probably a mixture of many. However, it's probably more realistic that you are mainly green and below, simply because anything above green is so rare. Consciousness of humanity is rising, but it will take a long time to reach and fully integrate even a yellow mindset, let alone turquoise. We might grasp yellow and understand it.. but to truly live it would mean such a systematic approach to life. I guess I do resonate with a yellow and turquoise way of thinking and seeing the world, but in no way have I embodied those mindsets in my behaviour. My behaviour is pretty green I'd say. I guess the difficulty is that there is a big understanding and interest for stages like yellow and turquoise.. but only understanding it and resonating with it doesn't mean that it's implemented in your daily life. 

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4 hours ago, Kataro7 said:

Related question:
Can parts of me be turquoise?


or do I have to be "enlightened" in order to to be turquoise? 



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2 minutes ago, Kataro7 said:

I agree that the above green is rare, but remember that people finding their way here (and interest in Spiral Dynamics) may be quite rare in the first place. 

I'd say the combination of knowing about SD and wanting to evolve to Tier2 increases one's chance of reaching Tier2 by 100X.

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When I meditate seriously I'm offstage, or close to non-dual. But when I don't meditate I am pretty much at beige, from living like a mystic last year, I bounced back to childhood. Reality had a lot of weird effects when I moved between countries a few months ago, it flickered between decenniums, from 80's to 00's. Stuff like signs, money and even people's behavior was in from the 80's, only to switch back again after a minute. Just the part I think is not me showing me right in my face that time and history really are just concepts and beliefs. Something I knew before, but this time it felt pretty horrible to be so out of control of it.

And sincerely, there are no stages.

Edited by BKH
repetitious language

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