
Life Purpose leading to enlightenment/ post-grad in Earth education and communicaton

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While I've observed that nearly all independent creative professionals CAN develop sensitivity towards realizing the non-dual nature of our existence through their particular line of work, there are some subjects/fields better suited than others. This may entirely me personal/temperamental thing, but I'm sure there is substance to it 'objectively' as well.

I've studied architecture and have a strong inclination towards communication design. I am considering doing post-grad in either Earth Education and Communication(EEC) or New Media/ Experimental Media Arts(EMA). 

1. Earth Education and Communication: [Unclear aim] So I looked around as asked myself; What is most required in the World right now (that I can provide)? .. The way the program is conducted is extremely transdisciplinary and observation-based. Basically, 2 years of travelling into remote areas, understanding the inter-dependent nature of our existence. Nothing seems like a better lifestyle and conducive to enlightenment to me than observing wildlife for a 6-month project. So far, there has not been more than 3 people in a batch, that's a plus for me.

2. New Media Design / Experimental Media Arts: [Aimed towards becoming an independent Artist]. I'm working on putting complex concepts into visual form. One recent project is called 'Ways of conceptualizing the self' which uses abstract interactive art to explore 'Lonely/Separated from everything', 'A node in a network'(an information node, a biological node, a social node), 'connected to everything on a cellular level', etc. These concepts cannot be expressed effectively by any one medium. In my vision, as of now, these require a complex combination of Visuals, sound and interactivity, using mediums like projections, VR and generative art. There are many many other concepts that if dealt with well enough, can make someone emotional/have goosebumps and leave with an incredible experience.


I know this is a personal call, but I'd love to have some advice. 


if you're interested, here are the websites of the above-mentioned courses:

EEC: http://srishti.ac.in/programs/postgraduate-program-in-earth-education-and-communication-2018-19 

NMD: http://www.nid.edu/education/master-design/new-media-design/p-overview.html


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