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The importance of awareness.

2 posts in this topic

Hey guys,

I'm a guy very low on the Maslow Pyramid. So the thing I will discuss is probably not a problem for you guys haha.


So I'm going to a nlp therapist a few months now. And I'm beginning to get flashbacks and emotions I've hided for many years.

For example : anxiety.


I thought I didn't have social anxiety anymore since I rarely felt anxious. Today I went to the gym. I felt anxious for the first time in years. When I entered the gym I felt no anxiety. I did feel a huge drop in awareness. I couldn't concentrate and I was being angry at people, judging them. 


Conclusion: Anger is in this situation a defensive mechanism. Low conscious is a way to not having to deal with emotions.


Finally I understand wy Leo is saying ''raise your awareness''

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