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Lucid dreaming

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I've been trying to lucid dream for the last few weeks with no success.  Started a dream journal in my common place book, but most of the time when i wake up i can't remember anything. I usually write the time i went to sleep, woke up and then whatever i can remember. Many times i end up writing, i can't remember anything from last nights dreams.


What am i doing wrong?

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@Wisebaxter No,  how often should I be doing it?


I've noticed when i do NO FAP my dreams are much more stronger too

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@herghly I have to confess I'm no expert but I would be doing them at least 4-5 times per day. Pressing against the palm of one hand with the fingers of your other hand, or just stopping to ask yourself, am I dreaming right now? Maybe set up a timer on your phone to do those, maybe at the same time. Then your subconscious mind will be primed to ask that question when you're asleep. Start to get into the frame of mind that you could be dreaming at any point, and in fact, your waking state is a dream according to Leo so you pretty much are anyway. Interesting about the NoFap. I find meditating every day makes my dreams super vivid. This video seems pretty good. I would take this guys advice over mine as he seems experienced and I got most of my info from him:


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@Wisebaxter Thank you for sharing. I'll set an alarm on my phone to do a reality check every few hours

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@herghly There is a very helpful and enjoyable forum over at for lucid dreaming

It will probably take you longer than a few weeks so.
Do reality checks as often as possible. Even better if you do "lucid living" where you constantly question your surroundings. It´s very similar to self enquiry. I combine the two.

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@herghly if you set a strong intention to remember your dreams, it will happen.  Do this :

Before you lie down, write in your notebook "I will wake up from my dream and remember it."  write it 10 times if you want. Really feel that it will happen, and as you write it, visualize yourself actually waking up from a dream, remembering it, and writing it down. Yes, even if it happens at 1am. 

Then, lie down and go to sleep. As you drift off, repeat in your head like a mantra the same phrase you wrote in your notebook "I will wake up from my dream and remember it". Say it as many times as you can.... If you can drift off to sleep while doing it then great! But if not it will still work. Just repeat it like 20 times while visualizing that it will happen, and then roll over and go to sleep.. 

Doing this you will have a high chance of waking up in the middle of the night and remembering at least a portion of the dream you just awoke from. Write this down! 

The problem is, if this doesn't work the first night or so, people get discouraged and give up. Don't do that. It will work! 

Now, after you have woken up and written down your dream, as you drift back asleep, your new mantra will be "the next time I am dreaming, I will remember I am dreaming" this will help to spontaneously induce lucidity in your next few dreams.  I also like the phrase "the next thing I see will be a dream" 

I personally have an iPad with a keyboard on it for easy writing down dreams in the dark. 

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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@seeking_brilliance Great techniques. Tonight I will write "I will wake up from my dream and remember it"

Last night I had the most vivid dream in a long time, hopefully this is a good sign that I'm improving



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