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My first mystical experience as a Newbie

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Hi there,

In this post I will share my first mystical experience as a Newbie in this journey. As you read this, please don't take my words too litterally as I have obviously no clue what I'm talking about (apart from the experience itself). I attempt to get my experience across to you given my current vocabulary.

Pre-dispositions: How does a mystical experience happens to a Newbie? In this post I explain that I went to a chakra yoga workshop (a week ago) and that unusual things have happened to me ever since. Including but not limited to: uplifted mood, spontaneous head and body movements in particular during meditation.
Some more things I noticed during the week:
- spontaneous very relaxed state where mind shuts up and body stay still
- constant feeling of something pulling up in my skull
- random moments of increased awareness and increased sensitivity
- sensations of hot and cold in the hands
- weird moments where I see very clearly the stories my mind (and other people mind's) create and how much I (and they) completely believe them, and I start laughing.

The moment my experience happened: on Friday evening I went to sleep. I had done a bunch of Sedona releasing so I was very calm and relaxed when going to sleep.

I close my eyes and started going into this transition state (between sleeping and non-sleeping), as I usually would.
Eventually I did fall asleep. This time however, instead of getting to 'the sleep state', I arrived somewhere else. To a place I had never been before.
It was completely dark. There was a constant noise. The noise was very high-pitched. Do you remember the noise a computer would make in the 90s when turning it on? That was a similar noise. It was a bit "vibrating" (going up and down) and very unconfortable to hear.
It was very vivid. A dream is usually all fuzzy, but in this place I was very present and aware and I could think consciously. I thought: "What is happening? this is really freaky! OMG it's one of the freaky experiences @Leo Gura said could happen to me too if I wanted!".
I was a little scared. I stayed a little and looked around, but there was nothing to see, only darkness. I thought about asking a question, but I was scared so I did not.
Other than the darkness and the noise, I knew I was lying there sleeping, and I knew that I would wake up at some point. More importantly, I had the feeling that I was floating in the air. I thought :"Holy shit! Right now, if someone could take a picture of me sleeping, my body would be floating 20 cm above my bed".

At some point, I decided I would wake up because I was a little freaked out. I wanted to leave this place. So I "pushed" and I woke up.
Obviously my body was still on the bed, the floating was just a sensation.

I immediately googled this. Results directed me to out-of-body experiences. But if I understand well, during an out-of-body experience you see your surroundings? I saw nothing but darkness. There was nowhere to go and nothing to see. Just a noise (/vibration) and a floating sensation.

If any of you is familiar with this, can you tell me how you would name this experience? What this noise could potentially be about?

Many thanks!

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I had a very similar experience when I was a teenager. I believe my own experience was 'meant' as a message from my higher self to kickstart my spiritual journey. To show me that consciousness can exist outside the physical body. :)

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