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Physical Death Equals Enlightenment?

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So by killing off the ego (illusory self/maya etc...) do you not enter in such state of awareness that is close to or the same as physical death? If so, then wouldn't it be logical that our actual deaths as forms will bring with that full enlightenment? Also if you've had enlightenment experiences, should you call yourself enlightened after you enter the maya again in order to live your life? Can you live your life constantly in an enlightened state? (If that even makes sense to ask)


If death leads to full enlightenment, then that leads to something I've been thinking about recently: Are Islam extremists actually doing their victims a huge favor in the name of their warped beliefs? Is it possible their beliefs are not warped, but they actually know this to be the truth (or some people in there know it) and they are the "bad" parent, but the parent who ultimately does the hard work of getting rid of this illusion?


But then again if death is enlightenment we are all going to die, so Islamist killing us is not really that big of a service anyway :D...

Edited by Dodoster

-1/12 is Infinity 

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Good Questions. As far as i know, physical death does not lead to enlightenment. The reason is because the content of your consciousness continues even after physical death and will reincarnate in another form in some other time period (billions of years possibly, it makes no difference in unconsciousness). The content is all your past and all the formations within the psyche (which is not limited to only 1 life). 
The normal human mind is very ignorant about death and does not realise that one is infact terminally ill and will die very shortly (80 years is nothing in terms of cosmic time), and until one contemplates this inevitable death, the content cannot be emptied out and will continue. 
Only by contemplating death can one 'die before you die' and empty the contents of consciousness. This is the art of dying whilst living and so freeing oneself from the fear of death by finding out that death is only for the body and not for YOU (you are the conscious presence that witnesses all). But you won't know this until you have actually died to the false self. This is real meditation. To perceive the truth about death. 

'Muslim' is simply a concept/set of thoughts that the false self has identified itself with, and the madness that is going on due to ideological identification is simply absurd. But if they were to kill you, you would not awaken then because your mind is still full of time/thought (content). 

The Buddha has said that you have shed more tears in past lifetimes from sorrow then there is water is the four oceans. THAT is how long you have been on this endless cycle of rebirths, that is how much content is in your psyche. 
Die to the past now, in order to be liberated from the bondage of time and suffering. 

Hope this helps.


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You are saying that one will become enlightened upon his death. But then who is this one who has become enlightened?

Also when you are enlightened you don't "enter" maya again. There is no escaping or entering maya, it is a part of everything. It's not this separate illusion or something. Being enlightened is just being aware of this "illusion". I would not call enlightenment a state, I think you got the wrong idea there.

Don't fall into the trap into thinking that this illusion is bad, nothing is bad. Everything is exactly as it should be. Killing someone to make him enlightened defeats the purpose of this universe, the purpose of experience and expression. Everything we label as good and bad is a part of the total experience


RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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7 hours ago, Dodoster said:

If death leads to full enlightenment...

On the path to spiritual enlightenment, from what I've experienced, nothing leads you nowhere.:)

And this is exactly where I want to be!

You are trying to make sens out of something that doesn't make sens at all.

Stop the question-answering process my friend! 

Who Am I to judge? When I think I know, I don't know that I don't know.

"Things don't change when they are understood. Understanding reinforces the intellect (the ego). The seeker has to make room to the meditative state."

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40 minutes ago, Nic said:

On the path to spiritual enlightenment, from what I've experienced, nothing leads you nowhere.:)

And this is exactly where I want to be!

You are trying to make sens out of something that doesn't make sens at all.

Stop the question-answering process my friend! 

What about the experiences of other dimensions? I have this memory of navigating through other dimensions maybe before I was born or after I died. Now I know I can be deceiving myself or it might've been a dream, but it looks pretty damn real in my memory... That's the sort of thing I'm talking about, Being aware of higher dimensions and ultimately having the actual sense of being an infinite being.

-1/12 is Infinity 

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Hi dodoster, I have paranormal experiences myself, I don't know if I'm deceiving myself, I wouldn't say that those exist or not, Ultimately, at this present moment, I just can believe to know the truth but I will not experience the truth unless I become enlightened, about para or normal experiences alike. 

What tells me that enlightenment can give me or anybody answers on the paranormal... ? There might be another level...

What I know, it seems like to me, there is something else to this life that our eyes can see. I'm not trying to make sens out of it, I'm not labeling it, not judging it, I just do a simple observation. 

My point is that you are looking for an answer that sounds logical to you. I can give you a lot of answers about the after/before life... will you bite into it? How will you be sure that this is the truth? Believing me will not bring you closer to the truth because it just won't be. But after you believed me, one day, a so called professional about the paranormal or the normal will tell you a better story that you'll bite into. Cool man, your rational part of your mind will be satisfied again, but you will just believe in a story that brought you satisfaction for not being in doubt anymore. And this time you will be sure to be sure! 

What we are doing here on this forum is mostly mind chattering to its finest. Exchanging, comparing and believing ideas or answers to questions that are not valid. Even what I tell you right now is mind chatter.

