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First time really tripping

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I have actually taken psychedelics before, Acid twice and shrooms twice, though my first mushroom trip doesn't count because the shrooms were bunk, same with my first time taking acid. My second acid trip was awesome but it was more of a light show than anything else. My second shroom trip was very intense but at least I know what a bad trip feels like now. I've also done a small amount of dmt but not enough to break through or anything crazy. The upcoming trip I plan on having will be the first time I try to gain anything by tripping. I plan to take around 150-200 ug of Al-Lad on my birthday in 1 month. I've kept a semi-consistent meditation habit going for about 4 months, and I'd say i'm about ready to experience my first taste of the truth. I know an argument could be made for taking the meditation path slow because the meditative states you experience for the first time would be so much more life changing if you weren't doing psychedelics which fling you way past those states and into the void. Non the less, I think this could be very beneficial to me and my practice and I was wondering what else I could start doing between now and my trip, in exactly one month, that would help me get more out of my it.

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200ug is too high. Start lower.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Don't think too much about "getting the most out of it". This right there can be a huge hindrance to going deep in your trips. That being said, keep your meditation habit, maybe extend the time of sitting slowly and educate yourself about how to trip safely and how to deal with different states of ego games. Basically let everything be as it is unconditionally and you will see what you need to see. Don't fight ANYthing during the trip. Rather be as conscious as possible (but don't try mentally to be!). That's why the meditation habit is so important, to get a feel for what this actually means. 

And as Leo suggests, start low, work your way up. This way you get a sense of what you can handle and what the traps are. To me, there is also a small difference between only being aware of pure being or "actively" contemplating something like "Who Am I?". In the end I found they are both morphing into each other, but especially in the beginning it's easy to get lost in thought so be on guard :) 

Edited by peanutspathtotruth

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