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Fear of death after Mushrooms/meditation.

3 posts in this topic

Hello guys,

I would love to hear your opinion about this.

A few weeks ago I took mushrooms for the first time (paddo's). I had a panic attack at the end of the trip. I thought I was going to die.

Now a few weeks later I sometimes have this pressure on my chest. This comes and goes away.

Today after my daily strong determination sit, after hard concentrating. I felt a bit anxious. But it went away. 

20 minutes ago I went outside to go to the gym and I felt a panick attack coming. I didn't know what I was anxious for. Only thing I could think of was fear of death.


It's crazy cause as a small child I thought about death a lot and since then I rarely thought of it again. Now it's rising up.


How can I deal with this? What is your experience? 



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59 minutes ago, Healingheart said:

How can I deal with this?

You don't.

You just let it do its thing.

The ego will persistently fight you to not go any further. Some ease their selves into the dissolution, others do it all in one go.

Observe the feeling. Let it be. Let it pass.

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