Revolutionary Think

Practical application video idea

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@Leo Gura You talk about videos where wage slavery sucks and I totally agree. I don't know what it is but, I personally have a hard time navigating the job market and starting my own business. A lot of schools (even when we went to business school) don't teach us about how to bring value in a way that makes money for us. Can you make a super practical video for people like me who have an extremely hard time to find a fulfilling job or make their way into a business? I mean I have talent and I'm a hard worker the big problem that I'm having is making my way through a gatekeeper like HR or putting something together for a business. I'm just wondering what kind of actions I can apply to deal with this and show my value in a way that I can make money which my schools and my family didn't go over (other than being a wage slave). 

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I have@Revolutionary Think  similar situation. It disturbs me though.  After all we all live in a realistic world, it's difficult to be immune to the success money oriented mentality which is the standard of our current society.

Can any friends elaborate on the solution, or a map? thank you. 

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If you actually have a plan to start a business I'd visit the SBA and get them to walk me through the whole process.

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