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Tancrede Pouyat


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So,  I know skepticism is good, if it doesn't turn into an ego defence mechanism. But I'm having a hard time understanding exactly why, and what can we do with that ? Any help will be greatly appreciated :) 

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Skepticism is good if it causes us to look deeper rather than to avoid. By not taking things at face value we can look deeper and at a broader realm and come out with a more rounded experience and knowledge.

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Ignorance is being a sceptic and not knowing you are a sceptic. If you think you are a sceptic, you are no longer a sceptic because you have a clue of something beyond. So, in reality, you can never know whether you are a sceptic or not!

A skeptic is stuck in a paradigm and closes all other possibilities. But this creation is of all possibilities. As one understands the paradigm shift, skepticism is removed.

A real scientist can never afford to be a skeptic because skepticism closes down possibilities and does not continue to probe into unknown areas of existence.

In short, skepticism is an "I know it all" attitude, and this attitude is unscientific. Skepticism is dispelled by Knowledge. Perception and inference are two means of knowing.

In every human being deep inside, there is faith and love. What you think is skepticism is only a thin layer. If you hold in your mind that they are skeptics you empower their skepticism.

Do not recognize someone's skepticism and try to argue with them. Argument strengthens their skepticism. Fear of interference in one's freedom brings more resistance and causes skepticism.

Your silence and the smile from your heart will dispel their skepticism. There is nothing better than silence to break skepticism. Silence means the quality of consciousness, not just keeping lips tight.

Skepticism doesn't come up in children. It comes only with people who walk with boundaries. Children have no skepticism. They live in their fantasy world, a world of many possibilities. Their world is one of innocence, joy, beauty, and so much love.

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@Brian Greendahl Yes !! Exactly !! My intuition told me that, but for some reason, I could not elicit it clearly, like you did :) Thank you !

@Henri I completely agree with your definition of ignorance ! And I like your way of dealing with sceptics, it is empowering. Thank you.

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10 hours ago, Tancrede Pouyat said:

So,  I know skepticism is good, if it doesn't turn into an ego defence mechanism. But I'm having a hard time understanding exactly why, and what can we do with that ? Any help will be greatly appreciated :) 

Personally, I like the way the Buddha put it, faith should be tempered by wisdom.

I think Henri pretty much put it in modern terms.  Faith is trust, Wisdom is knowledge and understanding.  Sometimes trust can be delusional. In which case wisdom will tip you off of exactly that.

This is more open than skepticism, but is still careful enough to see past false ideas/concepts/actions, etc.

Edited by SkyPanther

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