
No matter what I say, people are very angry and irritated

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I can't talk to my father, I can't talk to some of my friends without this happening, when I meet someone new they are pissed off. Sometimes even strangers on the street are looking very angrily at me, sometimes even stare. 

I just say something and people don't reply. They make an irritated sigh or noise sometimes. Or they ignore me and I feel the pressure between us. Why do some people do this?

I cannot be natural around my loved ones anymore. I cannot say what I want or feel. I started to be scared to express my emotions and wants and needs. It created a deep fear of initiating conversations.

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I thought that the following video was nonsense, but maybe Alana Greene was on to something:


I have permanently locked myself out of my account to force myself to focus on my work. Goodbye.

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@StardewValley Yeah, it's usually when I have many awakenings, and the happier I am and the more genuine I am, people tend to respond very aggressively and tend to drag me down. It's exactly like she describes it.

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More natural, more conflict with the outside dormant people. They will see you as a troll or even they will feel irritated around one.

So, in the end, there is no solution, you lift them up but is a danger (you can get stuck in the process), or you do your life alone at your own pace. 


Edited by Hellspeed

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@Hellspeed Yeah, I mean today I remembered a cute memory from childhood, it was related to coffee and t-shirts, and I started telling it to my father and I was very excited about it, and he got up from the table and he cut in the conversation really loudly, talking to his mother about something entirely else, while ignoring me like I said nothing.

I also often catch people staring at me when I eat in restaurants.

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Its about the energy that doesnt fit into their mode of cant help it its the "subconcious" thing...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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29 minutes ago, Aquarius said:

@Hellspeed Yeah, I mean today I remembered a cute memory from childhood, it was related to coffee and t-shirts, and I started telling it to my father and I was very excited about it, and he got up from the table and he cut in the conversation really loudly, talking to his mother about something entirely else, while ignoring me like I said nothing.

I also often catch people staring at me when I eat in restaurants.

Maybe you have a very strong inner attraction, and many, mostly men can get irritated. 

... 7 rabbits will live forever.                                                                                                                                                                                                  



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@Hellspeed Strong inner attraction? What does that mean? I mean he's my father, what is this supposed to mean?

@NoSelfSelf I guess so. I actually just got a call 5 minutes ago from my best friend. I asked him why he gets irritated. He says that my questions are pointless, dumb, and have no answers.

But I think I ask him even better questions than the content I post on this forum. I'm not saying my content is good, I'm just saying that I get replies on my topics on here so why can't I get an answers from him on intelligent questions?

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2 hours ago, Aquarius said:

I can't talk to my father, I can't talk to some of my friends without this happening, when I meet someone new they are pissed off. Sometimes even strangers on the street are looking very angrily at me, sometimes even stare. 

I just say something and people don't reply. They make an irritated sigh or noise sometimes. Or they ignore me and I feel the pressure between us. Why do some people do this?

I cannot be natural around my loved ones anymore. I cannot say what I want or feel. I started to be scared to express my emotions and wants and needs. It created a deep fear of initiating conversations.

Are you sure you're not overthinking this and cherry picking situations when in fact it doesn't happen that often ?

If it's really all the time, you carry some dark energy Inside you, and everyone is feeling it.
They may not be aware of it, but they inconsciously feel it and this is the reason they attack or ignore you.
People don't want to be near someone who gives them bad vibes, their life is already full of drama and negativity as it is.

Try video call the person who wanted to help you, just to see what he/she has to said.


Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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I don't know why but I think I would be the one who gets irritated also :D it's very subtle resistence.

Some kind of energy dark or dishonesty maybe, idk.

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@Aquarius hahah the irony i know that, the better queastion the dumber you look in someones eyes my father easily gets annoyed by deeper queastions and he says you ask dumb queastions ask me a normal one...i found that you dont have anything good to say to people 99% they talk about how some problem is happening or gossip mybe 1% is about some idea...then people wonder why im quiet joking around and had humorous comments is best when talking with people idk ?

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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Do you have a habit of telling the unvarnished truth?  That will do it as most people don’t want to be straightforward and unguarded.

I can see right now though what your underlying problem is.  You need to figure out how to stop giving two shits what other people think about you.  That’s causing you a lot of suffering.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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7 minutes ago, Aquarius said:

@Shin Well.. ok. :/ 

@NoSelfSelf Yeah that's my father too lol.

@Joseph Maynor True, I care too much. What's the underlying problem though? I'm curious of your perspective.

Could also be what Joseph said.

You always says the harsh truth, and that piss 99% of people off, because they don't want to know how they lie to themselves on almost everything.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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15 minutes ago, Aquarius said:

@Shin Well.. ok. :/ 

@NoSelfSelf Yeah that's my father too lol.

@Joseph Maynor True, I care too much. What's the underlying problem though? I'm curious of your perspective.

The underlying problem is you care too much about what other people are thinking or doing.  You wanna be internally grounded.  This is something you’ll get fixed more and more as you do Personal Development work.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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30 minutes ago, Shin said:

You always says the harsh truth, and that piss 99% of people off, because they don't want to know how they lie to themselves on almost everything.

I do that sometimes, but on an innocent tone, I never really blame people. And in most cases I avoid it completely. I usually can communicate truths without hurting someone so I doubt this is it.

24 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

The underlying problem is you care too much about what other people are thinking or doing.  You wanna be internally grounded.  This is something you’ll get fixed more and more as you do Personal Development work.  

I know what grounding is, and it's true, I can't center myself that well. I feel too much and too intensely.

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44 minutes ago, Aquarius said:

I do that sometimes, but on an innocent tone, I never really blame people. And in most cases I avoid it completely. I usually can communicate truths without hurting someone so I doubt this is it.

I know what grounding is, and it's true, I can't center myself that well. I feel too much and too intensely.

It’s a self-fulfilling prophesy in effect too.  When you walk into a situation thinking that something is gonna happen a certain way, you usually create that outcome.  And people can pick up neurotic energy off you too.  That’s why it’s best to approach other people in a very centered I don’t give a shit kind of way.  And then everybody is attracted to you because you're internally grounded. 

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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4 hours ago, Aquarius said:

@Hellspeed Strong inner attraction? What does that mean? I mean he's my father, what is this supposed to mean?



We are in a deep bondage with the family and conflict can arise. So if you attract very much the attention on the street simply means that you are focussed too much in the head. 

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@Aquarius maybe the reason why you feel this way is because you're completely unaware of what karma is?

study it. If somebody acts angry at you, its because you made them angry. You are in no way obliged to make someone angry, its only because YOU did something to make them angry.

Ramana Maharshi didn't make his father angry when talking about spirituality, Rumi didn't either, so didn't many others. 

You can say things in a way that makes people angry, and say things in a way which doesn't

There's nothing wrong with making people angry, but don't blame that result on the form of the universe, they are angry because YOU made them angry. They would not be angry if YOU didn't make them angry, and you have the potential to do that. 

You can tell them the truth, and its ok if they get angry, the love and appreciation you will get from god will far outweigh the petty reactions of the people around you. Keep shining that light, and forget about the angry responses it yields.

Heck Jesus took this approach so far that he died on the cross. 

Edited by electroBeam

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Your problems lie within. 

Give out what you would like to receive...this being said, i dont mean manipulate or have expectations of others.

What Joseph says is right...explore your intentions in every interaction. 

You said you have some deep fear to engage and open up. What is it you fear? What beliefs are you holding surrounding this fear? Find these answers within yourself and get to the root cause...this can be overcome as quickly as it started so dont wait

start now :)

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