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The Enneagram - A Big Help For Spotting Particular Neurotic/Dysfunctional Tendencies

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A few weeks ago I took an enneagram test and my result was that I'm a Type 6 (The Loyal Skeptic) and I was so startled by how dead-on accurate it describes so plainly and clearly my biggest mental struggles. I don't mean tendencies to get pissed off, sad, etc. I mean the context behind it all. As some of you who have put up with a lot of my repeating posts know of my internal struggle to move out from home, struggling with the life purpose course and coming up with a life purpose, inability to make decisions, take more responsibility, etc. and the moment I got started reading the particular weaknesses here's what came up (see below images)... I mean it's SPOT ON (I mostly agree with the neurotic tendencies cause that's mostly what's goes on within me). 

I share this because I think this seems to be a great tool to understanding 'why does my character/ego behave and operate the way it does?' There seem to be a lot of resources for resolving this stuff. Thought I'd share

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Yes, Enneagram is a very accurate mirror for almost anything although online tests often are not that accurate.

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Anyone who is interested to explore the Enneagram, could check out these books (I would stay away from books that only deal with Enneagram in a superficial way):


intermediate: (audio program, different to the book with same title)


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looking at this from a very cynical devil's advocate sort of way, I just see universal human traits here.

The kingdom of heaven is within.

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Everyone has elements of all types and therefore the descriptions are "universal" but everyone has one main type that shapes one's world view and view of themselves. The type is like a filter through which life is perceived. So, if the description of the 6 is "just how life is", it may be you are a 6 (which is also sometimes called devil's advocate) too. xD

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