Nothing is logical, especially the paranormal, my advice is that you should look at those experiences like any other experience, it just happened. Nothing is bad or good, nothing makes sens, not even and especially the fact that we can ask ourselves questions. Don't worry, I was looking for answers too and most people still do!;) 

Your last question is about past events... the questions on the top can't be verified and are implying to many factors for one to tell you the correct answer. Just live the present moment, which is not possible if you are trying to make sens about the world. The only sens you will find will satisfy your mind but it won't be the truth.

If you want to see a sign from those experiences, I would recommend you to follow your intuition (as I see it, your heart, nature's intelligence), but not your common sens (so called human intelligence). Unless a ghost punches you in the face and tells you that he is going to make your life a living hell, I wouldn't worry.9_9 Embrace those moments of not knowing what is happening!


Take care

Edited by Nic

Who Am I to judge? When I think I know, I don't know that I don't know.

"Things don't change when they are understood. Understanding reinforces the intellect (the ego). The seeker has to make room to the meditative state."

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idk shit man


past lives

what happens after death

anything man

I heard sadguru discuss reincarnation once with someone in a video, but immediately stopped himself and said "but this isn't good to talk about because the mind makes up all kinds of stories" 

So I'm going to take his wisdom and not let my mind wander about this...

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@Dodoster Conscious death is the door to enlightenment. If you die consciously you will be born consciously the next life, and that life will be your last one in a body on planet earth. 

There is a Tibetan method "Bardo" for the people who meditated but missed enlightenment in their life. The Bardo is a  simple method but with great significance. The Bardo is suggestions to the dying person: “Now be silent. Leave this life consciously. Rather than death taking it away from you, relax your hold; don’t be defeated by death, don’t struggle. Just drop all your attachment. This world is finished for you, and this life is finished for you. There is no point in holding on to it; in holding on to it you will be fighting with death. You cannot win, and a very significant possibility will be missed.

It is the end of a dream. That is the fundamental point in bardo, that you have lived a dream that you call life, a seventy-year-long dream. It is coming to an end. You can weep for the spilled milk and miss the opportunity – because within seconds you will be entering into another womb, into another dream.

So bardo is reminding you that what is disappearing was a dream. And it is very easy when death is coming to see your life as a dream. 

The person is just falling into deep silence and death is descending. And he is listening to these words from someone he has loved, he has trusted, from someone whom he cannot imagine would deceive him – only then is it meaningful.

Edited by Prabhaker

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 In the Jaina tradition in India death has also been used to strengthen willpower. Mahavira is the only person in the world who allowed if any seeker wished to use death for this purpose. No one else has given such permission. Only Mahavira has said one can use death as a spiritual discipline -- but not the kind of instantaneous death which occurs by taking poison. One can't build his willpower in one instant; it requires a long span of time. Mahavira says, "Go on a fast, and die of hunger."

Mahavira was fully assured that no one dies really. Hence he felt there was no need to worry so much about death, and he found no harm in a seeker pursuing this discipline. Mahavira was also confident that if a man were to seek death unwaveringly for fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, or a hundred days, the very greatness of that event is bound to transform him.

In India it is legal right for Jaina tradition.

Edited by Prabhaker

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On 4/6/2016 at 3:38 PM, Dodoster said:

Can you live your life constantly in an enlightened state?

Buddha lived for forty years after his enlightenment, Mahavira also lived for forty years after his enlightenment. It is these forty years which became useful to us.

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1 hour ago, Prabhaker said:

@Dodoster If you die consciously you will be born consciously the next life, and that life will be your last one in a body on planet earth. 

How do you know this?
And what happens after the last one? 

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1 hour ago, DoubleYou said:

How do you know this?
And what happens after the last one? 

Maybe you become a non living conciousness that can see whatever it wants and relax, like watching movies, instead of being one of the actors. Hehe, would be heaven for me :D im signed up

-1/12 is Infinity 

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59 minutes ago, DoubleYou said:

How do you know this?

This is traditional knowledge of the east. Many enlightened masters of the past and present (including Osho, Sadhuru, Ram Dass) have approved it. For details you can refer "Tibetan Book of the Dead" revealed by Karma Lingpa (1326–1386). 


1 hour ago, DoubleYou said:

And what happens after the last one? 

 Your consciousness will be dissolved into the universal ocean of consciousness.  Buddha before leaving his body he says that what he had attained under the bodhi tree was just nirvana, emptiness or enlightenment and what he is now going to attain will be mahanirvana or supreme emptiness or great enlightenment. 

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3 minutes ago, Prabhaker said:

This is traditional knowledge of the east. Many enlightened masters of the past and present (including Osho, Sadhuru, Ram Dass) have approved it. For details you can refer "Tibetan Book of the Dead" revealed by Karma Lingpa (1326–1386). 


 Your consciousness will be dissolved into the universal ocean of consciousness.  Buddha before leaving his body he says that what he had attained under the bodhi tree was just nirvana, emptiness or enlightenment and what he is now going to attain will be mahanirvana or supreme emptiness or great enlightenment. 

Unless i was buddah which would mean he failed? :D

-1/12 is Infinity 

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16 minutes ago, Dodoster said:

Maybe you become a non living conciousness that can see whatever it wants and relax, like watching movies, instead of being one of the actors.

How almost everybody here  knows about 'enlightenment' ? It is a fiction !

Edited by Prabhaker

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